Organ Systems Review

Science 8
Cells and Organ Systems Review (IPP)
Match each organ system with the correct description of that system’s function.
A. circulatory
_____ controls many functions in the body by releasing hormones
B. endocrine
_____ controls activities through electrical impulses
C. muscular
_____ supports soft tissues and protects organs
D. skeletal
_____ responsible for voluntary and involuntary movements
E. nervous
_____ carries oxygen-rich blood to cells
Match each body system with the correct set of organs and tissues.
A. circulatory
_____ neurons, cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem
B. endocrine
_____ bones, cartilage, ligaments
C. muscular
_____ skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, cardiac muscle
D. skeletal
_____ pituitary, thyroid, adrenal gland, pancreas, adrenalin, insulin
E. nervous
_____ blood, heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, cardiac muscle
Match the word to the correct description:
A. adrenaline
D. cardiac muscle
______ tissue that makes up the walls of many internal organs and
blood vessels
______ gland which produces the hormone insulin as well as
digestive juices
______ master gland which controls the output of hormones by
other glands
______ band of tissue that connects muscle to bone
E. neurons
______ blood vessels that carry blood to the heart
F. pancreas
smooth muscle
______ tissue that attaches to the skin and to bones, whose
voluntary contractions and expansions allow us to move
______ spongy tissue where blood cells and platelets are
______ hormone released when body is under stress, it increases
blood pressure, heart rate and blood flow to muscles
______ liquid portion of the blood
______ tissue that makes up the walls of the heart
B. arteries
C. bone marrow
G. pituitary
H. skeletal muscles
J. thyroid
______ blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the body
K. veins
______ gland that controls the metabolism of the body
1) Insulin regulates blood sugar and is produced in the ____.
a) adrenal gland
b) thyroid gland
c) pancreas
2) Insulin and adrenaline are both ___
a) tissues
b) organs
c) hormones
3) The ____ carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body,
a) arteries
b) capillaries
c) veins
4) Because they are under our conscious control, skeletal muscles are called ___.
a) thinking muscles
b) involuntary muscles
c) voluntary muscles
5) The _____ work together to move the body.
a) neurons and spleen
b) skeletal system and muscular system
c) cartilage and lymphocytes
6) The ____ gland affects the output of other glands and largely controls the body’s
growth. Sometimes it is called the master gland.
a) pituitary
b) adrenal
c) thyroid
7) People with an underactive ___ gland may feel tired and gain weight.
a) pituitary
b) adrenal
c) thyroid
8) ____tissue makes up the walls of the stomach intestines and blood vessels.
a) cardiac muscle
b) Skeletal muscle
c) Smooth muscle
9) The nervous system controls cells:
a) by releasing hormones
b) through electrical impulses
c) through muscular movement