appendix a: samples - little blues nursery school

Little Blues Nursery School
Policy Statements on Parents as Partners
Working in Partnership with parents, children’s medical, cultural and dietary needs will be met.
Little Blues Nursery is committed to communicating to parents information about meetings,
outings and events in a variety of ways including Newsletters, weekly emails, notice boards,
website and verbally as well.
Policy statement on parental participation
It is the policy of the Nursery to ensure that parents/carers have the opportunity to actively
participate, at all levels, as partners, in the policy/decision-making process of the organisation
and in the planning and delivery of services to their children. Through this we aim to enable
parents/carers to feel comfortable in the Nursery.
The nursery aims to achieve this by:
1. Ensuring that staff consult with and seek guidance from parents/carers when planning and
implementing child care practices. A suggestion system will be put into operation.
2. Ensuring that parents/carers have the opportunity to work with their children alongside key
staff in the Nursery.
3. Ensuring that parents/carers have the opportunity to review their children's progress on a
regular basis with Nursery staff.
4. Ensuring that parents/carers are informed about the policies, procedures and guidelines of
the Nursery.
5. Offering parents/carers the opportunity to participate in curriculum, festivals and all Nursery
6. Ensuring that parents/carers can meet with staff and other parents/carers to discuss relevant
issues and concerns.
7. Ensuring that meetings are open to all parents/carers to come and observe.
8. Having a meeting each year at which the Parent / Practitioner Group or forum will discuss
progress/problems and future goals.
Learning Journeys
The learning journey is a collection of different documents collected by early years’ practitioners
that provide a picture of a child’s development under the 7 areas of learning. They consist of
photos, art-work, mark-making, etc., and are interspersed with observations made by
practitioners including notes of relevant conversations or comments made by the child.
Practitioners link any observations to the EYFS learning areas, aspects and statements. The
aim is to build a unique picture of what each child knows, feels and can do as well as his / her
particular interests and learning style. This picture is then used to pinpoint learning priorities and
plan relevant and motivating learning experiences i.e. identify next steps and activities.
We now use eylog to do our Learning Journeys and encourage parents to comment, take part
and contribute to the life of the setting.
 eyLog enables you to understand your child's development on a more regular and realtime basis. We can share a child’s learning journey with you, increasing your
involvement in the activities at the nursery. You receive a unique login on the system
and are notified automatically by e-mail as soon as a new observation is published to
your child’s learning journey or when any reports are shared with you by the nursery.
 eyLog makes it possible for you to contribute observations from home too! Be it
something your child does for the first time or during a holiday/vacation, making the
learning journey even more comprehensive and enabling ‘parents as partners in learning
and development’ of a child in their early years.
 eyLog - early years Log - is the most comprehensive tablet PC and web-based solution
for nurseries and childcare providers to transform the process of recording observations,
assessing a child’s progress and planning activities for the child.
 eyLog significantly reduces the time spent on capturing, maintaining observations and
managing the learning journey of a child manually; enabling practitioners to focus more
on providing the best early years education to children - an ultimate aim of both
nurseries and parents
This policy was adopted at
Little Blues Nursery School
Date to be reviewed
Signed on behalf of the management
Name of signatory
Role of signatory (manager/owner)