Nervous Muscular study guide answer key

Muscular and Nervous system Test study guide
1) Define skeletal muscle. Is it voluntary or involuntary? Explain.
It is voluntary and works with the skeletal system for our movement. They are found
all over the body. They are striated, generate heat when used and give us shape.
2) Define smooth muscle. Is it voluntary or involuntary? How do you know?
It is involuntary and found in many organs like our stomach and bladder. These
muscles are connected to one another to allow electrical impulses to pass through
3) Define cardiac muscle. How is it different from smooth and skeletal muscle?
It is only found in the heart. It is involuntary and contracts to squeeze blood out of
your heart and relaxes to fill your heart with blood. It never tires and works the
hardest of any of your muscles.
4) What is the Central Nervous System (CNS)? How is it different from the Peripheral Nervous System
It consists of the brain the main data center and the spinal cord that carries signals
from the brain. It communicates behaviors to the muscles and if needed reflexes to
protect the body. The PNS reacts to the signals from the CNS.
5) What is the function of the nervous system?
It sends and receives signals between different parts of the body.
6) What type of muscle do we have in our digestive system? What organs have this muscle? What evidence
do we have from our labs?
We have smooth muscle in our digestive system. It is in the stomach, esophagus,
small and large intestines. We learned about peristalsis from swallowing the cracker
and the stomach from digest this lab.
7) You are having a staring contest with your friend and you lose. Explain why you couldn’t keep your eye
open. What part of your nervous system are you using and what evidence do you have from labs we did
in class.
I could not keep my eyes open because blinking promotes eye moisture and we need
to blink so our eyes do not get dry. When our eyes start to dry out a sensory neuron
sends a signal to my brain telling me to blink and promote moisture. The brain sends
the signal to my skeletal muscle and I blink. In class many students said their eyes
burned when they were staring. I also learned that the brain is involved because of
the TED talk video when Sam could control Miguel’s arm using her brain. I learned
that skeletal muscles help us move with the QR code station clues for voluntary
skeletal muscles.
8) Label the following diagram with the CNS and PNS parts.
Brain – CNS
Spinal cord – CNS
Neurons – PNS
9) Label the neuron below. Then draw a line to match the word with the definition.
Cell Body
Myelin Sheath
Insulates the cell so electrical signals can be passed
The “brain” of the nerve cell
Cell body
The long branch of the nerve cell connects with others
Myelin Sheath
Small branches of the nerve cell