ALM # 3 BURNS Case Presentation: 21 y/o male involved in industrial fire. Patient was welding a steel structure when a spark from the torch ignited a barrel of flammable material that was inadvertently placed in his work area. Patient sustained full-thickness burns over the upper half of his chest and circumferential burns to bilateral arms. Patient also sustained superficial partialthickness burns to face, neck and bilateral hands. His entire abdomen, upper half of his back and front of his upper legs sustained deep partial-thickness burns. Patient was transported to small community hospital where two IV lines were started; a Foley catheter and NG tube were inserted, and humidified O2 at 3L/min via NC. He was given mannitol 12.5g IV before being transported to a major burn center. VS pretransport were as follows: BP- 136/84 mm Hg HR-96 bpm Resp-24/min Temp 37.2 º C (oral) Pre-burn weight was 72 kg (160lb). He was received in the burn unit approximately 4 hours after sustaining burn injury. At admission to the unit, patient was alert and oriented and VS were: BP- 140/90 mm Hg HR- 110 bpm Resp- 24/min Temp- 36.1 º C (oral) Lungs sounds clear in all fields on auscultation with an occasional productive cough of a small amount of carbon-tinged sputum. Voice was becoming hoarse. Absent bowel sounds with NG tube draining dark yellow-green liquid. Peripheral pulses were obtained with Doppler as they could not be palpated manually. Foley catheter draining burgundycolored urine. Urine output total since insertion 4 hours ago =280ml. Fluid resuscitation efforts since the burn injury included 4L of lactated Ringer’s solution through the IV lines. Labs as follows: CBC----WBC- 12 RBC- 3.48 Hgb-12.8 Hct 52% ABGs on 3L O2----pH 7.37 PCO2-35 PO2-105 HCO3-18 SPO2-99% BMP---Na+- 151 K+-5.2 Cl-112 BUN 22 Creat 1.6 Additional labs: Myoglobin 90ng/ml Carboxyhemoglobin 6% UA---Specific gravity 1.040 Glucose +1 Ketones-trace Blood-trace Protein-trace Burn unit MD performed fiberoptic bronchoscopy, which revealed minimal redness of the glottis and no edema. Esharotomies were performed on bilat arms immediately after the admission to the burn unit. Patient was bathed and scalp shaved. Burns were dressed in occlusive silver sulfadiazine (Slivadene) dressings. Burns were then dressed twice a day with this medication. The following regimen was prescribed: Zantac 150 mg IV push q12h; antacid 30mlevery hour instilled via NG tube and clamped for 15minutes for the first 48 hours after the burn; morphine sulfate 3 mg IV push every hour as needed for pain. Bowel sounds returned on day 3, NG tube was removed and high-calorie, high-protein diet was begun. On day 5 of hospital stay, patient was taken to surgery for the first of a series of surgical procedures to excise and graft the areas of full-thickness injury with split-thickness autografts. Donor sites included his buttocks and backs of his legs. Patient was dc’ed from hospital after a 65 day hospital stay with follow-up and rehab scheduled. 1) Discuss the patho of burns, including the classification of burn depth and severity of burn injury Burn injury is the result of heat transfer from one site to another. Tissue destruction results from coagulation, protein and denaturation or ionization of cellular contents. The skin and mucosa of the upper airways are sites of tissue destructions. The depth of the injury depends on the temperature of the burning agent and the duration of contact with the agent. Burns are classified according to the depth of tissue destruction as superficial partial-thickness injuries, deep partial-thickness injuries or full-thickness injuries. These categories are similar to first, second, third degree burns. Burn depth determines whether epitheliazation will occur. Determining burn depth can be difficult. The following factors are considered in determining the depth of a burn: how the injury occurred, causative agent, temp of the burning agent, duration of contact with the agent and thickness of the skin. 2) Using the rule of nines, calculate the percentage of TBSA (total body surface area) burned. Based on TBSA, percentage and depth of bur, how would you classify this patient’s burn? Patient sustained full-thickness burns over the upper half of his chest (9%) and circumferential burns to bilateral arms (18%) Patient also sustained superficial partial- thickness burns to face, neck and bilateral hands (9%) His entire abdomen (9%), upper half of his back (9%) and front of his upper legs (9%) sustained deep partial-thickness burns. TBSA = 63%- add 2% for patient neck=65%-mc I would classify this patient as having third degree burns due to the extent of the burns he received having been in a chemical fire. In a third degree burn, the epidermis, entire dermis, and sometimes subcutaneous tissue; may involve connective tissue, muscle and bone. 3) Describe the initial assessment and stabilization of a burn victim at the scene of injury and the ED. Preventing injury to the rescuer is the first priority of on-the-scene care. Rescue workers cover the wound, establish an airway, supply oxygen and insert at least one large-bore IV. A primary survey of the patient is carried out - ABC's. The circulatory system must be assessed quickly. Apical pulse and BP are monitored frequently. Tachycardia and slight hypotension are expected soon after the burn. Neurologic status is assessed quickly in patients with extensive burns. No food or fluid is given by mouth, and the patient is placed in a position that will prevent aspiration of vomitus, because nausea and vomiting typically occur due to paralytic ileus resulting from stress of the injury. 