FERINTOSH PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER December 2012 SCHOOL VISION It is our aim to strive towards success in enterprise and sustainable developments by embracing ambition, innovation and enthusiasm, both in our school environment and the wider community. Children, parents and all school staff respect and value our partnerships and demonstrate invaluable commitment to ensure Ferintosh builds on its vibrant learning experiences. Ferintosh Primary School is working together to provide an enriching, high quality learning experience for all. We will continue to encourage our children to recognise their strengths by actively challenging their thinking and practice through engagement in effective learning and teaching. The Pupils’ Views on Bullying We are committed to supporting our children in developing as confident individuals. We recently talked with the children to find out their views on bullying in the school. What the children said about bullying: Bullying does sometimes happen in our school All who felt they had been bullied indicated that they had told an adult either in school or at home The school deals effectively with bullying in most cases At times, the bullying does re-occur Pupils know that bullying is wrong but do not always report it when they see it happening to someone else When it happens, bullying tends to happen in the playground. What the children suggested we need to do to improve: The school should provide more opportunity for children to talk through problems Show video scenarios for discussion Share strategies for what to do when bullying happens What we will do now: Revisit the school’s use of circle time and videos/scenarios to stimulate discussion Develop the school’s use of restorative practice to give opportunity for children to talk to and with adults and other children Writing Showcase What the children say we need to do to improve Continue to motivate children by engaging them in topics/tasks that excite and interest them By Rachael P1 By James P1 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANNING Curriculum for Excellence We have been working on developing planned learning to ensure that the pupils receive a coherent and relevant curriculum every day. Thought is given to depth and breadth of learning as well as progress in learning. All experiences are now planned to be relevant to the pupils and build on prior learning. Applying Learning P4-7 have been raising funds as part of a business enterprise project to buy resources to support class work. The Move It Group raised £112 from their disco, MSS have raised £120 from the sale of cards and the Keyees have raised £95 by selling cards and bookmarks. The pupil council hope to run a talent show next term to add to this. So far, the children have prioritised a shopping list of a tablet and a large box of lego. I am currently investigating the feasibility of getting a wireless connection in the school. FERINTOSH NEWS Staffing We welcome Ms Lorimer who will be teaching P4-7 to Ferintosh Primary School from Monday 3rd December. We hope she enjoys being part of our learning community. Christmas The Festive Season is nearly upon us, and the children have already started preparing to entertain you. The infants are practising their nativity which they will perform at the Christmas assembly, and P4-7 are again learning carols and songs to sing at both Tesco and at the Community Carol Singing evening. This year, the Community Carol event will be a joint one with Mulbuie at Ferintosh on 11th December at 6pm. The Christmas lunch is on Wednesday the 12th December. Numbers for this should by now be in. The Pantomime visit is organised for the 13th December. We should return to school around 4pm. This time is subject to change – please keep an eye on the school website for up to date information. All pupils should bring a packed lunch on this day as there will be no canteen. After School Clubs I am pleased to say that Ferintosh Primary now offers 3 after-school clubs – netball for P4-7 on a Tuesday, and on a Thursday, ICT rangers for P4-7 and the Lego club for P1-3. Website The school website is now fully operational and will contain up to date information about school activities – www.spanglefish/ferintoshprimaryschool.co.uk . Many thanks to Rory’s mum for helping with the setting up of this. Please, if you can, check the website regularly. Charity Fundraising I am very impressed to say that Ferintosh Primary raised an amazing £135.61 for Children in Need. This is a huge amount of money for a small school. Well done to all who helped make this fun day so successful. The cakes were lovely! £17 was also made from the Rag Bag Collection. This goes into school funds. Dates for the Diary December 4th Bible Bus at Tarradale 11th Community Carol Singing – 6pm in hall 12th Christmas Lunch 13th Pantomime @ Eden Court 18th Carol Singing at Tesco P1-7 party 19th P6-7 party Mulbuie 20th Christmas Assembly and nativity – 1.30pm School closes for holiday @ 3pm Please keep an eye on the website as dates may change – www.spanglefish/ferintoshprimaryschool.co.uk Pupil Absences As per authority guidelines, please remember to phone in to school before 10am each morning that your child is off ill. And finally May I take this opportunity to wish you all a lovely holiday when it comes. School re-opens at 9am on Monday 7th January.