Roma Prime Sale Summary Report March 26, 2015 A total yarding of 1803 head of cattle were penned at Roma’s Prime Sale on Thursday. Steers over 550kg sold to 222c/kg and averaged 208c/kg, while steers in the 400-550kg earned to 215c/kg and averaged 195c/kg. Heifers over 450kg sold to 200c/kg and averaged 192c/kg, while heifers in the 350-450kg sold to 188c/kg and averaged 174c/kg. Cows over 500kg peaked at 192c/kg and averaged 181c/kg, while cows in the 400-500kg class topped at 199c/kg and averaged 169c/kg. Cows 300-400kg sold to 168c/kg and averaged 144c/kg. Bulls over 600kg topped at 228c/kg and averaged 205c/kg. Description Head Av c/kg Max STEERS 226 208 222 400-550kg 104 195 215 HEIFERS 81 192 200 350-450kg 96 174 188 COWS 574 181 192 400-500kg 416 169 199 300-400kg 55 144 168 BULLS 134 205 228 over 550kg Over 450kg Over 500kg Over 600kg