CCC 20 Close Reading Strategies

We spend quite a bit of time using close reading as a strategy in our
classrooms with the transition to Common Core. We know Close
Reading requires readers to figure out and navigate complex text by
reading and discussing texts multiple times as opposed to being told
about the text by the teacher. One of the hard things about close
reading is finding challenging texts that are worth reading multiple
times! As a reminder, in close reading, a first reading is about figuring
out what a text says – just comprehending, knowing plot or key ideas
and details of the text. A second reading would then focus on figuring
out how the text works. How did the author organize it? What
literary devices were used and how effective were they? What was
the quality of the evidence? If data were presented, how was that
accomplished? Why did the author choose certain words? The third
read goes even deeper. Questions like what does this text mean?
What was the author’s point? What does it say to the reader about
his/her life or world? How can the reader evaluate the quality of the
work? How does the text connect to other texts? By this time, a
critical analysis can be made!
EESD Common
Core Corner
January 26-30
Issue 20
K-5th grade teachers, CHECK it out! ReadWorks is a WONDERFUL resource for comprehension units in literature and
informational text. They all have either paired texts or videos and read alouds. They also facilitate close reading!
I encourage you to watch at least part of this 11
minute video clip. Even though it is a high
school clip, the close reading strategies could
easily be adapted and used with upper
elementary and junior high students.
(Hold down the control key and left click on the
link & it will open!)
The first close reading strategy that intrigued
me was what the teacher calls “Interrupted
Passages”. This strategy encourages deeper
analysis of text because the teacher separates
out a few sentences with space between for
student written analysis. (See the attached
example) The teacher separates the sections he
wants them to analyze. During this particular
assignment, the students look at the author’s
language choices and discuss the placement of
the words in the passage. The video show the
students doing this part. Pretty cool.
The next strategy is called QPA 5 sentences and
prompts. Again, the video shows students doing
this. QPA is Quick Passage Analysis. Students
synthesize their understanding of the meaning
and importance of the passage in a structured
paragraph. Basically it is a writing strategy in
which students - in five sentences - need to do a
complete analysis. It involves a topic sentence
where students examine an author's use of some
literary device. Then it moves to a sentence with
evidence. Then it's followed by a sentence of
analysis of that evidence. Followed then by a
sentence about the device itself as how it
reaches the idea and then the last sentence
which is the theme or the idea itself. QPA is a
scaffolded strategy to help students think deeply
as writers. (See a student example of their
completed 5 sentence paragraph attached)
The video also demonstrates effective student
collaboration as well! Check it out! Food for
Thought for sure.
Since the video clip is from the Teaching Channel, you can see the entire lesson plan and
other strategies used in the lesson. As always, there are many new videos to see on the
Teaching Channel for all grade levels and content areas. I recommend you regularly
check when you have a few minutes! There is always something
great to see, and different ideas to try.
Be sure to let me know when your special events and CC activities are so I can come take pictures! The above
pictures are from last year’s MARCH MADNESS activities at ROTHER! It was AWESOME. I’d love to come see what
is going on at your school!
Queen Russell hosts her second annual PANCAKE
ART DAY! Check out the artistry! Nice long-eared
dog, Terri! We are impressed. Teachers and
students alike get to participate and vote to see
who wins the prize for the most creative entry!