
Park Mains High School Annual Report 2012-13
The objectives of the Parent Council are:
 To work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school which is
inclusive for all parents
 To promote partnership between the school, its pupils and all its parents
 To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare
of the pupils including fundraising activities
 To identify and represent the views of parents on the education provided by
the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils.
The Parent Council meets at least once every term and held 7 meetings during the
2012-2013 school year. Meetings are open to members of the ‘Parent Forum’ (the
collective name for every parent, carer or guardian at a school).
The office bearers for the 2012-13 session were:
Chairperson: Colin Rodger
Secretary: Caroline Devlin
Treasurer: Julie Dempsey
The PC is made up of 19 parent members (voting), 5 parent members (non-voting)
and 3 staff members.
Format of meetings
Meetings are informal and are held in the coffee area at 7pm. The agenda is issued
in advance and covers standing items such as S6 Leadership team, Head Teacher’s
report and an update on fundraising.
S6 Leadership team
The Head Boy (Scott McGhie) and Head Girl (Miriam Donald) attended the Parent
Council meetings and were able to give an update on the Pupil Council meetings and
any issues raised by the year representatives. The PC members found their
attendance very useful and congratulated them on their positive impact to the
meeting. They were both a credit to the school in their interaction with the Parent
Council and their input was much appreciated.
Head Teacher’s report
Mr. Dewar provides a written report for each of the PC meeting. This include updates
 CfE
 Principal Teachers meeting
 Staffing and departmental issues
 Exam performance
 Pupil achievements e.g. sporting, Duke of Edinburgh
 Parent’s evenings
These issues are then open for discussion/questions at the PC meeting.
A separate fundraising group was set up which met a number of times during the
session and then reported back to the full PC. A letter was sent to parents asking for
their input and ideas on fundraising, of the small amount of replies received the
group got some good suggestions.
A number of activities allowed the Parent Council to raise funds for the school:
 Bag packing - an M&S bag pack on 27th October raised £614.
 Open Evening for new school-£300 was raised from tea/coffee, raffle and
 Parents evenings - raised money from providing Teas and coffees to Parents
 Christmas Concert-money raised from tea/coffee, raffle and tombola.
 School production of 'Grease'- money was raised from tea/coffee, raffle and
Discussions at Council
A number of issues came up for discussions during this session:
The two main issues which have been ongoing through the year involved safety
concerns related the school buses and pupils crossing roads around the school.
Concerns were raised that pupils were not wearing seatbelts on school buses,
particularly on the route from Langbank which comes via the M8.
Contact has been made with Renfrewshire Council and the local Police but at
present this issue is still ongoing. It is hope that representatives of the school and PC
can meet with the relevant parties to take this issue forward.
there have been ongoing issues with pupils crossing roads and roundabouts near the
school. The school have been in discussion with the local Police, Renfrewshire
Council and Councillors and Pupil Councils. There have been some improvements
but it is hoped that the school and PC can arrange a meeting next term to try to find a
more permanent resolution to the issues. Staff have been very pro-active in trying to
resolve this issue.
other items discussed at meetings included:
 SQA Exam results
 Staffing
 Activities week
 Duke of Edinburgh
 School Handbook
 Study leave
This year there has been discussion about how the PC can improve communication
with the wider parent forum by making more use of the school website. It is hoped
that this can be dealt with next year.