Welcome to the Light of the East: Saint Joseph Byzantine Catholic

Welcome to the Light of the East: Saint Joseph Byzantine Catholic Church
814 North Fifth Street
Toronto, Ohio 43964-1620
Spiritual Father: The Reverend Father John Kapitan, Jr., O.F.M.
E-Mail: revfrjohn@sbcglobal.net
Web Site: http://www.stjosephbyzantinecatholic.com
Parish Advisory Council: Miss Dorothy Blaner, Mr. Homer Bowers, Mrs. Mary Ann Fidak and Mr. Kyle
Parish Ushers and Money Counters: Mr. Robert Hanuscin, Mrs Molly Prosko and Mr Joseph Prosko, Sr.
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
Liturgical Schedule: {A.} Saturday, 26 October 2013: Vigil Divine Liturgy for The Twenty Third Sunday
after Pentecost at 5:00 P.M. The Changeable Propers for Resurrection Tone Six may be found in the Green
Book, pages 152-153. The Intention for this Divine Liturgy is for the Parishioners, Families, Founders and
Benefactors of the Parish. {B.} Saturday, 3 November 2013: Vigil Divine Liturgy for The Twenty Fourth
Sunday after Pentecost at 5:00 P.M. The Propers for Resurrection Tone Seven may be found in the Green
Book, pages 156-158. The Intention for this Divine Liturgy is for the Parishioners, Families, Founders and
Benefactors of the Parish. {C.} Friday, 8 November 2013: Divine Liturgy for the Solemn Holyday for the
Archangel Michael and All Angels, at 5:00 P.M. {D.} Thursday, 21 November 2013: Divine Liturgy for the
Solemn Holyday for the Entrance of the Theotokos at 5:00 P.M. {E.} Friday, 6 December 2013: Divine
Liturgy for the Solemn Holyday for Saint Nicholas of Myra, Archbishop at 5:00 P.M.
Parish Financials: Archeparchial Share Account Balance: 30 June 2013: $27,008.99 Checking Account
Balance: 30 September 2013 $6,909.43 and 1 August 2013: $7,993.83
Income: $6,521.30 with Expenses of $7,605.70 equals a WEEKLY DEFICIT of $135.55
Advanced Welcome is extended to Miss Kristina Danovich, one of the Student Cantors from The Blessed
Theodore Romza Society of The Franciscan University, Steubenville, for sharing her prayerful voice at this
past Sunday's Divine Liturgy at Saint the Forerunner and Baptist and she has agreed to return as her
schedule permits to help both parishes with its public prayer! She is tentatively planning to attend our
Divine Liturgy, Friday, 8 November 2013. Her pedigree, is very strong. Her father is Father Deacon
James, who serves at the Eparchial Pro Cathedral of Saint Stephens, Phoenix, Az. Her uncle Mr. John,
serves as Cantor at Saint Athanasius the Great Byzantine Catholic Church, Indianapolis, In.
Minor Repairs to the Church Steps and to the Outdoor Shrine to the Theotokos: The Steps have been
power-washed and has been sealed to prevent additional deterioration to the Sandstone. The Outdoor
Shrine to the Theotokos will be sealed to protect the recent restoration of the brick base. The cost of this
effort is $250.00 and has been DONATED! Thank You! Thank You for your generous financial responses
since my arrival on 3 October 2013! With the Grace of God, the parish has received approximately $12,000.00
outside of the Church Offertories!
Quick-books Financial Software has been purchased to meet the direction of The Metropolitan Archbishop
+ William at the cost of $300.00. The Specific Details of this endeavour has been published in The
Byzantine Catholic World dated 29 September 2013!
Offerings: Please be aware, that our expenses continue even if you are absent and is VERY necessary to the
Financial SURVIVAL of YOUR parish! Please keep your church in mind as you plan your Last Will and
Upcoming Events: {a.} The NEXT After Divine Liturgy Social Hour, is TODAY Saturday, 26 October
2013. {b.} Our first Executive Session Parish Advisory Council Meeting is currently scheduled to take
place after today's social. {c.} Sunday, 3 November 2013, 2 O’Clock A.M., our clocks will FALL Back to 1
O’Clock A.M. {d.} Special Divine Liturgy for the Memory of Saint John Chrysostom, 13 November 2013,
4:45 P.M. at the Franciscan University Chapel, Steubenville. {e.} The Philips Fast from Sunset 14 November
2013 until Divine Liturgy, 24 December 2013. {f.} Divine Liturgy for The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ, Wednesday, 25 December 2013 at 8:00 A.M.
Mystery of Reconciliation: 45 minutes prior to Divine Liturgy, that being 15 after the hour to quarter to the
hour. Or by appointment.
What does it take to make a Vibrant Parish? Ability to continually meet expenses AND to have a RAINY
DAY Fund of AT Least SIX Months, with a Major Expenditure fund of at least $75,000.00! An ECF
Program! Outreach to the Community! Commitment through regular attendance! Frequent Public and
Private Prayer! Outreach to those who are estranged from the Parish for whatever reason and to those
Children of God who were not received properly via The Mysteries of Initiation! Invitation and Evangelization!
Living of the Law of Moses, The Beatitudes and The Parable of The Last Judgement! It is also expected that
the Liturgical Services will be well attended and include invited Guests!
Liturgical Stipends: Divine Liturgy Stipends are welcome. Sunday and Holy of Obligation Divine
Liturgies, the Intention is ALWAYS for The Parishioners, Families, Friends and Benefactors of the Parish.
The Weekday Divine Liturgies, when scheduled, are used to satisfy Liturgical Stipends.
Responsibilities of the faithful:
{1.} Oriental Code of Canon Law - Canon 1007:
In looking after the Spiritual well being of the people of God,
The Church needs and uses, the temporal goods,
In as much as its proper mission demands it:
Therefore it has an innate right of acquiring, possessing, administering, alienating
Those temporal goods that are necessary to pursue its proper ends,
Especially for divine worship. works of apostalate and
Of charity and the fitting support of ministers.
{2,} The requirements of Number Five of The Seven Precepts of The Church:
V. To contribute to the support of the Church.
{1.} This means continual regular support to include the days the faithful are absent! The Expenses of the
Church do not take a holiday when the faithful are away do.
{2.} The Church depends upon the consistent, regular offerings of all its members. If the faithful are
unable to attend the Celebration of the Sunday Vigil Divine Liturgy or Holy-day of Obligation Divine
Liturgy, It would be very helpful if the faithful, 'make-up' their offering at the next Divine Liturgy that the
faithful are able to be present at.
The Epistle to the Hebrews Chapter 13, Douay Rheims Edition:
Verse 17:
Obey your prelates, and be subject to them. For they watch as being to render an account
of your souls; that they may do this with joy, and not with grief. For this is not expedient for you.
Verse 18:
Pray for us. For we trust we have a good conscience, being willing to behave ourselves
well in all things.
Verse 24:
Salute all your prelates, and all the saints.