Practical Session No. 13
Topological sort, Amortized Analysis
Ordering of vertices in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) G=(V,E)
such that if there is a path from v to u in G, then v appears before u
in the ordering.
There could be many solutions, for example:
call DFS to compute f[v]
As the visit in each vertex is finished (blackened), insert it to the
head of a linked list
3. Return the linked list of the vertices
Time Complexity: O(|V|+|E|)
Question 1
2 lists are given:
A - courses list. Every student must study all the courses in A.
B – Prerequisites. B contains tuples (a, b) (where a and b are in A), indicating that
course a must be taken before course b. The prerequisites dependencies are acyclic.
Design a schedule for each of the following students.
1. A lazy student who wants to take only one course in a semester.
2. A student who wants to take all the courses in A in the minimal number of
semesters. The student is willing to take any number of courses in a semester.
A = { Alg, Eng, Ds1, Ds2, Mat, Ph1, Ph2 }
B = { (Alg, Ds2), (Ds1, Ds2), (Mat, Ds1), (Ph1, Ph2) }
Optional output for student no. 1:
Optional output for student no. 2:
Semester 1: Eng
Semester 1: Eng, Mat, Ph1, Alg
Semester 2: Mat
Semester 2: Ds1, Ph2
Semester 3: Alg
Semester 3: Ds2
Semester 4: Ds1
Semester 5: Ds2
Semester 6: Ph1
Semester 7: Ph2
Assume that the courses names are integers in the range [1..n], n is known (n is not
constant). The relations between the courses will be represented by a directed graph
G = (V, E), where V is the set of courses and if course i is a prerequisite of course j, E
will contain the edge (i, j). The graph will be represented as an adjacency list.
The graph for the given example is:
Algorithm for a lazy student: Print the courses in a way that course i won't be
printed before course j, if j is a prerequisite of i. In other words, sort the courses
Complexity: O(|V| + |E|)
Now, let's observe another algorithm for topological sort of a DAG in O(|V|+|E|).
Find in-degree of all the vertices and keep a list of vertices with in-degree=0 O(|V|+|E|)
While V is not empty do:
o Extract a vertex v with in-degree of 0 from the list - O(1)
o output v and remove it from G, along with its edges,
o Reduce the in-degree of each node u such as (v,u) was an edge in G and add to
the list vertices with in-degree=0, if necessary - O(d(v))
Algorithm for a hard working student: A variation of the above topological sort
algorithm with a slight change. In each semester k, execute the algorithm on all the
nodes with degree 0 simultaneously (instead of dealing with one source at each stage,
all the sources will be dealt and printed in one semester.)
(note that the topological sort is not necessary because after we find the vertexes with
in-degree 0, we can go to the next vertexes through the edges.)
Complexity: O(|V| + |E|)
Question 2
Given a DAG (directed acyclic graph) G=(V,E) with weighted edges. Suggest an
O(|V|+|E|) time algorithm for finding the weight of the maximum weight path in G.
1. Topologically sort V - O(V+E).
(We'll denote the topologically ordered vertex list as (v1,v2, …, vn)).
2. For every vertex v, create a list of all in-edges, i.e., list of all the vertices u, such
that (u,v)E - O(V+E).
3. Define a new array A for which A[i] = the maximal weighted path that ends in vi.
By definition, A[i] = max{A[j]+w(j,i) : (j,i) E }. - O(V+E).
4. Start by computing A[i] for all i = 1..n, where v1, v2, …, vn is the topological
Since the graph was topologically sorted, when computing A[i], all the values A[j]
it’s neighbors j were already computed (all i's neighbors appear before it in the
topological ordering).
5. After computing A[i] for all the nodes, find vk for which A[k] is maximal.
v1, v2, …, vn ← TopologicalSort(G)
A ← new array [1..n]
A[1] ← 0
for i ← 2 to n do
A[i] ← max{A[j]+w(j,i) : j  in_edges_list[i] }
return max{A[1],A[2],…,A[n]}
We design the algorithm
1. Express the solution to a problem in terms of solutions to smaller problems.
2. Solve all the smallest problems first and put their solutions in a table
3. Solve the next larger problems, and so on, up to the problem, we originally wanted
4. Each problem should be easily solvable by looking up and combining solutions of
smaller problems in the table.
Time Complexity: O(|V|+|E|)
Refers to finding the average running time per operation, over a worst-case sequence
of operations. Amortized analysis differs from average-case performance in that
probability is not involved; amortized analysis guarantees the time per operation over
worst-case performance. In an amortized analysis, we consider the total time of a
sequence of operations. Even if some single operations might be very expensive.
