Student What You Need to Council: Know Union Democracy: The Big Five - Elections - AGMs - Referenda - Board of Trustees - Student Council Why do we have Student Council? JOT YOUR THOUGHTS DOWN ON FLIP CHART PAPER! What the Terms of Reference Say – Student Council shall represent the voice of the students. – Set the Policy of the Union and refer Policy to Referenda of the Members – Make, repeal and amend the bye-laws jointly with the Trustees in accordance with the Constitution. – Discuss the affairs of the Union and make recommendations in accordance with the bye-laws and the delegated powers from the Trustees. – To delegate its powers to any committee it thinks fit, and recall such delegated powers. – Consider a motion of no-confidence in an Officer/Trustee. – Confirm the appointment of Trustees in accordance with the constitution. Terms of Reference TRUE OR FALSE To abstain means to disagree with a motion. FALSE! To abstain means to not take part (I.e. Not vote for or against a motion) To consider a motion of no confidence in a Sabbatical Officer, Student Council must have a petition of at least 60 Union members. TRUE! And then for the motion to pass, Council needs a 2/3 majority. Student Council is the only body that can set Union policy. FALSE! So can the Board of Trustees. It can also jointly amend and create bylaws with the Board of Trustees. Student Council can amend the Union’s Constitution. FALSE! This can only be done by an AGM of Union Members or a Referendum. Student Council must ratify appointments of External and Alumni Trustees TRUE! You will also receive quarterly reports from the Trustees. Board of Trustees has the right to revoke Student Council decisions TRUE! But only if the decision is not within the powers of the committee, it is not within the powers of the union, or is likely to affect the charity status of the union. Clubs and Society Presidents must attend Student Council for their group FALSE! It can be any member of your group. Only members of Student Council may bring a paper to Student Council. FALSE! Any member of the Union may bring a paper to Student Council but only members of Council may take part in the Democratic Procedures. If there’s a split vote, the President gets the casting vote FALSE! (But more or less true) The Chair of the meeting does! How to Bring a Paper to Student Council – Approx 2 Weeks before the meeting, a call for agenda items will go out (with a deadline for putting things on the agenda) – You can use the template motions on the Union website: – You must submit your item 1 week before the meeting – You can ask the SU President or the Democracy, Representation & Welfare Manager for help constructing a Motion Dream and Nightmare Council Member