ECN202 Sp 15: Exam1B 1. One of the themes in the course is macroeconomics matters, so which of the following is a BIG event that can be traced back to macroeconomic performance? a. Arab Spring b. Rise of Hitler c. Burning of witches in Europe in the Middle Ages d. Election of Barack Obama in 2008 e. All of the above 2. Which of the following statements can be made based on this graph of tuition increases at the flagship public 4-year institutions in New England? In this 13 year period, ___ a. b. c. d. Instate tuition was higher than out-of-state tuition Tuition was lowest at UNH URI had the second highest in-state tuition In-state tuition rose fastest at UMASS 3. When you look at the graph of the federal government budget deficit you can see___ a. b. c. d. Federal Government Budget Surplus/Deficit fiscal policy at work in the late 1990s as the government tries to stimulate the economy fiscal policy at work in 2009 as the government tries to stimulate the economy monetary policy at work in 2009 as the Fed tries to stimulate the economy monetary policy at work in 2001 as the Fed tries to slow the economy 4. Which of the following statements is not consistent with the relationship evident in this graph? a. b. c. d. Strong economic growth will help the Democrats in the 2016 election The Democrats should have won the 1932 election Republicans could be expected to thwart policies to improve the economy to increase their chances to win the 2016 election. Elections such as the 2016 where there will be no incumbent president running favor the opposition party. 5. Which of the following is NOT correct statement about the labor market? a. In the Great Recession employment decreased in the construction industry b. In the Great Recession the labor force participation rate increased c. In the Great Recession long-term unemployment increased substantially d. In the Great Recession the number of discouraged workers increased 1 6. Which variables are in this graph? a. b. c. d. The rate of unemployment and underemployment Shares of total employment in manufacturing and services Labor force participation rates for men and women Unemployment rates for college and high school educated males 7. The Obama stimulus was a response to the Great Recession. How would we show the stimulus with AS-AD? a. An inward shift in AD b. An outward shift in AD c. An inward shift in AS d. An outward shift in AS 8. If we have a very simple world in which Italy and Greece are contemplating trading cloth (C )l and wine (W). If these production possibility curves represent the productive capacities of the two countries, ____ a. b. c. d. there is no basis for trade we can expect the opening of clothing factories in Italy as Italy exports clothes we can expect the closing of clothing factories in Italy as Italy exports olive wine we can expect the opening of wineries in Greece as Italy imports wine 9. The headline read: "SUV sales fall as gas prices rise.” The best way to translate this story into a S&D graph of the SUV market would be graph __. a. a b. b c. c d. d e. e 10. The headline read: "Unrest in Iraq drives oil prices higher.” The best way to translate this story into a S&D graph of the SUV market would be graph __. a. a b. b c. c d. d e. e 2 11. The best explanation of what was driving the price of coffee in the first half of 1997 would be ___ a. b. c. d. an increase in both supply and demand an increase in demand and a decrease in supply an increase in supply a decrease in demand 12. You cannot have missed the debate in the US over the stimulus package in 2009 - or at least you should not have missed it. In the debate you could see ______ pushing for tax cuts and ______ pushing for spending increases targeted at some lower income groups. a. liberals / Marxists b. conservatives / liberals c. conservatives/ conservatives
d. liberals / conservatives 13. Given the track record of tariff rates in the US reflected in the graph, which of the following statements is most likely to be correct. a. b. c. In the 1920s the US Congress was looking to grow international trade In the Civil War the North raised tariffs to decrease US imports In the post WW II era the US Congress was looking to reduce international trade The US Congress’ immediate response to the Great Depression’s onset was a lowering of tariffs 14. Given the data in the table above, what was the unemployment rate in 2008? (closest approximation) a. 9.6% b. 8.9% c. 8.1% d. 5.8% 3 15. GDP is used as an indicator of a country’s economic situation, so if I were interested in doing some international comparisons of improvements in the standard of living over the past decade, which of the following would be the best indicator? a. Real GDP (US$s) b. Real per capita GDP (PPP) c. Nominal GDP per capita (national currency) d. CPI (euros) 16. This is a graph of the price level of three important elements in a family budget. Which of the following is true? a. b. c. d. A is apparel and B is tuition C is apparel and A is tuition A is oil and B is apparel B is medical and C is tuition 17. GDP is used as an indicator of a country’s economic situation, so if I were interested in getting a good sense of how much output in the economy shrank in the most recent recession, which of the following would be the best indicator? a. real GDP b. real GDP per capita c. CPI d. nominal GDP 18. a. b. c. d. e. Given the way we measure GDP, which of the following would increase GDP? My purchase of a 2012 BMW My daughter’s decision to leave her job to raise her children My son’s decision to ride his bike to work instead of driving My purchase of a new computer for my office My purchase of Facebook stock as a good investment 19. If you were president, the worst-case scenario would be a decline in GDP and a rise in inflation because both are seen by people as bad things. How would we best show a shock that created this outcome using the AS-AD diagram? a. An outward shift in AD b. An outward shift in AS c. An inward shift in AD d. An inward shift in AS 20. What was the macroeconomic indicator that showed so graphically the magnitude of the Great Depression? a. Inflation rate b. Balance of trade deficit c. Budget deficit d. Unemployment rate 21. Above is a table of output market data. Based on the table, in 2000 GDP was ____. [best approximation] a. 9,040 b. 10.920 c. 11,210 d. 12,340 4 1980 1998 2000 2005 2010 2013 22. What is the real interest rate in 2010? a. 4.8 b. 3.2 c. 1.6 Interest rate 11.4 5.3 6.0 4.3 3.2 2.4 CPI 82 163 172 195 218 233 Earnings 241 449 481 544 637 678 Inflation rate 13.5 1.6 3.4 3.4 1.6 1.5 d. .8 23. The headline was "“UK house prices start year with a bang, fuelled by first-time buyers." If I wanted to show this using a S&D graph then I would ___. a. shift the demand curve out b. shift the demand curve in c. shift the supply curve in d. shift the supply curve out 24. Which of the following statements can be made based on this graph of the ratio of incomes of college grads to the incomes of high school grads – a measure people use to capture the “college premium?” a. b. c. d. The college degree has a bigger impact on the earnings of males than on the earnings of females The “college premium” is higher for females, although the gap is declining. The “college premium” has gotten smaller for males since 1990 Female earnings fell through mid 2000s and then began to rise. 25. If I were looking for evidence that the Fed was trying to stimulate the economy, I would look at ___. a. Budget deficit figures to see if the budget deficit was increasing b. Interest rats to see if interest rates were rising c. Money supply figures to see if the money supply was increasing d. Government spending figures to see if government spending was increasing. 26. If you were president, the worst-case scenario would be a decline in GDP and a rise in inflation because both are seen by people as bad things. How would we best show a shock that created this outcome using the AS-AD diagram? a. An outward shift in AD b. An outward shift in AS c. An inward shift in AD d. An inward shift in AS 27. Which one of the following statements is true when we look at economic history? a. inflation rates tend to be lower during wars b. inflation rates have been rising since the onset of the Great Recession c. the highest inflation rates in the 1990s tended to be in the former Soviet Union d. differences in the inflation rates of European countries rose sharply after adoption of the euro 28. There is a very clear relationship between inflation and interest rates in the time-series graph to the right. If you chose to look at the annual inflation and interest rate data in a scatter diagram, which of the scatter graphs below would best represent this relationship? B 5 29. Which is the best story to go with the diagrams above? a. Under Mao, China was a success story due to its openness to international trade b. Under Gandhi, India was a success story due to its openness to international trade c. The success of the Asian Tigers and Japan in the first decades after WW II was due to their openness to international trade d. The slowdown in W. Europe and the US in the latter period was due to substantial increases in tariffs 30. Above is a table of four variables representing certain aspects of the US labor market. The columns are all percentages and represent the labor force participation rate for white females and males and unemployment rates for white and black males. Given the characteristics of the US labor market, which of the columns would be the labor force participation rate for white females? a. A b. B c. C d. D 6