September, 2015 St. Gregory of Nyssa Orthodox Church – Seaford, New York, 11783 Rev. Fr. Andrew Gromm, Pastor Lord’s Day Monday Aug. 30 9:15 Hours 9:30 Divine Liturgy Fellowship Hour 31 Placing of the Sash of the Theotokos Tuesday Wednesday Sept. 1 The Church New Year Thursday 2 Friday 3 Saturday 4 5 9:00 AM Liturgy 5:30 PM Vespers Fast 6 7 9:15 Hours 9:30 Divine Liturgy Fellowship Hour Fast 8 Birth of the Theotokos 9 10 9:15 Hours 9:30 Divine Liturgy Fellowship Hour Church School Outing 14 Elevation of the Holy Cross 15 Fast 16 17 19 5:30 PM Vespers Fast 21 22 Fast 23 24 25 28 29 Birthdays Georghe Staicu- 2 Lydia Sticht- 8 Christopher Romano- 11 Alana Greene17 5:30 PM Vespers Fast 30 Oct. 1 Protection of the Theotokos Birthdays Kristy Soloman- 19 Peter Appice21 Nicholas Koliarakis- 29 Strict Fast 2 3 Fast Fast Memorials Olga Moszkow- 1 Bertha Setar- 2 Thomas Griffith14 Nicholas Homan- 16 26 9:00 AM Liturgy 9:00 AMLiturgy Fast 9:15 Hours 9:30 Divine Liturgy Church School Fellowship Hour 18 9:00 AMLiturgy 9:15 Hours 9:30 Divine Liturgy Church School Fellowship Hour 27 No Vespers Fr. Andrew is in Rahway, NJ 9:00 AM Liturgy Strict Fast 20 After the Cross Elevation 12 9:00 AM Liturgy Fast 13 Before the Cross Elevation 11 9:00 AM Liturgy Anniversaries Carol & Robert Soloman- 19 Memorials Rita Gorodovich & Katherine Barrow- 23 Catherine Hawrysh- 27 5:30 PMVespers