Ice skating at Winchester Cathedral

Our Ref: RJ/DMB
19 November 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Ice-skating at Winchester Cathedral
Thursday 17 December 2015
I am pleased to be able to bring you details of the Oaklands Young Carers Group’s
2015 Christmas trip, to be held on Thursday 17 December.
This year we will be returning to Winchester Cathedral for ice-skating, once again
enjoying the festive atmosphere as Christmas approaches. Your son/daughter will be
travelling to Winchester in the school minibus and we will be departing immediately
after school at approximately 4.00 pm. Our ice-skating session will be from 5.30 to
Following the skating there will be the opportunity to spend time around the Christmas
market which surrounds the ice rink within the grounds of the cathedral. Students will
be able to buy food, hot drinks and gifts from the stalls, so please send them with any
money they may need to do so. Please note, we will not be going for dinner this year!
We expect to be back at school for 8pm. If there is likely to be significant delays then
we will ask students to contact you via text.
As we are partaking in an outdoors winter activity it is vital that everyone comes fully
prepared and all of the instructions below, taken directly from Winchester Cathedral,
need to be followed.
All participants must wear gloves
Hats are allowed on the rink if it is raining, but one should be brought
Students need to know their shoe size to allow for quick access to the ice and
more skating time!!
It will be cold on the ice; students must wear suitable cold-weather clothing,
preferably layers which can be removed if they become too hot.
Any pupil who is asthmatic and carries an inhaler needs to hand it to myself in
a clearly labelled sealed bag or container.
Any individual not following the instructions given by members of Winchester
Cathedral’s on-ice marshals will be removed from the ice.
As we are departing immediately after school students are permitted to come into
school in non-school uniform. Whatever clothes they wear, however, must be suitable
for school and the evening’s activities. No onesies, please!
We have been lucky enough to have a number of students hold fundraising events for
the young carers group, as well as Mr Jeffrey Dugan who ran the Rome Marathon for
us. This support is always very warmly received and vital to the continuing support we
can offer. Thanks to these ongoing efforts I am delighted to be able to offer this trip at
the reduced cost of £5.00 per student. I sincerely hope that all of our young carers
who wish to attend this year’s Christmas trip can join us for what is sure to be a
wonderful evening. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at
We would advise that students do not to take valuables out on school activities,
however, should they be taken parents should ensure personal possessions are
adequately insured.
It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to update the school should there be any
changes to the medical information about their child. Please communicate these to
Mrs Brettell, Business Support Manager. Also do check that your contact telephone
numbers are correct so you can be contacted in the event of a delay to our homeward
Please complete and return the consent form and monies (cheques made payable to
Oaklands Catholic School) to the Finance Office by Tuesday 1 December 2015.
Alternatively you can pay online.
Yours sincerely
Mr R Jones
Ice-skating at Winchester Cathedral, Thursday 17 December 2015
I confirm that I have parental responsibility for
Name……………………………………………….……………… Form……………………
I enclose payment of £
I will pay online
He/she is in good health and I consent to him/her taking part in the programme detailed
in your letter.
I understand and accept that it is my responsibility to update the school should there
be any changes to the medical information about my child. Please communicate these
to Mrs Brettell, Business Support Manager.