Carmel Middle School Drama Course Description 2015-2016 MS. KA’SHARA DAVIS Carmel Middle School, Theatre Arts Teacher Email: Office Hours: Tuesdays 4:30-5:00pm Room: L125 Webpage: In this class, we will learn about acting, theatre history, improvisation, production roles, playwriting, film, musicals, resumes, auditions, theatre etiquette, Shakespeare and other such information. Team Goals To understand, demonstrate, and appreciate the basic elements of theatre, while increasing reading and writing skill and technique. In addition to Carmel Middle School rules, I have one classroom expectation: Always be S.T.A.R.S (Students That Are Really Spectacular!). Required Materials for Class Rewards Preferred Activity Time: rewards students for saving time during instruction. Students earn the time they save and can use it for a preferred activity. -Drama Notebook-A spiral or composition for daily journal entries. Treasure Chest Fridays! -Highlighters for play scripts. -Pencils Positive Call Home Materials Due by September 3rd! Student of the Week Display: Student recognized on Cougar Callboard for outstanding work. Wish List Tissues Band-Aids Spiral notebooks Hand sanitizer Reams of colored paper Reams of white paper Pencils Candy for Rewards Stage Directions (Discipline Policy) If a student chooses to break a rule, I hold a “Three Strikes, You’re Out” policy. On the third strike, I will ask the student to go to the refocus center and work on a reflection form quietly. The “Refocus” center allows the teacher an opportunity to assist students in redirecting their behavior. The center also allows students the opportunity to self-monitor their behavior by giving them a space to take a breather or clear their head. Other consequences for behavior include detention and parent contact. Examples of Behavior Warranting the student going to the “Refocus” center Interfering with the learning environment, poor audience etiquette Failure to have materials (pencil, paper, bathroom pass, etc.) Breaking rules listed in the student code of conduct (Tardy to class, having gum/food/drink other than water*, unapproved cell phone use, etc.) Consequences for disruptions/inappropriate behavior: ------3 Strikes You’re Out! --- 1st offense – 3rd Verbal warning-“Refocus” center to complete reflection form 2nd offense – Conference with Ms. Davis after class 3rd offense –Parent contact/removal from class 4th offense – Parent contact/Lunch Detention Failure to comply with teacher requests 5th offense – Office Referral/ISS Disrespect of teachers, peers, property, etc. *I have a very strict no food/gum/drinks policy* Grading Download Remind App Search Class Code: @dramacats OR Text: 81010 With this message: @dramacats Grades will formal & informal Some grades will weigh more than others (ie. Homework, notebook checks, quizzes, group work, journals.) Subject and theme between curriculum topics will vary between grade levels. Students will be given detailed rubrics describing requirements and grading as assigned. -------------------cut----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cut--------------------- Calling All Parents! Do you have internet access at home? Circle one: Yes No Please complete the following contact information to let me know the best way(s) to get in touch with you: Parent/Guardian Name(s): __________________________________________________________ Contact phone number(s): __________________________________________________________ Email address (es): _________________________________________________________________ Describe your Student: Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________Date____________________________ Student Signature: __________________________________Date______________________________ If you are possibly interested in volunteering your time to the Theatre department this year, please let me know. Thank You! –Ms. D