4) Describe the three phases of burn physiology, including a discussion of the effects on the following systems during the emergent and acute phases: CV, respiratory, immune system, gastrohepatic, GU and neuro The three phases of burn physiology are Emergent/Resuscitative Phase, acute/intermediate phase, and the rehabilitation phase. The emergent/resuscitative phase is from the onset of injury to the completion of fluid resuscitation. The acute/intermediate phase is from the beginning of diuresis to near completion of wound closure. The rehabilitation phase is from major wound closure to return to individual's optimal level of physical and psychosocial adjustment. CV alterations: Hypovolemia is the immediate consequent of fluid loss and results in decreased perfusion and oxygen delivery. Cardiac output decreases before any change in blood volume is evident. As fluid loss continues and vascular volume decreases, CO continues to decrease and the BP drops. Abnormalities in coagulation, including thrombocytopenia and prolonged clotting and PT times may also occur. Respiratory: Approx 10-20% of burn patients have an inhalation injury. Bronchoconstriction and chest constriction can cause deterioration. Pulmonary injuries are categorized as upper airway injury or inhalation injury below the glottis. Upper airway injury results from inhalation of direct heat greater than 150 degrees to the epithelium. This damage results in sever upper airway edema, which can cause obstruction of the upper airway, including the pharynx and larynx. Indicators of possible upper airway injury include injury occurring in an enclosed space, burns of the face or neck, singed nasal hair, hoarseness, highpitched voice change, dry cough, stridor, bloody sputum, labored breathing, tachypnea, erythema and blistering of the oral or pharyngeal mucosa. Immune System: Patients with burn injury are at high risk for infection and sepsis. The skin is the largest barrier to infection, and when it is compromised, the patient is continually exposed to the environment. The major cause of death in a burn patient who survives after 24 hours is multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Gastrointestinal: Two potential GI complications may occur: paralytic ileus and Curling's ulcer. Decreased peristalsis and bowel sounds are manifestations of paralytic ileus resulting from burn trauma. Gastric distention and nausea may lead to vomiting unless gastric decompression is initiated. Other alterations included the mucosal barrier becomes permeable, the permeability allows for overgrowth of GI bacteria, and the bacteria translocate to other organs, causing infections. Patients are also at risk for ACS. Renal: Renal function may be altered as a result of decreased blood volume. Destructions of RBCs at the injury site results in free Hgb in the urine. If muscle damage occurs, myoglobin is released from the muscle cells and excreted by the kidneys. Adequate fluid volume replacement restores renal blood flow, increasing the glomerular filtration rate and urine volume. 5) What significance, if any, would mannitol have on fluid resuscitation? Mannitol is a hypertonic solution. One fluid replacement method requires hypertonic electrolyte solutions. The goal is to deliver smaller amounts of fluid and maintain the same urine output. Hypertonic resuscitation increases the osmolarity of the blood and encourages shift of fluid into the intravascular space from the interstitial space. Careful monitoring of serum sodium level is required to prevent hypernatremia and acute renal failure. Good! mc 6) What assessment findings would indicate myoglobinuria? Describe the treatment protocol for this condition. Assessment findings would be that this patient had trace protein in the urine and a Myoglobin 90ng/ml. Myoglobin is muscle protein. All patients with suspected myoglobinuria should be admitted for IV hydration and management of complications. A CK level of more than 5000 U/L is considered to be an absolute indication for hospitalization and vigorous IV hydration. Initial treatment focuses on preventing myoglobin precipitation in the urine by inducing and maintaining a brisk diuresis. Immediately administer saline to patients with suspected myoglobinuria because early hydration is the key to ameliorate acute kidney injury. Isotonic saline boluses of 20 mL/kg should be initially administered, with repeat boluses depending on the hydration status of the patient. This should be followed by continued hydration with IV fluids given at a rate of 2-3 times maintenance. Follow-up with mannitol to induce diuresis, supported by adequate IV fluids, has been advocated. Mannitol causes diuresis, which minimizes intratubular myoglobin deposition, acts as a free radical scavenger and reduces tubule cell damage, and may act as a direct renal vasodilator. 