Colonial America

S: Civics
Name ___________________________Period__2_
Unit II: Colonial America
Week of January 25-January 28, 2010
QUIZ DATE: Thursday, January 28th
Homework Due: Thursday, January 28, 2010
-Vocabulary and Terms. Identify the SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FOLLOWING:
Bold Words: Essential Vocabulary
Non-bold Words: Non-Essential Vocabulary (EXTRA CREDIT)
1. New England Colonies
4. Jamestown
6. Indentured Servants
10. Triangular Trade Route
13. Quakers
16. Religious dissenters
19. Joint-stock company
22. Salem Witch Trials
25. Common Law
28. Social Contract Theory
2. Middle Colonies
5. Plantation System
7. Slavery
11. Pilgrims
14. Catholics
17. Bacon’s Rebellion
20. Royal colony
23. Magna Carta
26. Mayflower Compact
29. Natural Rights
31. English Bill of Rights
3. Southern Colonies
5. Mercantilism
9. Middle Passage
12. Puritans
15. Native Americans
18. Town Meetings
21. Self-governing colony
24. Parliament
27. House of Burgesses
30. Fundamental Orders of
Colonial America Discussion Questions To Be Turned In.
Answer the Question in complete detail on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did the unique geographic landscape of each region cause the colonies to develop differently?
2. In what ways did the purpose and focus of settlement affect the development of each colony?
3. How did the diversity of the populations in each region lead to varied experiences economically,
socially, and politically?
4. How did the colonists’ experiences under the British government influence them to establish a system
of self-government?
5. Which documents and people influenced the colonists’ viewpoints on self-government?
6. How did the successes and failures of the colonial governments influence the colonists’ attitude about
Competency Goal 1:
The learner will investigate the foundations of the American political system and explore basic
values and principles of American democracy.
1.01 Describe how the geographic diversity influenced economic, social and political life in colonial North
1.02 Trace and analyze the development of ideas about self-government in British North America.
Syllabus Due: Thursday, January 28th , 2010