2014 Term 1 - Secondary Social Science Wikispace

Starter Activities in Geography
1. One child Policy in China and implications for future. Useful graph here.
2. Interactive Population Pyramid for NZ population
3. Population pyramid and line graph for the whole world population
4. Population Growth rates
5. World comparison Population density rates
6. World population reduced to a bubble
7. This explores the problems faced by senior citizens in China.
8. Some fascinating photos of what population density looks like!
9.This is the best of the population clocks that breaks population down into age
groups and a whole heap of other factors.
10. Some of the wonderful results coming out from the 2013 census. This one shows
population density and change for all of New Zealand as well as for major cities. By
moving the bar across the map you can compare the census data for 2006 to the
present 2013 one.
11. Population change
12. A great little article looking at how technology is changing Indian Weddings!
13. More census data of great value to those of you who do NZ population. You
could also use these figures as a basis when teaching graphing and to show patterns.
Two good sites here:
14. The series on Population by Hans Rosling shown on BBC2. This is awesome but
does last an hour! Be great for both Level 1 population and Level 2 Development.
15. Another Wonderful Hans Gosling short video is a great starter for Level 1
Population Growth or Level 2 Development. It asks the question 'Will saving the
world's poor children lead to overpopulation?"
16. A good video update on the One child Policy changes in China (note the other
videos at the side also)
17.Some great refugee stories here that investigates the items refugees took with
them when they fled. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-24954580
2014 Term 1
18. If you want to get across what the term 'crowded' really means show this! It
is on the end of Ramadan rush hour in Bangladesh
19. A clip advertising a great film of interest to geographers called 'mother" and
is all about population growth and the effects on the earth. The site has a wealth
of resources but of most interest is probably the trailer clip that would be a
superb introduction to the population topic. http://www.motherthefilm.com/
20. This site analyses the UK census data. While this may not be a country you
would use to show population data the interactive age=sex pyramid showing
both how and why the population has changed from 1911 to the present is very
interesting. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-18854073
21. This site looks at the Economics of Birth control – it could be a little complex
for Level 1 and more suitable for the 2.3 Development topic
22. An amusing if rather risqué video looking at ways of encouraging Danish
people to have more babies! Make sure you check it out first
http://rt.com/news/denmark-low-birthrate-sex-425/ .
2014 Term 2
23. A great TED powerpoint sent to me by Mary Robinson at St Cuthbert' s that
explains age-sex pyramids. Ideal for the population
topic. http://ed.ted.com/lessons/population-pyramids-powerful-predictors-of-thefuture-kim-preshoff
24. Another video clip that would be of interest to students is this one. Don't be put
off by the title as contains some good images of the push and pull model of
migration. http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-do-you-decide-where-to-go-in-azombie-apocalypse-david-hunter
25. This is a great you tube clip for both the development topic and population –
looking at the effect technology is having in solving world health issues. It was
produced as part of the global health 2035
report. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecko4AbUuwo
26. This is an interactive on world migration trends. Great to squash some
perceptions about who is moving the
most! http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_world_/2014/04/02/world_on_the_move_fi
27. This investigates the link between religion and population there. Ideal for Level 1
Population. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXYo5kmc6Mo
28. This is a great interactive site to do with world
population http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-15391515
29. As part of the recent world refugee day comes this article that puts the refugee
crisis into perspective. Great for level 1
population. http://blogs.state.gov/stories/2014/06/20/five-things-know-worldrefugee-day
30. Another must, this time for Level 1 Population Geography, is a TED clip on how
population pyramids can be interpreted as predictors for future
populations. http://ed.ted.com/lessons/population-pyramids-powerful-predictorsof-the-future-kim-preshoff
31. A great video to explain the migration model. It looks at the growing problems of
megacities using Dakar as a case
study http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFboV2m1yuw
32. For those of you doing India's population is this article about why caste still
matters http://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2014/02/economistexplains-9?fsrc=scn/tw/te/bl/ee/whycastestillmattersinindia