7) What assessment findings are critical in establishing the presence of an inhalation injury? Which assessment findings warrant concern? Common signs of significant smoke inhalation injury are persistent cough, stridor or wheezing; hoarseness; deep facial or circumferential neck burns; nares with inflammation or singed hair; carbonaceous sputum or burnt matter in the mouth or nose; blistering or edema of the oropharynxl depressed mental status; hypoxia or hypercapnia; Carbonaceous sputum or burnt matter in the mouth or nose; elevated carbon monoxide and/or cyanide levels. Injury from the inhalation of hot gases generally occurs above the vocal cords and can cause significant edema. This patient had occasional productive cough of a small amount of carbon-tinged sputum. Voice was becoming hoarse. Burn unit MD performed fiberoptic bronchoscopy, which revealed minimal redness of the glottis and no edema. 8) Describe the treatment protocol for a patient with an inhalation injury or suspected inhalation injury. Treatment usually consists of early intubation and mechanical ventilation with 100% oxygen, which reduces the half-life of carboxyhemoglobin from 4 hours to 45 minutes. Restrictive pulmonary excursion may occur with full thickness burns encircling the neck and thorax. Chest excursion may be greatly restricted, resulting in decreased tidal volume. In some situations, escharotomy is necessary. 9) What is the purpose of escharotomies? The need for escharotomies is relatively common in the treatment of burn injuries. The need arises because the tight eschar may interfere with the circulation to a limb causing demarcation and loss of the limb or in the case of the chest, may cause interference with respiration such that the expansion in the lungs is interfered with causing atelectasis and pneumonia. In the neck the oedema in the tissue may cause obstruction to the trachea. Indications for escharotomy rest on clinical grounds with tension in the limb under the burn and the state of circulation to the periphery being important. Added to this is the use of Doppler ultrasound, clinical presence of peripheral pulses and at times compartmental pressure measurements. The aim of the escharotomy is to release the pressure over the involved deeper tissues and to restore their circulation. 10) Discuss pain management in the treatment protocol for the patient with a burn injury. The pharmacologic treatment for the management of burn pain includes the use of opioids, NSAIDs, anxiolytics, and anesthetic agents. Treatment of anxiety with benzodiazepines is used along with opioids to achieve both a pain free and anxiety free experience. Nonpharmalogic pain control can be achieved by using relaxation techniques, distraction, guided imagery, hypnosis, therapeutic touch, humor, music therapy and more recently virtual reality techniques. 11) Discuss burn wound care and dressing techniques. Include the types of topical antimicrobial agents commonly used in wound care, listing advantages and disadvantages of each. Various measures are used to clean the burn wound, such as hydrotherapy. If the patient is ambulatory, the wounds can be cleansed in a shower. The wounds of a nonambulatory patient can be cleansed using shower carts. After wound cleaning, the burned areas are patted dry and the prescribed topical agent is applied; the wound is then covered with several layers of dressings. A light dressing is used over joint areas to allow for motion. A light dressing is also applied over areas for which a splint is placed. Circumferential dressings should be applied distally to proximally. If the hand or foot is burned, the fingers and toes should be wrapped individually to promote adequate healing. A light dressing can be applied to the face to absorb excess exudates that might run into the eyes. Occlusive dressings may be used over areas with new skin grafts to protect the graft and promote an optimal condition for its adherence to the recipient site. Topical Antibacterial Agents used include: Silver Sulfadiazine 1% - Most bactericidal agent; minimal penetration of eschar. Mafenide acetate 5% to 10% - Effective against gram-negative and grampositive organisms; diffuses rapidly through eschar; in 10% strength, it is the agent of choice for electrical burns because of its ability to penetrate thick eschar. Silver Nitrate 0.5% - Bacteriostatic and fungicidal; does not penetrate eschar. Acticoat - Effective against gram-negative and gram-positive organisms and some yeasts and molds; delivers a uniform, antimicrobial concentration of silver to the burn wound. 