The City of Winnipeg RFP No. 679-2011-Addendum 2 Bid Submission Page 3 of 4 Template Version: Gr220110218 – Goods RFP SO FORM B(R2): PRICES (See B12) SECTION A BLADE SERVERS Table No. 1 - UNIT PRICES – IDENTIFY ALL ITEMS/COMPONENTS (HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE) FOR ONE BLADE ENCLOSURE FULLY POPULATED WITH SERVER BLADES (see Specifications – E3 and E4) ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1. Blade Enclosure 2. Fans 3. Power Supplies 4. Administration modules 5. Interconnects 6. Intel Xeon E5-2640 (2.65 Ghz, 6 Core, 15MB Cache, 95W) (specify quantity to fully populate blade enclosure) Second Intel Xeon E5-2640 Processor (specify quantity to fully populate blade enclosure) 128 GB RAM per Server (specify quantity for minimum 128 GB memory in every server in enclosure) Remote Administration software for all servers in enclosure (specify quantity to handle every server in enclosure) USB or SD Media for VMware for each server in enclosure (specify quantity to handle every server in enclosure) Add additional lines as necessary to include all components for a fully populated Blade Enclosure 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. SKU APPROX. QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Provide price determination mechanism(s) used in the development of the unit price(s) for SKUs listed above. (see B13) Provide price determination mechanism(s) for framework pricing. (see B13) TOTAL BID PRICE (GST and MRST extra) (in figures)$ ________________________________________________ (in words)____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Name of Bidder The City of Winnipeg RFP No. 679-2011-Addendum 2 Bid Submission Page 4 of 4 Template Version: Gr220110218 – Goods RFP SO FORM B(R2): PRICES (See B12) SECTION B RACK/TOWER SERVERS Table No. 1 - UNIT PRICES – IDENTIFY ALL ITEMS/COMPONENTS (HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE) FOR A TOWER AND RACK SERVER (See Specifications – Section E3 and E5) ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1. Rack Mount Server with 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640 (2.65 Ghz, 6 Core, 15MB Cache, 95W) Processors and minimum 32GB RAM Remote Administration software for Rack Mount Server Tower Server with 2 x Intel Xeon E52640 (2.65 Ghz, 6 Core, 15MB Cache, 95W) Processors and minimum 32GB RAM Remote Administration software for Tower Server 1 x 300 GB (or larger) 15K SAS Disk Drive for Rack/Tower Server 1 x 600 GB (or larger) 15K SAS Disk Drive for Rack/Tower Server 1 x 2 TB (or larger) SATA or SAS Disk Drive for Rack/Tower Server 1 x Fiber Channel HBA for Rack/Tower Server Add additional lines as necessary to include all components for a Rack/Tower Server 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. SKU APPROX. QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Provide price determination mechanism(s) used in the development of the unit price(s) for SKUs listed above. (see B13) Provide price determination mechanism(s) for framework pricing. (see B13) TOTAL BID PRICE (GST and MRST extra) (in figures)$ ________________________________________________ (in words)____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Name of Bidder