Tuesday, September 2, 2014 – 5:00 P.M.
Council Chambers – Denison, Iowa
The first regular City Council Meeting of the City of Denison, Iowa was held pursuant to law on the above date
and hour; Mayor Bonner called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. with the following members present:
Motion Leinen/Mahrt to approve the agenda Ayes: 3 Motion carried.
Motion Ahart/Mahrt to approve the following items on the consent agenda: a) approve and waive the reading of the
minutes for 8/19/14; b) approve the bills as presented; c) approve Rotary’s application to DOT for the Adopt-A-Highway
Program; d) approve PCE #1 for Midwest Tennis & Track for the 2014 Tennis Court Project; e) approve liquor license for
Lucky Lanes Bowling Alley. Ayes: 3 Motion carried.
Public Hearing was held at 5:00 p.m. on the Core Overlay. There were no written or oral objections. Mayor
Bonner declared the hearing closed.
DEPT. HEAD REPORTS – Aquatic Director, Kempfert, informed council that there will be a youth soccer board
meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m. Public Works Director, Wiebers, reported on storm cleanup. Public works is
picking up debris curbside for the elderly or special needs citizens. Morningside Park is closed due to a tree
falling on the shelter house. Building Inspector, Reis, drove around to all city facilities to look for damage.
Pumping Tucker’s pond again. Work has begun on Idlewood Dr. Fire Chief, Snowgren, reported that 15
firefighters were on flood watch from 6 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Police Chief, Bradley, reported that there were 4
dispatch operators on duty the night of the storm event. Commended Eric Skoog for help with dispatch during
storm event. Also thanked Greg Miller and Tim Zenk for civil defense work. Bradley reported that there was a
high risk felony stop in Pronto parking lot today. Mayor proud of how everyone reacted during the storm
Public hearing was held at 5:05 p.m. on the re-zoning for Frehse Manufacturing & Boulder’s Hotel Group.
There were no written or oral objections. Mayor Bonner declared the hearing closed.
Motion Leinen/Ahart to approve the 1st reading of an ordinance amending code of ordinances by amending
the official zoning map (Frehse Manufacturing & Boulders Hotel Group). Ayes: 3 Motion carried.
Mayor Bonner read a Proclamation declaring the Official City greeting as Nice to “Meat” you.
Discussion was held regarding Iowa Craft Beer Tent’s application for a liquor license for the Tri-City BBQ.
Motion Mahrt/Leinen to approve Iowa Craft Beer Tent’s application for a liquor license for the Tri-City BBQ
Festival as shown in the CDC’s Temporary Special Event Permit Application. Ayes: 3 Motion carried.
Motion Ahart/Mahrt to waive the fees and approve the Temporary Special Event Permit Application for CDC
for Tri-City BBQ Festival Sept 19 & 20, 2014. Ayes: 3 Motion carried.
Discussion was held on the Denison Hillside maintenance. City Manager, Crawford, will check into the cost of
putting rock on the hillside vs. burning the hill off this fall and then seeding with crown veg. This item will be
on next agenda for further discussion.
Discussed drainage issue at 16 N. 26th St. Motion Mahrt/Leinen to approve the cost of $3,250.00 for
installation of a new drainage pipe. Ayes: 3 Motion carried.
Ordinance was introduced Amending Code of Ordinances by amending Chapter 5 Operating Procedures, Sec.
10, Vacancies. Motion Mahrt/Ahart that the second reading is adopted. Ayes: 3 Motion carried.
Ordinance was introduced amending Code of Ordinances by amending Chapter 121 – Cigarette & Tobacco
Permits. Motion Leinen/Mahrt that the second reading is adopted. Ayes: 3 Motion carried.
Ordinance was introduced amending Code of Ordinances by amending Chapter 18 City Clerk, Section Elections.
Motion Ahart/Mahrt that the second reading is adopted. Ayes: 3 Motion carried.
Resolution #2014-39 was introduced setting public hearing for Sept. 16, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. on GO bond issue
not to exceed $560,000.00 for LHDC project. Motion Mahrt/Leinen that the resolution is adopted. Ayes: 3
Motion carried.
Resolution #2014-40 was introduced approving the annual Street Finance Report for FY 13-14. Motion
Ahart/Mahrt that the resolution is adopted. Ayes: 3 Motion carried.
Motion Mahrt/Leinen to approve plan 1B2 of the second floor design for City Hall remodel (restroom & break
room on west end of building). Ayes: 3 Motion carried.
MAYOR REPORT – Mayor Bonner commended everyone on the handling of the storm disaster on Aug. 31st.
Citizens worked well together. There will be a debriefing on Sept. 8th at the Safety Committee meeting.
CITY MANAGER – City Manager, Crawford, thanked the Mayor for doing traffic control at the compost site on
Sept. 1st when the community began cleanup after the storm. Need to decide when & where on city wide
cleanup, if still want done before the BBQ festival. Crawford & Koch will check with Carroll refuse about
monitoring the site and will check with the fairgrounds about setting the containers there on Sept. 11th
through Sept. 13th. Councilperson, Ahart, will talk to the landfill about extended hours and call Koch
Wednesday morning.
PUBLIC FORUM – Rick Franck thanked the Mayor for an outstanding job at the compost site on Monday after
the storm.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
Lisa K. Koch, City Clerk
Signed _________________________
Brad Bonner, Mayor