PENDER ISLANDS HEALTH CARE SOCIETY 5715 CANAL ROAD, PENDER ISLAND, BC, V0N 2M1 PENDER ISLANDS HEALTH CARE SOCIETY FAX: (250) 629-3314 WEB: TELEPHONE: (250) 629-3326 MINUTES OF DIRECTORS MEETING Monday, November 16, 2015 (10:00 am) Health Care Centre Meeting Room Present: Wendy Hacking (President), Mel MacDonald, Marion Alksne, Al Bloomenthal, Tom Caston, Carol Davis, Wendy MacDonald, Bruce Waygood (Past President), Robert Dill (Executive Director), and Shannon Brayford (Recorder) Regrets: John Pye, Trallee Dun, Dana Goedbloed, Barb Macpherson The meeting was called to order at 10:02 am. President Wendy Hacking acted as Chair. 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Mel MacDonald, seconded by Marion Alksne, to approve the agenda. CARRIED 2. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER BOARD MINUTES a. Minutes of Directors Meeting of October 19, 2015 at 10:00 am Bruce Waygood recommended the omission of the word “their” on page 1 under the first bullet point. Moved by Wendy MacDonald, seconded by Carol Davis, to approve the October 19, 2015 10:00 am minutes as amended. CARRIED b. Minutes of the In-Camera Directors Meeting of October 19, 2015 Moved by Marion Alksne, seconded by Mel MacDonald, to approve the October 19, 2015 minutes. CARRIED 3. BUSINESS ARISING a. MAP Presentation Chair Hacking invited comment on the request from Moving Around Pender (MAP). It was generally agreed that PIHCS was not the appropriate agency to provide the requested support, but that Chair Hacking and Executive Director Dill would write to MAP and to the Pender Island Community Service Society (PICSS) voicing PIHCS’s endorsement of the project and encouraging PICSS to consider supporting the community bus initiative. b. Confidentiality Agreement Al Bloomenthal presented an overview of the document. The members discussed the agreement including insurance related implications. Executive Director Dill agreed that he would look into these implications and report back. Moved by Carol Davis, seconded by Tom Caston, to adopt the Confidentiality Agreement as an attachment to the Society’s policy pending clarification of the insurance issue. CARRIED 1 4. CORRESPONDENCE a. Nurse Practitioner Pilot Project Executive Director Dill provided an overview and noted that Nurse Practitioner Tracey Adams would attend the December meeting to speak to the project. A discussion was held regarding the implications for the clinic and the criteria by which the project would be evaluated. There was general agreement that the board would wait until after speaking with Tracy before responding to the correspondence. b. Mental Health Substance Use Strategic Plan Executive Director Dill provided an overview of the plan and a background on how these services have evolved. The following points were discussed: Recommended revisions for the document. Whether the providers are subject to confidentiality agreements and training. The perceived benefits and challenges of off-island service providers compared with onisland providers. 5. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Executive Director Dill provided a written report and made comments on the following: a. Better at Home Program: Services are expanding. b. Ambulance Roof Tender: It was generally agreed to discuss this during item 8b. c. Insurance Review: Marsh Canada is willing to provide an overview and assessment of the current insurance. It was generally agreed that Executive Director Robert Dill should seek a formal appraisal of the facility’s capital cost replacement value. d. Soundproofing: Wakefield Acoustics have quoted approximately $1000 to provide an assessment. e. AED Upgrades: The upgrades have been completed and Executive Director Dill provided an overview of the options for recovering the costs. Following a discussion it was generally agreed that the PICHCS would seek funding from the PICSS to cover these costs and, upon receiving that funding, ask the for-profit locations to make a donation in kind to PICSS. Chair Hacking requested that the website be updated to include the location of the AEDs. f. Island Protective Services Personal Device Proposal: Executive Director Dill reported that, at the request of the community nurses, the proposal is being reconsidered to include the company LifeLine as well. Chair Hacking declared a personal conflict as a friend and client of Island Protective Services. She asked Mel MacDonald to the chair the discussion and he accepted. Under Acting-Chair MacDonald it was generally agreed to delay further discussion until receiving the revised proposal. g. Tru Value Cards: Available. 6. TREASURER’S REPORT a. October Financial Statement Following an overview of the statement, a proposal for placing funds into the existing GICs was presented and discussed. Moved by Al Bloomenthal, seconded by Wendy MacDonald, to approve the October financial statement. CARRIED Moved by Al Bloomenthal, seconded by Tom Caston, to approve the acquisition of a Guaranteed Investment Certificate in the amount of $40,000 from Coast Capital in December 2015. 2 CARRIED 7. OTHER BUSINESS a. Christmas Party and December Board Meeting The Executive Meeting will be held December 8, 2015 and the Board of Directors Meeting will be held December 14, 2015. It was generally agreed that PICHCS will host a potluck at 5:30 pm on December 14, 2015 for the Board and staff. The PR Committee agreed to handle the arrangements. b. Staff Christmas Appreciation Moved by Wendy Hacking, seconded by Mel MacDonald, that the Board provide a $50 thank you appreciation to Board contract staff, a box of chocolates (or the like) for the MOAs and Community Nurses, along with cards signed by the President. CARRIED 8. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. SGI CHAC Carol Davis read Barb Macpherson’s written report on the most recent meeting. A discussion was held regarding the letter sent to the Minister of Health regarding Nurse Practitioners providing on-call support. It was generally agreed that members of the committee would request a copy of the letter and that PIHCS would review the process at a future meeting. b. Building Committee Mel MacDonald provided an update regarding the potential PICSS funding and the Committee’s decision to move ahead with their previous plans until the availability of that funding can be determined. Executive Director Dill reported on his conversation with Pete Fennel regarding the replacement of the ambulance station’s roof. He noted that the work would be completed on a cost-plus basis, starting in January 2016, with an anticipated budged of approximately $35,000. He also commented that the Building Inspector, Chris Watson, had indicated that the roof must meet current earthquake codes. It was generally agreed that Mel MacDonald and Executive Director Dill would meet with Pete Fennel and Chris Watson before reporting back at the next meeting. c. Public Relations Chair Hacking recommended the circulation of a newsletter prior to Christmas and the committee agreed. Several suggestions for content were discussed including a notice that the second physician position would be advertised early, an interview of key persons in the clinic, and an announcement of the new services and service providers. d. Strategic Planning and Governance Committee Bruce Waygood reported that the committee had reviewed the cleaners’ contracts and would present a revised contract to the board at a later date. e. Better at Home Committee Nothing to report. 3 Wendy MacDonald commented on the advertisement for the second physician position and recommended improving the description of Pender Island. Executive Director Dill noted that he would send replacement text and ask that the notice include a link to the PIHCS’s recruitment information. 9. FUTURE MEETING DATES Board Meeting: Monday, December 14, 2015 (10:00 AM Health Centre Meeting Room) Exec. Meeting: Tuesday December 8, 2015 (12:00 PM Health Centre Meeting Room) Moved by Carol Davis, to adjourn the meeting at approximately 12:09 pm. CARRIED 4