IMPACT Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) and Free School Meals How the Academy spends the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) to maximise achievement • To increase social mobility • To enable more students to go to the top universities • To reduce the attainment gap • Drawing on research evidence (such as the Sutton Trust toolkit) and own evidence • Understanding the importance of ensuring that all day-to-day teaching meets the needs of each student, rather than relying on interventions to compensate for teaching that is less than good • Deploying highly trained Learning Support Assistants who understand their role in helping students • Appointing a Designated Senior Leader who has a clear overview of spending and interventions • Ensuring that Subject teachers know which students are eligible for the PPG so that they can take responsibility for accelerating their progress How the Pupil Premium Grant was used in 2014-15 Our Pupil Premium Grant for 2014-15 is £193,545 It is our belief that the most effective way to achieve the aims of the Pupil Premium is for students to achieve the best possible GCSE grades as well as to have access to all curricular opportunities. To this end we direct the majority of funds towards academic interventions that are proven to effectively improve attainment and enrichment. Broadly, our strategy has three themes: Staffing & Staff Development – allocated £62,200 Additional Sets in Core Subjects Strategy: To support learning in the classroom by ensuring that class sizes are as small as possible, particularly in English, Maths and Science. Impact: Pupil Premium English and Maths Expected Rates of Progress Year 7 100% Year 8 92% Year 9 76% Year 10 68% Year 11 52% Improving Attendance Strategy: EWO support for students and families with low attendance. Impact: 72% of students have improved by over 5% points Counsellor Support Strategy: Improved and personalised emotional support for students who need this to overcome barriers to learning. Impact: Pupil Premium English and Maths Expected Rates of Progress Year 7 100% Year 8 92% Year 9 76% Year 10 68% Year 11 52% Learning Support Assistants Strategy: Increased in-class support from LSAs to further personalise and support learning of students. Impact: Pupil Premium English and Maths Expected Rates of Progress Year 7 100% Year 8 92% Year 9 76% Year 10 68% Year 11 52% Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Strategy: Early and additional guidance is offered to students eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant to ensure that they can be supported to pursue aspirational futures. Impact: No NEETS students Technician Support Assistants Strategy: Increased in-class support from technicians in Science and technology to further personalise and support learning of students and enhance practical learning activities. Impact: Pupil Premium Science Expected Rates of Progress Year 7 92% Year 8 98% Year 9 90% Year 10 78% Year 11 62% Study Support – allocated £107,600 Holiday Study Programmes Strategy: A comprehensive programme of study support and revision classes has been offered in every school holiday except the Christmas break. Impact: From 1% achieving A*-C inc English and Maths to 40% predicted Intervention Classes Strategy: Personalised programmes of support, planned in advance and costed into the curriculum model have been offered to all Year 11 students eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant to enable them to attain the best possible examination results. Impact: From 1% achieving A*-C inc English and Maths to 40% predicted Curricular Enrichment – allocated £24,100 Strategy: Curricular enrichment trips to be subsidised by 50% for all students eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant and specific opportunities to broaden the horizons of those students to be offered. Impact: 77% of PP students accessed at least three trips in a year Additional Educational Resources – Strategy: Additional curricular resources have been purchased for Pupil Premium students to enhance their learning experience. This is a personalised approach where students have been allocated resources which are best suited to help them make progress. Examples have included, IT equipment, revision materials and musical lessons or equipment. Impact: Pupil premium students have personalised funding to supplement their individual needs and are making excellent and sustained progress. Summary Assessment of Impact for Pupil Premium English and Maths Expected Rates of Progress (where PP was in September 2014) Year 7 100% (100%) Year 8 92% (70%) Year 9 76% (25) Year 10 68% (40) Year 11 52% (20) How the Pupil Premium Grant will be used in 2015-16 Our Pupil Premium Grant for 2015-16 is anticipated to be £193,545 It is our belief that the most effective way to achieve the aims of the Pupil Premium is for students to achieve the best possible GCSE grades as well as to have access to all curricular opportunities. To this end we direct the majority of funds towards academic interventions that are proven to effectively improve attainment and enrichment. Staffing & Staff Development – Additional Sets in Core Subjects Strategy: To support learning in the classroom by ensuring that class sizes for 2014-15 are as small as