read - classofmrshatten

Do Now
Read the first three pages of chapter
Put a box around 5 verbs per page
Turn to page 1159
Elements of Literature Book
Fold that page
For a grammar reference
Complete 6 index cards for
subject verb agreement
1st Card
Subject Verb Agreement
Names the person, place, thing or idea spoken
about in the sentence.
Ex. 1 Kelly was bitten by a dog.
Ex. 2 (on your own)
2nd Card
Subject Verb Agreement
Used to express an action or state of being
Ex. 1 Kelly was bitten by a dog.
Ex. 2 (on your own)
3rd Card
Subject Verb Agreement
The number of the subject is not changed by a
phrase following the subject.
Ex. 1. The sign near the glass doors explains the
theme of the exhibit. (singular)
Ex. 2 Several paintings by Emilio Sanchez were
hanging in the gallery. (plural)
4th Card
Subject Verb Agreement
Indefinite Pronoun
Indefinite pronouns that end in one, thing,
body, and neither are singular. Also each and
either are singular.
Ex. 1. Each of the poems about farm workers
was written by Gary Soto.
Ex. 2 Has anyone else in your study group read
all of the miracle worker.
5th Card
Subject Verb Agreement
Compound subject
A compound subject, which is two or more
subjects that have the same verb, may be
singular, plural, or either.
Ex. 1. Both Leslie Marmon Silko and Mari Evans
are poets.
Ex. 2. Macaroni and cheese is a good side dish.
6th Card
Subject Verb Agreement
Collective Noun
Takes a singular verb when the noun refers to
the group as a unit and takes a plural verb when
the noun refers to the individual parts or
members of a group.
Ex. 1. (singular)
Ex. 2. (plural)
Write your name on the top of the
construction paper (regular size)
First and fifth period assignments
Green – Compound
Yellow – Phrase
Red – Collective
Blue – Indefinite Pronoun
Seventh period assignments
Green – compound
Orange – phrase
Red- Collective
Purple – Indefinite Pronoun
Third period assignments
Green – compound
Orange – phrase
Black- Collective
Purple – Indefinite Pronoun
eighth period assignments
Blue – compound
Yellow – phrase
Pink - Collective
Purple – Indefinite Pronoun
fourth period assignments
Blue – compound
Yellow – phrase
Pink - Collective
Purple – Indefinite Pronoun
Project Examples
Project Examples
Project Examples
Project Examples
Project Examples
Read chapters 1-15
Complete chapter presentations
Complete foldable
Study subject verb agreement
Folder check Tuesday and Wednesday
Email me if you haven’t done so