Glasgow Caledonian University SEBE PhD Research Project Portfolio Project Reference Number SEBE_NCS_HT_1 School/Institute/Research Group School of Engineering and Built Environment/Institute for Sustainable Engineering and Technology Research/Networking Research Discipline Cloud computing, self-optimising computing, green ICT, energy-efficient information infrastructure and data centre Project Title Green cloud computing Research Project Summary Cloud computing is a fundamental revolution to computing. In cloud computing paradigm, computing facilities and resources are virtualized, and then delivered to users. By this way, resource providers and consumers are separated so that providers are able to pool, integrate, maintain and manage heterogeneous resources in a very large scale while users are relieved from complexity and can concentrate on their customised access flexibly to the resources. Contrast to conventional computing, the concept of cloud computing itself already supports enhanced utilisation of resources. This PhD programme aims to conduct a systematic investigation on the selfoptimising process that underpins green cloud computing. It will be based on Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model of cloud computing, and fully explore the potential for system optimisation that is made possible with the architectural reconfigurability across multiple virtual machines on a cloud platform. The scientific value of green cloud computing is far beyond “cloud” itself. Essentially, it realises the profound concept that computing resources are to be provisioned to users and what’s more, such provisioning of resources is made truly on-demand as a result of the search for the optimisation of resource configurations. The self-optimising process results from a closed loop. The status of the virtual machines is monitored and fed back into the optimisation process for the on-demand configuration and provisioning of resources. By this way, the green cloud computing will be made sure to be a fault-tolerant and robust self-optimising process. The benefits of green cloud computing is two-folded. It guarantees a better user experience, and cloud simply makes computing an everyday utility usable for public uptake. On the other hand, green cloud computing is changing the whole IT practices. Traditional IT is “bad” for its stiff configuration, poor utilisation, and low energy efficacy. Green cloud computing opens new ways of IT industry practices, and generates significant societal, organisational and business impacts. Supervisory Team Prof Huaglory Tianfield, VOTER Lab, SEBE, GCU Dr Hong Yue, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde Staff Contact Prof H Tianfield