12) Discuss the use of autografts and nursing care required. Autografts are the ideal means of covering burn wounds because the grafts are the patient's own skin and therefore are not rejected by the patient's immune system. They can be split-thickness, full-thickness, pedicle flaps or epithelial grafts. Fullthickness autografts and pedicle flaps are commonly used for reconstructive surgery, which may take place months or years after the initial injury. If blood, serum, air, fat or necrotic tissue lies between the recipient site and graft, there may be partial or total loss of the graft. Infection or mishandling of the graft and trauma during dressing changes account for most other instances of graft loss. Protection if the key goal of caring for skin grafts. Occlusive dressings are commonly used initially after grafting to immobilize the graft. The first dressing change is to be completed 2-5 days after surgery. The patient is positioned and turned carefully to avoid disturbing the graft or putting pressure on the graft site. If an extremity has been grafted, it is elevated to minimize edema. The patient begins exercising the grafted area 5-7 days after grafting. 13) Describe appropriate care for donor sites A moist gauze dressing is applied at the time of surgery to maintain pressure and to stop any oozing. After the donor site is excised, a thrombostatic agent such as thrombin or epi may be applied directly to the site. The donor site may be covered in several ways, from single layer gauze impregnated with pertolatum, scarlet red, or bismuth to new biosynthetic dressings such as Biobrane or BCG Matrix. Acticoat can also be used as a dressing on donor sites. With all types of covering, donor sites must remain clean, dry and free from pressure. 14) List nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions appropriate for the care of the patient with a burn injury during the emergent and acute phases of burn physiology Impaired gas exchange RT carbon monoxide poisoning, smoke inhalation and upper airway obstruction: Outcome - absence of dyspnea, resp rate between 12-20, lungs clear on auscultation, O2 sats greater than 96%, ABGs within normal limits. Interventions - Provide humidified O2, assess breath sounds and resp rate, monitor ABGs, prepare for intubation Ineffective airway clearance RT edema and effects of smoke inhalation: Outcomes - patent airway, minimal resp secretions, normal resp rate, pattern and breath sounds. Interventions - maintain patent airway, provide humidified O2, encourage patient to turn, cough and deep breathe. Fluid volume deficit RT increased capillary permeability and evaporative losses from the burn wound: Outcome - serum electrolytes within normal limits, urine output between 0.5 - 1.0 mL/kg/hr, BP greater than 90/60, heart rate less than 120 bpm, exhibits clear sensorium, voids clear yellow urine. Interventions - observe vital signs and urine output, monitor urine output hourly, weigh patient daily, be alert for signs of hypovolemia or fluid overload Hypothermia RT loss of skin microcirculation and open wounds: Outcome - Body temp remains 97-101degrees F, absence of chills or shivering. Interventions - provide a warm environment, work quickly when wounds must be exposed, assess core body temp frequently. Pain RT tissue and nerve injury and emotional impact of injury: Outcome - states pain level is decreased, absence of nonverbal cues of pain. Interventions - pain level provides baseline for evaluating effectiveness of pain relief measures, IV administration is necessary because of altered tissue perfusion from burn injury, emotional support is essential to reduce fear and anxiety. Anxiety RT fear and the emotional impact of burn injury: Outcome - patient and family verbalize understanding of emergent burn care, able to answer simple questions Interventions - assess patient and family's understanding of burn injury, explain all procedures in clear terms, maintain adequate pain relief, administer prescribed anti-anxiety meds 15) Discuss the psychosocial aspects of caring for a patient with a burn injury and the impact on the patient’s support system. Psychological treatment plans should include a full assessment of patient issues and a targeted plan with the appropriate resources to promote the patient's social and vocational reintegration and improved quality of life. Burn injuries can have a major impact on quality of life. Changes in physical activity as well as social and psychological adjustments, such as returning to school and employment status, may be challenging. It is important throughout this process to assess and address the family needs. When one member of a family sustains a major burn injury, the entire family is affected. Separation, feelings of helplessness, loss and psychological dysfunction may be experienced in varying degrees. Family and friends need support, education, and guidance in assisting the patient to return to their optimal health. EXCELLENT! mc/Marianne Clouston MSN, RN 040813