Village of Lagrange Council Meeting Minutes Record of Proceedings May 28, 2015 Mayor Kim Strauss called the regular scheduled Council Meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. After the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken with Honer, Gregory, Kincannon, Dill and Karpinski present. Motion by Kincannon, seconded by Dill to approve the minutes of May 14, 2015; 5 yeas, motion passed. Public Participation: A resident questioned if there was legislation against other residents mowing their grass into the street. One property in particular had brush hogged tall grass and it is clogging up the catch basins. Strauss stated the resident had a legitimate concern. A message could be placed on the water bill and/or on Facebook regarding the issue of catch basin clogging due to grass being mowed into the street. Clark will be researching any zoning/littering ordinances in other localities that might be applied to the Village through an ordinance. Mayors’ Report: None Police Report: None Solicitor Jon Clark’s Report: 1. The Pheasant Run / Lorain County Commissioners Sewer agreement is close to being finalized. Village Administrator Walt Sukey’s Report: 1. We had to order a new control panel for the Ultra Violet disinfection lights at the waste water plant. Cost is $2,270 plus shipping. We will try to install new panel when received. The improper functioning panel will probably cause us to have bacteria related violations until the new panel is operating. 2. Repairs have been made on the right front ball joints and seals on the 2008 F-350 pickup truck at a cost of $1,234.51. 3. Agri-Sludge Company has finished hauling sludge from the wastewater treatment plant. They pressed and hauled 274,100 gallons of sludge. 4. Sukey would like to take step one in the plan to be able to monitor certain equipment using smart phones. The cost of all the phones including three smart phones would be free. New holsters to fit all the new phones would cost an estimated $220. The cost of the monthly service charges would remain almost the same with the shared minute reduction to the current plan. Karpinski motioned to approve the authorization of the three smart phones, seconded by Gregory; 5 yeas, motion passed. 5. There is a probably street right of way dedication issue regarding Dill Court with the two lots on the north end; one on each side of street. Clark is looking into this potential issue. 6. Sukey is asking Council to approve the purchase of Village Of LaGrange fluorescent t-shirts for eight employees. Dill motioned to approve the purchase up to $625, seconded by Karpinski; 5 yeas, motion passed. 7. Council received a copy of the Ohio EPA representative Tomas Parry Compliance Evaluation Inspection letter. Also included was a response letter from Village of LaGrange Water Pollution Control Plant Superintendent Robert Hulec. Most items on the list have already been addressed. 1|Page March 12, 2015 Village of Lagrange Council Meeting Minutes Record of Proceedings May 28, 2015 8. Harmon Court update: new water lines and house services are installed and operational. The old water main line has been abandoned and old pavement dug out. Grading new base, street pavement, driveway aprons, curb drains and yard restoration need to be completed. Fiscal Officer Kimberly Fallon’s Report: None Old Business: 1. Strauss questioned is a Cintas Representative was rescheduled to discuss defribulators. suggested researching the cost of purchasing units instead of leasing. He New Business: None Committee Reports: 1. Park Board – None 2. Planning Commission – None 3. LCIC – None Presentation of Bills: 1. The Fiscal Officer presented the following bills for payment as shown on the attached list for warrants 38324 through 38351 and Electronic Payments 339-2015 through 368-2015 for a total of $133,405.93. Motion by Dill, seconded by Gregory; 5 yeas, motion passed. There being no further business, motion to adjourn by Karpinski, seconded by Honer; 5 yeas; motion passed. Adjourned at 8:07 P.M. Signed: ___________________________ Kim E. Strauss, Mayor Attested by: ___________________________ Kimberly A. Fallon, Fiscal Officer Date: ____________________________ 2|Page March 12, 2015