Commission on Disability Access and Design MINUTES Thursday

Commission on Disability Access and Design
Thursday, October 20, 2011
3:30 – 5:00, Havasupai C, University Union
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of minutes from September 15 meeting
i. Pam moved, Jamie second, all in favor
CDAD Newsletter (Lauren & Chris)
Review of columns and topics
1. Possibly use Dreamweaver, Chris asking E-Learning about possibly using
their Dreamweaver license. Ask TV services to host any video media
2. Need to decide how often this will go out
3. Guidelines for submission – Lauren will talk to Melissa in grad college
about her guidelines
1. How will we decide what is included?
2. Will they be peer reviewed?
Call for ideas and resources – audience? Broad list at first and then allow
people to opt out, if possible (similar to LA). Online with a print friendly
version. Embed CSS formatting.
1. Technology tips and tools
1. Provide resources on how to use technologies (magpie, tutorials,
2. UD simple design tip
3. Cartoon or comic that is light and fun
4. From the courtroom
5. What are the resources – DR, Affirmative Action
6. Link to existing resources – Bblearn, Cline, etc.
7. Current events
8. Highlight the Disability Experience Story Project and include the stories
as we get them
1. Way to spotlight individual stories
9. Provide list of people who are willing to share the ways they have
worked to make things usable (faculty or staff or students)
10. Have you ever thought? Or is there something you’d like to know?
11. History
PO Box 4142
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4142
(928) 523-0708 (fax)
12. Kevin – Is this going to be interactive? Can we ask people to contribute?
Faculty, students, maybe the community to help people make a
connection, a way to allow people to share their views and things that
they’ve seen; Editorials? Blog? Letters to the Editor? In my classroom
I’ve seen this, or I’m using this. Encourage people to somehow
13. Chris – Project Date, they list conferences that are happening, jobs
available in particular fields, and other resources for their particular
14. Curricular activities happening around campus
1. Regular or running column from Disability Studies?
15. Facility updates and issues with departments wanting to rearrange
furniture. “Facilities Facts”
1. Feedback about how to improve their experiences on campus to
possibly help improve sidewalks, parking, etc. Include information
about how to report issues to CAS.
16. Is there a way for people to like particular columns, topics? A “Like”
17. Column on intersectionality
1. How are we connecting with other groups on campus?
18. Should CDAD have a facebook page?
1. Are there permissions that we need to get?
2. No one feels that there are permissions that need to be garnered.
3. Is facebook accessible?
a. Jamie, there are accessibility tools that can be used
4. What about a BBlearn module instead? Could contain blog posts
and other info
a. This would prevent non-NAU people from participating
What do we want in the first edition?
1. What is the timeline?
1. January/February, spring
2. Legal rulings – Jamie and Priscilla with links and summaries
3. What is CDAD? The history and how to become involved.
4. Brief disability awareness piece. Pick a January event to highlight.
5. Cartoon about UD
6. Greetings from the Associate VP for Diversity?
7. Daisy writing about intersectionality
1. Cultural mapping – ask Christine Lemley to write this
2. History piece – evolution of words, topics, understanding
8. Highlighting what was added to the Strategic Plan – relates to what
Daisy will be writing about
9. Need to define UD
10. Tom will write about the new History course
11. Of course, include contact info
12. At some point a story about disability as identity
PO Box 4142
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4142
(928) 523-0708 (fax)
13. How do you get a temp permit if you need it? Where is the parking
Updates and Events
Bobby McMullen, Ride Blind Racing, 6:00 pm, Wednesday, November 16
1. Flyer will be ready by Monday afternoon and sent out to commission
2. Happing in the MAC gym at the HLC
3. Screening of the film and Q & A, three hour event, open to everyone
4. Inaugural event at the MAC gym
5. Can only hold 300 people
1. What about tickets? How will this work? How to distribute? Will
ticketing distribute? Can we bring some to bike shops and have
them distribute tickets? Talk to Chris Gunn, he might have some
ideas about this.
2. Could have some overflow space up on the track upstairs.
3. Kristen will help Jamie figure out chairs
6. Thursday, November 17th, Bobby will lead a ride
1. Trying to make it a broad based event, invite the Flag community
2. Don Carter is working with Absolute bikes, hopefully we can get
this out to the other bike shops
3. Jamie in contact with NAU Outdoors
4. What about the NAU bike club?
7. CDAD, TASH, Absolute Bikes, Campus Recreation Services, NAU
Outdoors, Office of the President
8. Chris will talk to Central Ticketing
9. Kristen and Chris will talk about getting signage from Parking
Online Course Accessibility: Quality Matters (Don/Chris)
ASU online instructional design team and Chris and Matt Minister are going
to participate.
Update on Capital Projects (Agnes)
Ardrey targeted to break ground on 10/31 for phase I, elevator to balcony
and other levels not currently accessible, etc., phase II will include restroom
upgrades, concrete, seating, etc.
Lab building, schematic design available week of Nov. 7th. Need to look at
Greening quad almost done
Starting to work on classroom upgrades. List of classrooms to be upgraded,
paint & carpet, lecterns won’t be out until spring but will be adjustable. AVC
upgrades will happen which will require DR to look at the accessibility. 10%
of seating has to be accessible.
Anything else?
PO Box 4142
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4142
(928) 523-0708 (fax)
Talk of the Nation interview
1. Grad student looking at the design of campus from University of
Colorado. Began looking at the blue light safety system and how useless
it is for blind people.
2. Agnes – Andrew Griffith is upgrading the blue lights really soon so we
should talk to him about this issue
BAM radio
1. Nothing about disability, possible project
BB World, NBC Learn is now being vetted. CDAD should look at it and have
some input about content and how usable it is.
1. Nobody has assessed it yet.
2. Are things captioned?
3. Kevin – seems to think that they have their act together
1. Kaltura, BB piece for integrating media into the shell
4:00 - 5:00 pm IHD room 111 first meeting of new student group around ?
not sure what the focus is yet.
1. Chris – suggested working with Rom Coles because of his interest in
community action.
2. Should connect with TASH
Parking issues. Where are the accessible lots?
Room 314 Engineering building from 4:00-5:00 talk, Walking with Springs:
artificial limb development. Chris sending out.
Kindle Fire is not accessible.
Martin Springer Institute speaker series is Education is a Human Right
Penn State has settled with NFB
1. There are a number of requirements to make sweeping changes to
accessibility across campus
PO Box 4142
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4142
(928) 523-0708 (fax)