The Beacon 2015 winter page 1 - Web

Happy New Year!
Science/Heritage Fair that the
teachers are organizing will be
held February 24th. (9:1511:00). Information should
have already come home
regarding this event. All
students are expected to
participate. The Fair is open to
the public and promises to be a
great learning experience for
Holiday Updates:
Trim The Tree Campaign BMS students, staff and
community raised over
$600 for the West Side
Food Bank along with
many bags of nonperishable food items! The
Food bank staff were very
appreciative and
impressed with our hard
work and effort in this
The basketball season is
well under way thanks to
the leadership of our
terrific coaches, Mr.
Patterson for the boys’
team and Miss Lenihan
for the girls’ team!
Appreciation Week
February 9th-13th
Every school has dedicated
teachers, educational
assistants, secretaries,
custodians, bus drivers,
and leraning support staff,
this week lets them know
they are appreciated and
that parents want to work
with them on the same
Educational online resource for Beaconsfield
students in all subject areas.
User Name: Beaconsfield
Password: Bulldogs
Grade 8 – High School Registration
The Grade 8 students will soon be receiving
information about the high school registration
process and registration forms will be distributed
to students in early February.
Once all registrations have been returned to the
school, they will be sent to the Saint John
Education Centre where it is compiled and
confirmation letters will be sent out to parents.
With over 750 letters to be sent out, preparations
begin early. Please ensure that we have your
current contact and address information to
ensure your child receives their letter!
High School Open Houses:
February 16th – Simonds High
February 16th – Harbourview High
February 18th –St. Malachy’s Memorial High
February 19th – Saint John High
February 23rd – Snow Date
**ALL SESSIONS ARE FROM 6:30pm – 8:30pm
All applications must be into our school by
Turkey Dinner –
Very special THANKS to
Ms. Evelyn McNulty (PSSC
member) and Mrs. Lori
Campbell (E.A) and all the
students and staff involved
in coordinating and
working at our Holiday
Dinner on December 18th.
A magnificent turkey
dinner with all the fixings
was enjoyed (and
devoured!) by all.
Thanks to Mr. Ring for our
annual Holiday Sing Song!
This unique enrichment
opportunity was really fun
and entertaining, especially
with the dynamic antics of
our music leader, Mr. Ring!
February 23rd.
As you may be aware a meeting was held at the school on January 19 th as a result of request from the school’s
Parent School Support Committee to address the concerns brought forward by the community regarding the
proposed plan for Beaconsfield for the next 3 – 5 years while the government plans focuses on the construction of
a new school on the west side of Saint John. In case you were not aware, The District Education Council had been
involved in a series of six public consultations in west Saint John with the communities of St. Patrick’s, Seawood and
Havelock Elementary Schools. The discussion has been around the closure of these three schools and the
construction of a new 450 student school in west Saint John. The Department of Education and Early Childhood
Development announced funding for the planning phases for a new school, pending the successful completion of
the consultations. At the DEC meeting last week, Council made a motion to seek approval from the Minister for the
closure of the schools and for work to begin on planning for a new school.
The meeting at Beaconsfield was fruitful in that the parents and staff that attended were assured that Beaconsfield
would remain as a middle school for this new feeder school despite rumours otherwise in the community, the new
school would offer an Early French Immersion Program and supports would be put in place to support both
Beaconsfield and St Patrick’s learning environments.
Art Sisk