Meteorology 1010- SarahB.`s Hidden Geoscience Link

Sarah Beus
MET 1010: G. Ramjoue
-Severe WeatherE-Portfolio: Assignment 3
“Well-Behaved” Weather
All categories of imagery, generalized, are most definitely available for those who are
able to obtain access to the internet. Because of this, it has produced a certain unlimited
boundary for the eyes to feast upon. Hardly ever given the credit it deserves or the interpretation
that needs to be acknowledged with.
For me, studying art and photography has given a different perspective of what visual
learning tools give for those who are educationally stimulated by imagery. Knowing now that
images, of every kind, truly do speak- “A Thousand Words.” Depicting a weather pattern
through strictly pictures is most definitely inadequate.
The understanding of weather patterns comes more from the study of the imagery and
what the lines, dots, colors, and patterns all mean for us from day to day. Even though I am
learning more than I could ever imagine about meteorology, I will continue to learn the true
meaning of the different shapes and colors on a weather map as life moves on.
I am only one citizen in this incredible world and because I have taken this course, I have
realized that I need to know even more about the affects weather has on our lives as a whole.
Being just one doesn’t make much of a difference, but if I could include more individuals in my
life to understand more about how our world operates with meteorology as the key; I could
possibly make a difference to our environment.
Weather patterns and the topic of global warming are directly connected. If more citizens
and government officials were more knowledgeable about meteorology, we would be able to
connect all of the lines, dots, patterns, and colors to make a huge difference. Therefore, I stand
strong with an opinion of more people knowing more about what a weather map and or pattern
really dictates for us in our everyday lives.
Along with global warming, and why the weather dictates the signs of the warming
planet, I am certain that the catastrophic, strongly-projected earthquakes Utah has yet to reveal;
will certainly come to pass. The planet circulates around weather patterns and how they affect us
directly and indirectly. Regardless of demographics and geological readings, our environments
are a direct reflection of the weather we encounter.
I have personally experienced the change in climate and how it has affected our
environment here in Utah. Growing up in this state with breathtaking snow-fall consistently and
shorter, not so hot, summers’ shows that as the years have passed by, the weather patterns have
changed drastically. Because of this personal experience, and also knowing the affects of global
warming’s connectivity to meteorology, I am just waiting for the day that the earthquake hits.
In my mind, it is inevitable. It always has been and always will be a challenge for Utah
residents to plan for a devastating earthquake. Especially because of the readings, warnings, and
relation to our consistent changes in weather patterns.