Chapter 5 review

Name ______________________
Ch. 5 Practice
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank provided to the left of each question number. If
no answer options are provided, simply write the correct answer in the blank to the left of the question number.
____ 1. ____________ occurs when water vapor changes to a liquid.
a) Condensation b) Evaporation c) Melting d) Freezing
____ 2. Water that stays liquid below 0o C (32o F) is referred to as
a) supercooled b) super-duper c) ice d) really weird
____ 3. The growth of ice crystals (snow) very high up in clouds that become large enough to
fall is called the
a) collision-coalescence process b) Bergeron process
____ 4. When larger cloud droplets fall and collide with smaller droplets and merge with them
this is called the
a) collision-coalescence process b) Bergeron process
____ 5. (T-F) The size of raindrops rarely exceeds 5 millimeters.
____ 6. Clouds are classified on the basis of _________ and _________.
a) height-weight b) form-height c) temperature-humidity d) electricity-magnetism
____ 7. The cloud form that is like sheets or layers is called
a) cumulus b) cirrus c) stratus d) cumulonimbus
____ 8. The cloud form that is like puffy cotton balls or globs is called
a) cumulus b) cirrus c) stratus d) cumulonimbus
____ 9. Very high thin clouds that look like mares’ tails are called
a) cumulus b) cirrus c) stratus d) cumulonimbus
____ 10. Clouds of vertical development that produce thunderstorms are called
a) cumulus b) cirrus c) stratus d) cumulonimbus
____ 11. When the dew point of the air is below freezing ______ forms.
a) dew b) steam c) hail d) frost
____ 12. The prefix that designates a middle-level cloud is
a) alto- b) cirro- c) nimbo- d) strato-
_______ 13. What type of cloud is shown in the
picture above?
____ 14. Will this cloud produce precipitation?
a) yes b) no
_______ 15. What type of cloud is shown in the
picture above?
____ 16. Will this cloud produce precipitation?
a) yes b) no
____ 17. Could this cloud produce severe weather
(thunder, lightning, hail, tornadoes)?
a) yes b) no
_______ 18. The above image shows
____ 19.
This forms by
raindrops falling through cold air and forming ice pellets
supercooled raindrops freezing on contact with a solid surface
snow melting upon impact
hailstones breaking apart
____ 20. The above image shows
____ 22. The above image shows
____ 23. This forms by
a) hail buildup
b) supercooled fog or cloud droplets
freezing on contact with objects
c) blowing snow
d) glaze cracking up
____ 21. This forms by
a) raindrops falling through cold air and
forming ice pellets
b) snow clumping together
c) sleet rolling into balls
d) ice particles traveling up and down
within a cumulonimbus cloud
____ 24. The above image shows what happens when cool air moves over warm water.
Moisture from the water evaporates and saturates the air immediately above it. The
cooler air condenses the water vapor. This is called
a) frontal fog b) upslope fog c) steam fog d) advection fog
____ 25. (T-F) This is the same process (from question 24) that happens when you “see” your breath on cold
Write 4 multiple choice quiz questions. Each question should have 4 legitimate answer options and the question
cannot be a repeat of one of the questions you were asked on the other portion of the assignment.
Write one question for each of the topics below:
Cloud Classification
Types of fog
Formation of precipitation
Types of precipitation