Aggregate analysis determines the upper bound T(n) on the total cost of a sequence
of n operations, then calculates the amortized cost of an operation to be T(n) / n.
 Accounting method determines the individual cost of each operation, combining its
immediate execution time and its influence on the running time of future
operations. Usually, many short-running operations accumulate a "debt" of
unfavorable state in small increments, while rare long-running operations decrease
it drastically. The costs of actions are represented by tokens. One token represent
an operation of one action in the computer. The cheap operations actually account
for more token in the accounting method than they actually are (usually still O(1)
but with higher constant), and when executing cheap immediate operations, the
tokens are accumulated to credit for later “paying" for actual expensive operations.
Question 3: Incrementing a Bit String
What is the time complexity of increment operation using Amortized analysis?
(show with both methods: aggregate and accounting)
A is a bit string. Analyze number of bit flips.
i 0
while i < m and A[i] = 1
ii + 1
if i < m A[i]1
Aggregate Method:
Assume n increments starting from all 0s.
A[0] flips every increment for n flips.
A[1] flips every 2nd time for <= n/2 flips.
A[2] flips every 4th time for <= n/4 flips.
A[i] flips every 2ith time for <= n/2^i flips.
Number of flips <= n +n/2+n/4+...=2n O(n)
Therefore amortized cost of each operation is 2 = O(1)
Accounting Method:
Assume n increments starting from all 0s.
Increment flips exactly one bit from 0 to 1.
Assign an amortized cost of 2 tokens per increment.
Both tokens are assigned to the bit that is flipped from 0 to 1.
Use one token immediately for flip from 0 to 1.
Save other token for when it is flipped back to 0.
All bit flips are accounted for, so the total cost of 2n is <= number of bit flips.
Question 4: Clearable Table Data Structure
We would like to create an ADT, called clearable table, of a table which support the
following operations.
add(e) - Insert a new element to the next unoccupied cell.
clear() – Empty the table(delete all the elements from the table)
Clearable table is implemented with a table of size N.
Prove that the amortized cost of add(e), clear() is O(1) in each of the two
methods(aggregate and accounting)
Accounting Method:
Let S be a table of size N.
Assume that n operations of clear and add have been performed on S. (at the
beginning S was empty)
Let us assume we pay one token for an action that is performed in constant time
(basic operation)
We will define a cost to each of the operations:
add-2 tokens
clear- 0 tokens
We set more tokens to add than it actually cost, and we set fewer tokens to clear.
After an element is inserted into the table, it has a spare token. Therefore, meanwhile
the clear operation, each element pays the extra token for its deletion from the table.
We get a cost of O(1) for each operation
Aggregate Method:
Assume that n operations of clear and add have been performed on S.(In the
beginning S was empty).
For each operation of inserting an element to table, we could delete the element at
most one time.
Therefore the number of elements that was deleted from the table is at most n.
The total cost of n operations is O(n), and the cost of single operation is O(n)/n=O(1).
Question 5
You must implement a queue using only (a constant number of) stacks, you may only
use O(1) extra space besides the stacks. All operations work in O(1) amortized time.
We use 2 stacks, A and B
if (A is empty)
while(B is not empty)
if (A is not empty)
return pop(A)
Accounting Method:
Let us define the cost of each operation:
Enqueue(x) - 3 tokens
Dequeue() - 1 token
Each element enqueued has 2 spare tokens to later "pay" for moving it from stack B to
stack A when needed.
An element is moved from stack B to A at most once, and hence when executing
Enqueue(x), the moving of the elements between stacks is already "paid" for.
Thus all operations cost O(1) amortized time.
Aggregate Method:
Assume that n operations Enqueue(x) and Dequeue() have been performed on the
queue (In the beginning S was empty).
Enqueue(x) always costs O(1),
Dequeue() costs (2k+1) where k is the number of Enqueue( ) operations performed
right before it. (k=0 if it comes after another Dequeue() or is the first operation
executed on the empty stack).
So if we group every Dequeue() operation with all k Enqueue(x) operations right
before it we get that the sum of the costs of these (k+1) operations is (1+1+1….+1) +
(2k+1) = 3k+1 =< 4k.
Thus grouping all operations in a sequence of blocks of 1 Dequeue() operation
preceded with all Enqueue( ) operations right before it we have the total cost of n
operations =<4n = O(n), and the cost of single operation is O(n)/n=O(1).