Monday 11th January 2016 Dear Parents, Welcome back to another busy term, I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful break. This term, the whole school will be thinking about Extreme Earth and we are looking forward to lots of exciting learning experiences. School Uniform & Kit Please could you continue to ensure that children have forest school and PE kits in school. Forest School is still on a Thursday afternoon and PE takes place on Mondays and Fridays. Please ensure that all kit is named. It is also important that children have warm coats, hats, gloves etc. as well as waterproof boots. We are often outside in wet weather! Homework The children have already started to receive Numeracy homework again. This will usually be sent home on a Thursday (or Friday if your child is away) and needs to be returned to school on the following Thursday. Children should also be reading regularly at home. I will be sending home a list of spellings soon which the children should know at the end of Year 2 or Year 3. Any extra practice of these would be really helpful! OTP course This term I will be taking on an Outstanding Teaching course at Sheringham Primary Teaching School. This will mean that I am going to be away from school on Wednesdays. Mrs Maria Whiting will be taking the class for most of these sessions. If you need to speak to me on a Wednesday, just leave a message with the office and they will make sure that they pass it on to me as soon as they can. Cathedral Visit As part of our RE topic on prayer, we will be visiting Norwich Cathedral this term for a day thinking about why Christians pray and whether it works or not. We hope that this trip will help the children to think more deeply about this tricky topic. More details to follow. We are looking forward to an exciting term in school. If you would like to come into school to share anything to do with our topic please just let me know! Thank you for your continued help and support, Mrs Watts Physical Development Outdoor games and Gymnastics at Northrepps Village Hall from 1st February Literacy Instructions Author study – Michael Rosen Factfiles – extreme weather Newspaper reports – after an earthquake Class 2 Spring 2016 Mathematical Development Shape Fractions Money Weight Capacity Position and Direction Addition Subtraction Art/D&T/Music Science / ICT Landscapes and Cityscapes The work of Monet and Van Gogh Let’s go fly a Kite! Our day off – creating music for a journey RE/PSHE Does prayer work? Why do Christian’s pray? Cathedral visit My emotions – how do I feel? Controlling and managing our emotions. Extreme Earth History/Geography What are the continents and oceans of the world? Where are the hot and cold countries? Earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes and tsunamis How do people survive on extreme Earth? Forces and Magnets Properties and Uses of Materials Materials used to survive extreme weather Programming Logo and Beebots J2Easy