September - Great Valley School District

Great Valley Middle School Pacing Guide
Topic(s)/Unit(s): Unit 13 (beginning level C book)
Increase Phonemic Awareness & Phonics, Word recognition & spelling, Vocabulary &
Morphology, Grammar & Usage, Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking &
Essential Question(s):
Phonemic Awareness & Phonics – How do you identify stressed and unstressed syllables
in multisyllable words? How do you recognize the schwa?
Word recognition & spelling – How do you spell words composed of closed syllables?
Vocabulary & Morphology – What are antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and attributes?
Grammar & Usage – How does the verb be change form?
Listening & Reading Comprehension – How do context based strategies help define
words? How do you use context to comprehend text?
Speaking & Writing – How does recognizing questions signal words allow us to answer
comprehension questions correctly? How do you write an expository report?
Topic(s)/Unit(s): Unit 14
Increase Phonemic Awareness & Phonics, Word recognition & spelling, Vocabulary &
Morphology, Grammar & Usage, Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking &
Essential Question(s):
Phonemic Awareness & Phonics – What are the conditions for r-controlled sounds and
stressed syllables?
Word recognition & spelling – How do you use contractions with ‘are’?
Vocabulary & Morphology – How do you use comparative and superlative adjectives?
Grammar & Usage – How can we identify and use nouns, verbs, adjectives, and
Listening & Reading Comprehension – How do we use text features to prepare to read?
Speaking & Writing – How do we write an opinion essay?
Topic(s)/Unit(s): Unit 15
Increase Phonemic Awareness & Phonics, Word recognition & spelling, Vocabulary &
Morphology, Grammar & Usage, Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking &
Essential Question(s):
Phonemic Awareness & Phonics – How do you identify open syllables?
Word recognition & spelling – How do you write contractions with ‘have’?
Vocabulary & Morphology – How do you identify present participles that act as
Grammar & Usage - What are prepositions and prepositional phrases? How do you
identify ‘have’ as a main/helping verb? How do you write compound direct objects?
Listening & Reading Comprehension – How do we preview questions to answer
informational text?
Speaking & Writing - How do we write expository (opinion) essays?
Topic(s)/Unit(s): Unit 16
Increase Phonemic Awareness & Phonics, Word recognition & spelling, Vocabulary &
Morphology, Grammar & Usage, Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking &
Essential Question(s):
Phonemic Awareness & Phonics – How do you identify final silent ‘e’ and vowel
phonemes in words?
Word recognition & spelling – How do you read and spell contractions with ‘had’ and
‘has’? How do you read fluently words composed of sound-spelling correspondences?
Vocabulary & Morphology – How are past and present participles used as adjectives?
Grammar & Usage – How do you identify prepositions and prepositional phrases?
Listening & Reading Comprehension – How do we use text features in nonfiction text?
Speaking & Writing – How do we answer comprehension questions requiring specific
information? How do you write a business letter?
Topic(s)/Unit(s): Unit 17
Increase Phonemic Awareness & Phonics, Word recognition & spelling, Vocabulary &
Morphology, Grammar & Usage, Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking &
Essential Question(s):
Phonemic Awareness & Phonics – How do you identify the stress pattern and conditions
for each vowel sound represented by ‘y’?
Word recognition & spelling – How do we read and spell multi-syllable words and words
with the change-y rule?
Vocabulary & Morphology – How do suffixes change the meaning of words?
Grammar & Usage – How do we use adverbs and prepositional phrases that act as
adverbs? How do you identify and analyze sentences with indirect objects?
Listening & Reading Comprehension – How do we define vocabulary using context-based
Speaking & Writing – How do you write an expository essay?
Topic(s)/Unit(s): Unit 18 (end of level C book content mastery and progress indicator
Increase Phonemic Awareness & Phonics, Word recognition & spelling, Vocabulary &
Morphology, Grammar & Usage, Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking &
Essential Question(s):
Phonemic Awareness & Phonics – How do we identify closed, open, r-controlled, and
final silent ‘e’ syllables?
Word recognition & spelling – How do we read fluently and spell words with soundspelling correspondences, syllable types, and prefixes?
Vocabulary & Morphology – How do we use suffixes to form singular, plurals, and
possessives with nounds?
Grammar & Usage – How do we use conjunctions in compound sentences? How do we
use helping verbs?
Listening & Reading Comprehension - How do we interpret informational text?
Speaking & Writing – Review/revise informational essays?
Topic(s)/Unit(s): Unit 19 (begin level D book)
Increase Phonemic Awareness & Phonics, Word recognition & spelling, Vocabulary &
Morphology, Grammar & Usage, Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking &
Essential Question(s):
Phonemic Awareness & Phonics – How does the schwa sound connect to stressed &
unstressed syllables?
Word recognition & spelling – How can schwa help with spelling?
Vocabulary & Morphology – What is an antonym?
Grammar & Usage – How does the verb be change form?
Listening & Reading Comprehension – How do context based strategies help define
Speaking & Writing – How does recognizing questions signal words allow us to answer
comprehension questions correctly?
Topic(s)/Unit(s): Unit 20 with novel reading
Increase Phonemic Awareness & Phonics, Word recognition & spelling, Vocabulary &
Morphology, Grammar & Usage, Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking &
Essential Question(s):
Phonemic Awareness & Phonics – What are the conditions for the final consonant + le
syllable type?
Word recognition & spelling – How does recognizing the conditions for the final
consonant + le syllable type help to spell and read words?
Vocabulary & Morphology – What are adjective suffixes?
Grammar & Usage – How can we identify predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives?
Listening & Reading Comprehension – How can identifying and mapping the parts of a
plot in a story help to comprehend a story?
Speaking & Writing - How can identifying and mapping the parts of a plot in a story help
to write a story?
Topic(s)/Unit(s): Continue w/ Unit 21 of Language Program and begin Anne Frank Unit
Increase Phonemic Awareness & Phonics, Word recognition & spelling, Vocabulary &
Morphology, Grammar & Usage, Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking &
Essential Question(s): See Unit 20
Phonemic Awareness & Phonics Word recognition & spelling Vocabulary & Morphology Grammar & Usage Listening & Reading Comprehension Speaking & Writing -
Topic(s)/Unit(s): Finish Anne Frank Unit
Create awareness of the Holocaust and WWII through the Language Arts components of
Reading, Writing, Research, and Speaking
Essential Question(s): How can various text, visual, and video resources provide
information about the Holocaust and World War II?