possible, particularly in English, Maths and Science. Proposed Impact: High levels of achievement in core subjects both in terms of examination results and levels of progress. Improving Attendance Strategy: EWO support for students and families with low attendance. Proposed Impact: Continue to ensure attendance for pupil premium students is in excess of 96%. Counsellor Support Strategy: Provide personalised emotional support for students who need this to overcome barriers to learning. Proposed Impact: Improved engagement in lessons. Spefific Community Identity Mentors Strategy: Organisations such as ……………………..are used by the Academy to bring specialist ethic and cultural heritage elements to those PPG students at risk of underperforming as a result of low self-confidence and/or lack of successful/positive role models. Proposed Impact: Raised levels of self esteem and aspiration to succeed by those students identified as benefiting from this specialist form of mentoring. Learning Support Assistants Strategy: Increased in-class support from LSAs to further personalise and support learning of students. Proposed Impact: Sustained excellent outcomes for pupil premium students including those with additional educational needs. Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Strategy: Early and additional guidance will be offered to students eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant in Years 8 to 11 to ensure that they can be supported to pursue aspirational futures. Proposed Impact: 0% of students NEET and all pupil premium students will be pursuing an apprenticeship or college placement appropriate to their needs and ability Technician Support Assistants Strategy: Continue to provide additional in-class support from technicians in Science and technology to further personalise and support learning of students and enhance practical learning activities. Proposed Impact: Sustained excellent outcomes for students in both practical and classroom based lessons. Study Support Holiday Study Programmes Strategy: A comprehensive programme of study support and revision classes will be offered in every school holiday except the Christmas break. Proposed Impact: 100% of students eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant will attend classes and are achieve highly in Summer 2016 examinations. Intervention Classes Strategy: Personalised programmes of support, planned in advance and costed into the curriculum model have been offered to all Year 11 students eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant to enable them to attain the best possible examination results. Proposed Impact: 100% of students eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant will attend classes and are achieve highly in Summer 2015 examinations. Curricular Enrichment Strategy: Curricular enrichment trips to be subsidised up to a maximum of £100 per student for all students eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant and specific opportunities to broaden the horizons of those students to be offered. Proposed Impact: Pupil premium students will take part in a variety of enrichment trips in all year groups Additional Educational Resources Strategy: Additional curricular resources will be purchased for Pupil Premium students up to £100 per student to enhance their learning experience. This is a personalised approach where students will be allocated resources which are best suited to help them make progress. Examples of resources could include, IT equipment, revision materials and musical lessons or equipment. Proposed Impact: Pupil premium students will have personalised funding to supplement their individual needs and are making excellent and sustained progress. Additional Educational Resources for Looked After Children – Strategy: for 2014-15 each looked after child has a Personalised Educational Plan drawn up by our specialist worker in conjunction with the local authority to ensure that each student receives resources and support which would be appropriate for them as an individual. Examples can be used from all of the above strategies. Proposed Impact: Looked after students have a tailored programme of support to meet their needs leading to a closing of achievement gap at Mark Hall Academy Year 7 Catch-Up Grant The government provides £500 per pupil for any Year 7 student who has not achieved at least a Level 4 in English and maths. This is then used by to provide additional support help students catch up and achieve accelerated progress in Year 7. For 2014-15 the Academy has received £7,000. This has been used to fund extra support sessions for students in addition to the taught curriculum. Impact of 2013-14 Catch-Up Grant: The strategy of extra support sessions was used in 201314 and measured using end of year examinations. 100% of the students made accelerated progress in English with 92% of the students now performing at the expected level in English at the end of Year 7. In maths 80% of the students made expected progress and 50% of the students made accelerated progress placing them at the expected level of performance for the end of Year 7 Proposed Impact of Catch-Up Grant for 2014-15: 100% of the students to have made accelerated progress in English with at least 75% of the students to have made accelerated progress in maths.