Name MAJ Michael Blackburn 1SG Ed Vaars MSG Ed Beach SFC Lenore Claymore PGP TEAM MEMBER(S) Grade Level/ Department/Assignment 11-12/JROTC 9/JROTC 10/JROTC 9/JROTC Signature A. Describe briefly the area of practice you are investigating. (Question) How does company competition support collaboration in the JROTC environment? B. Describe briefly how you collected the data. We took the company competition results and using the 21st Century Skills Assessment Rubric for Collaboration we assigned each company points for the first three categories in the rubric and totaled the points. Using the attached table we can compare company results after each competition. C. 21st Century Skills (Check skills that apply) � Communication XX Collaboration � Knowledge Construction � Use of ICT for Learning � Real-World Problem- � Self-Regulation Solving & Innovation Company/ Battalion A/1 B/1 C/1 D/1 E/1 F/1 Company/ Battalion A/2 B/2 C/2 D/2 E/2 F/2 IPE 59/2nd 77 69 54/6th 61/5th 65/4th IPE 54 72 65/1st 71/3rd 66 48 FUNDRAISER 42 47 50 54/3rd 51/2nd 48 FUNDRAISER 37 50/6th 47 49/5th 43/1st 43/4th SQD DRILL 47 81/3rd 57 45 59/4th 70/5th VET PARADE 46 58/3rd 49 33 55/4th 60/1st SQD DRILL 50 73/1st 55 54 63/6th 45/2nd VET PARADE 41 46 37 51/2nd 48/5th 45/6th CANNED FOOD DRIVE 35 56/4th 57/2nd 52/5th 54/6th 55 CANNED FOOD DRIVE 47 48 47 48 60/1st 48/3rd Hug ITL Final Report (2014) PGP TEAM MEMBER(S) Grade Level/ Department/Assignment 11-12/JROTC 9/JROTC 10/JROTC 9/JROTC Name MAJ Michael Blackburn 1SG Ed Vaars MSG Ed Beach SFC Lenore Claymore Signature JROTC Competition 90 70 69 59 60 Points 81 77 80 5856 4746 42 35 50 40 47 57 57 50 49 5454 52 61 59 5554 51 45 65 70 60 55 48 IPE FUNDRAISER 33 SQD DRILL 30 VET PARADE 20 CANNED FOOD DRIVE 10 0 A/1 B/1 C/1 D/1 E/1 F/1 Company/Battalion JROTC Competition 80 72 73 Points 60 54 66 55 50 50 40 71 65 70 37 47 41 50 4648 47 47 63 54 49 5148 60 48 43 48 48 434545 37 IPE FUNDRAISER SQD DRILL 30 VET PARADE 20 CANNED FOOD DRIVE 10 0 A/2 B/2 C/2 D/2 E/2 F/2 Company/Battalion Hug ITL Final Report (2014) Name MAJ Michael Blackburn 1SG Ed Vaars MSG Ed Beach SFC Lenore Claymore PGP TEAM MEMBER(S) Grade Level/ Department/Assignment 11-12/JROTC 9/JROTC 10/JROTC 9/JROTC Signature Findings: Instructor inconsistency in evaluating rubric points leads to variations in scores. In general better performing companies have better leaders that collaborate with their cadets. Performance counseling should help leaders next year. Conclusion/Reflection: The JROTC PGP Team decided to investigate how our internal competitions within the corps of cadets fosters the 21st Century Learning Design “skill of collaboration.” The instructor team started with the hypothesis that “groups of cadets, known as companies, would perform better in our program’s company competitions if the students within those groups collaborated.” Each instructor is an advisor to four of the twelve companies in this program. We evaluated the first five company competition events utilizing the 21st Century Skills Rubric for Collaboration. Major Blackburn evaluated all companies for the fundraiser, Veterans Day parade, and the community service, A Canned Food Drive, while all other instructors evaluated their four assigned companies for IPE (Initial Promotion Exam) and squad drill competition. Utilizing the first three categories of the collaboration rubric, a company could receive a maximum of 100 points. Intuitively, one would believe that the company with the highest points in collaboration would be a company that placed within the top 6 in a given event. An analysis of the data indicates that is not always the case. Looking at the data chart with the companies that placed in the top 6 finishers for that particular event (competition ranking is highlighted in red) the data indicates that our hypothesis may not be correct. Many factors may influence our data collection efforts. Each instructor evaluates their companies on their subjective view of the standard and this would account for variations in collaboration rankings. The instructor team determined that early instruction, discussion and analysis on the use of the rubric would help us standardize scores. Additionally, we found that companies ranking higher in the competitions have excellent Company Commander/First Sergeant relations and their collaboration skills have an influence on their unit results. In conclusion, we have established a leader performance counseling system to assist us in developing next year’s unit leaders. This study was productive in allowing us to investigate into how JROTC can continue its mission by making better citizens and students who collaborate to successfully accomplish tasks and unit requirements. Hug ITL Final Report (2014)