November, 2015 St. Gregory of Nyssa Orthodox Church – Seaford, New York, 11783 Rev. Fr. Andrew Gromm, Pastor Lord’s Day Monday 1 St. Cosmas and St. Damian Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 9:15 Hours 9:30 Divine Liturgy Church School Fellowship Hour Thursday 4 5 8 St. Michael & the Heavenly Host 9 10 11 12 16 St. Matthew Fast 17 13 St. John Chrysostom 14 5:30 PM Vespers Fast 18 19 20 23 Fast 21 Theotokos Entrance St. Gregory’s Fall Festival10 AM to 4 PM Fast Fast 9:15 Hours 9:30 Divine Liturgy Church School Fellowship Hour or Fall Festival 24 St. Catherine 9:00 AMLiturgy Fast Fast 30 St. Andrew 9:15 Hours 9:30 Divine Liturgy Church School Fellowship Hour 9:00 AM- Liturgy Fast Fast Birthdays Dianna Cantone3 Ann Korchak- 9 Mary Sikoryak10 Birthdays Kyra Kirtyan and Mary Prieston- 11 Carolyn LesniakPopadin- 18 Fast 25 Leave of the Entrance 9:00 AM Liturgy 29 Fast 5:30 PM Vespers 9:00 AM-Liturgy 22 Fast 7 9:00 AMLiturgy Fast Nativity Fast Starts 6 Fast 9:15 Hours 9:30 Divine Liturgy Church School Fellowship Hour 9:15 Hours 9:30 Divine Liturgy Church School Fellowship Hour Saturday 9:00 AMLiturgy Fast 15 Friday December 1 Fast 26 Thanksgiving Fast (a dispensation for 4 days is normal) 2 Fast Anniversaries William & Ann Korchak- 23 3 Fast Memorials Louise Sumski- 6 Anne Kipybida & Boris Grysykin- 12 Fast 27 28 5:30 PMVespers Fast Fast 4 St. Barbara 5 9:00 AMLiturgy Fast Memorials Mary Russnak- 20 Mary Raden29 5:30 PMVespers Fast