September 11th - DDiggsWorldHistory

September 11 , 2001 Dialectical Journal
Directions: Visit the 9/11 Memorial Timeline and select a minimum of 10 entries for reflection.
These will be shared in small groups in the next class. Be sure to stagger your entries so that you
have looked at each of the affected areas.
9/11 Timeline Selection (this could be CCQPIs – Comments, Connections, Questions, Prediction,
any format: Video, audio, photo,
1. This instance is where a majority of airline
1. 5:45 A.M Security Screening:
security debates come from. Are our planes
Hijackers board plane and
truly safe? Do we have too much security, and
subdue passengers. American
is that necessarily a bad thing? Having never
pilots disabled.
been on a plane, I can’t answer those
questions fully. I do believe that airline security
is lax in some areas and ridiculously restrictive
in others, but I don’t feel as though another
9/11 incident would occur.
2. He’s obviously lying; you don’t hijack a plane
8:24 A. M. Hijacker
just to bring it back to the airport. Given that, it
Transmission: “We have some planes.
must have been horrible to switch back
Just stay quiet and you will be O.K.” —
between hope and despair; hope that you’ll
Hijacker, Mohammad Atta.
see you’ll survive, despair once you realize it’s
highly unlikely.
3. People are often viewed as cruel or callous—
9: 37 A.M Pentagon Firefight:
especially since an act of cruelty had just been
Many civilian employees and military
committed—so it’s uplifting to see average
personnel evacuate the building
people risking their lives for others. Cynics and
shortly after the impact, while others
authority figure would probably say not to, but
felt compelled to rush into the burning
I think people care ore about one another than
building to rescue trapped and injured
some would think
4. What a surreal and cruel twist of fate. People
don’t often think of buildings collapsing to any
serious degree; it’s an idle thought at best.
What’s made worse in this instance is that it
4. 9: 59 A.M Collapse of the
wasn’t immediate—tragedy had already
South Tower: South Tower
occurred and aid had arrived, only for them to
collapses in 10 seconds, killing
be killed.
roughly 600 workers and first
5. Evacuation must have been chaos, as moving
responders in immediate area.
through crowds always is. Given the situation,
it was likely even worse. If people can run over
one another to buy Christmas presents, then I
11: 02 A.M. Evacuation on
hate to think what could occur in an actual
Foot: People evacuate lower
Manhattan on foot and go into
6. I wonder what people thought when they saw
that. “It’s the end of the world?” Watching
this, my initial reaction was “I just watched
10:28 A.M: Collpase of the
hundreds of people die.”
North Tower: I’m watching the WTC
12: 30 P.M. Fourteen Survive
the North Tower Collapse in Stairwell
8: 30 P.M. President George
W. Bush addresses the nation.
It’s always important to look at both sides of
an incident. Yes, 9/11 was a horrible event, but
people need to realize that there wasn’t just
tragedy. It’s easier, I think, to deal with it that
8. It’s amazing how unifying calamity can be.
After 9/11, there was an immense outpour of
support and patriotism. A beautiful moment
rose from an ugly situation.