Restated and Amended BYLAWS OF THE LINDQUIST DENTAL CLINIC FOR CHILDREN REVISED FEBRUARY 6, 2013 ARTICLE I: PURPOSE The name and objects shall be set forth in the Agreement of Association. ARTICLE II: BOARD OF TRUSTEES SECTION 1. Management: The management of this corporation is vested in the Board of Trustees who shall be elected as provided in these bylaws. SECTION 2. Board of Trustees: The Board of Trustees shall consist of no more than fifteen (15) members, and no fewer than five (5). Members shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Board. The Board of Trustees shall hold at least three (3) meetings per year at an agreed upon time and place. SECTION 3. Terms: All board members shall serve three (3) calendar year terms, but are thereafter eligible for re-election at the annual meeting. If a member joins the Board of Trustees mid-year, his or her initial board term will constitute the remaining portion of the three calendar years. SECTION 4. Quorum: A majority of the board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. SECTION 5. Vacancies: Vacancies on the Board of Trustees caused by end of term, resignation, death, disqualification, refusal or inability to serve shall be filled by nomination and election by the Board of Trustees. A person so elected shall hold office until the expiration of the term of the Trustee whose resignation, death, disqualification, refusal or inability to serve caused the vacancy. After three (3) consecutive, unexcused missed meetings, the board may but need not replace that board position for the remainder of that term. ARTICLE III: MEETINGS SECTION 1. Annual Meeting: The annual meeting shall be held in Pierce County, Washington, within the first quarter. Meetings will still be held as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the first quarter of the year. Order of business shall include reports from the Officers and committees, including financial reports, and election of Trustees and Officers. SECTION 2. Notice: Notice of meetings, written or printed, shall be prepared by the Secretary and either mailed to the Post Office address of every Trustee not fewer than four (4) days before each meeting or sent by electronic means, including, but not limited to, telephonic means not less than 48 hours before each meeting. For a special meeting, such notice shall state the object or objects thereof. Board members may consent to meetings with less than 48 hours notice. SECTION 3. Proxy: Members unable to attend a board meeting in which a vote will be cast may file a signed, written proxy that must be received by the Secretary no less than 48 hours before the board meeting in order for their vote to be counted. ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS SECTION 1. Officers: The Officers of this organization shall be a President, and/or Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and/or Co-officers for all Board positions, with such assistants to the Treasurer and Secretary as the Board of Trustees may from time to time determine necessary. All Officers shall be members of the Board of Trustees. SECTION 2. Election & Terms: The President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected by the Board of Trustees at the annual meeting and shall hold their office for a term of two years, or until their successors shall have been elected and qualified. SECTION 3. Vacancy: If any office becomes vacant during the year, the Board of Trustees may fill the vacancy for the unexpired term. SECTION 4. Employees: The Board shall hire an Executive Director on such terms as the Board shall approve. The Executive Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Board or pursuant to a board-approved written contract. The Executive Director may hire other professional and/or paraprofessional personnel as necessary. ARTICLE V: DUTIES OF OFFICERS SECTION 1. President: The President, Co-President or Vice-President shall preside at all meetings of the Board, shall sign all contracts and other instruments of the corporation duly authorized by the Trustees or Executive Committee, shall be the chair of the Executive Committee, shall make an annual report of the organization’s transactions for the previous year to the Trustees and shall perform all such duties as are incident to the office or may be properly required by the Board of Trustees. SECTION 2. Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of the President. SECTION 3. Secretary: The Secretary shall, under the direction and supervision of the Executive Committee, keep regularly entered in proper books or record, true and accurate minutes of all acts and proceedings of the organization, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee and all other Committees; shall have charge of the corporate seal and books; shall issue all notices and calls for meetings of the Trustees or members that may be required by the Bylaws, President or proper authority; and shall sign, with the President, such instruments as authorized by the Trustees or Executive Committee. SECTION 4. Treasurer: The Treasurer or the Treasurer’s agent shall receive all moneys, giving receipt thereof, and shall deposit same in the name of this corporation in such bank or banks as the Executive Committee may prescribe. The Treasurer shall carefully preserve all vouchers for the payment of funds. The Treasurer shall render a report at the annual meeting of the organization. SECTION 5. Assistants in case of Absence: An Assistant Secretary and an Assistant Treasurer may be designated by the Board of Trustees to perform the duties of said respective officers in case of absence. ARTICLE VI: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE SECTION 1. Executive Committee: The elected officers, together with such other members of the Board of Trustees as appointed by the President with the consent of the other officers, shall constitute the Executive Committee. A majority shall constitute a quorum. They shall be elected at the annual meeting of the corporation by the Board of Trustees from its members; shall serve for two (2) years, and in case of resignation, disqualification, death, removal, refusal or inability to act, the President of this corporation shall appoint a successor to such member or members who shall serve the unexpired term. The Executive Committee shall meet as necessary. SECTION 2. Additional Committees: There shall be such additional standing or special committees as the Board or Executive Committee may determine. ARTICLE VII: LIABILITIES SECTION 1. Liability: No officer, committee, or member of this organization, or other persons, shall contract or incur any debts on behalf of the organization, or in any way render it liable, unless authorized by the Executive Committee or Board of Trustees. SECTION 2. Hold Harmless: To the maximum extent permitted by law, the corporation shall hold the Trustees harmless, defend and indemnify them for acts performed in the usual cause of business. This provision shall not apply in cases of fraud, deliberate acts or acts outside the scope of their duties. SECTION 3. Compensation: Board members shall receive no compensation other than for approved reimbursable expenses. ARTICLE VIII: AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS These bylaws may be altered, amended or added to by the affirmative vote of the majority of members of the Board of Trustees present at any meeting, provided that in the notice of meeting the proposed change shall be given. Adopted by Board Resolution this _______ day of _______________________, 2006. ____________________________________ Julie Wurst, President ____________________________________ Abbe Salk, Secretary