25 points

An Independent Study is a method of learning about a specific period of
history by choosing tasks and projects that appeal to you.
Students must choose at least one project from each of the four sections.
Entire Independent Study must add up to 100 points.
Students may work with another student on one project but the project must
reflect the work of two students, in quantity and quality. (Points split
between students)
All Independent Study written work must be cited on a separate
Bibliography page and handed in with the completed project. Students may
use Easy bib website (http://www.easybib.com/) to create the bibliography.
Pictures need not be cited.
A high quality of work is expected for every project and will be graded as
such. (correct spelling, grammar, factual, neat, creative, etc.)
Every student must choose one of their 50 or 25-point projects to present
orally to the class. (An additional test grade will be given for the oral
Read directions for each project carefully and complete all parts to receive
the maximum number of points.
Completed Project is due _____________________________________________________.
Section I: The Nile River Valley /Geography: (pages 38-46)
Essential Questions:
How does geography affect the way people live?
______ Research and prepare a bar graph of the ten longest rivers in
the world. Microsoft Excel will be utilized and Mrs. Stendardi will do a
brief tutorial on how to use Microsoft Excel. Website to use:
 Column headings should include River’s Name, Location, Length
in Miles/kilometers and Countries passed through.
 A paragraph must accompany your bar graph explaining your
 The paragraph must include the importance of the Nile River to
the early Egyptians, its many uses and the direction of its flow,
and explain why Egypt was the gift of the Nile! (25 points)
_____ Social Class Pyramid: Illustrate the four social classes of ancient
Egypt. (Page 45 -46)
 Include pictures and descriptions of each class. (use Glogster)
 Include a paragraph that answers this question. “ What does
social class reveal about ancient Egyptian society? (25 points)
______ Rosetta Stone- How was the Egyptian Alphabet deciphered?
 Research the discovery of the Rosetta Stone.
 Write/ type a paragraph that explains who found it, where was
the stone found and why was it such an important archeological
 How did this important discovery unlock the meaning of
(25 points)
_______ Create an Acrostic Poem about the Nile River.
 Write the letters N-I –L – E R-I-V-E-R .
 Complete the hymn to the Nile River primary source reading
and activity, use what you have learned to compose an acrostic
poem about the Nile River. (20 points)
______ Hand draw a map of ancient Egypt showing the mighty Nile River,
its great delta, Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt.
 Include the important ancient cities of Giza, Memphis and Thebes.
 Be sure the map shows the surrounding deserts and major water
bodies that surround Egypt. (Map on page 39 is a great example)
(10 points)
Section 2: Egypt’s Old Kingdom (page 47-52)
Essential Questions:
What makes culture unique?
_______ Create a Mummification Process Power Point
Presentation/Google presentation on the burial procedures used by the
(NO Plagiarism)
Power Point/Google Docs presentation should include:
 Why was the Pharaoh’s body embalmed?
 Brief summary of steps in the mummification process
 What were Egyptian beliefs about the after life?
 Why was the Book of the Dead important in the mummification
(50 points)
______ Google Earth – Take the class on a tour of the ancient pyramids or
structures of Egypt by using Google Earth.
 Choose at least four sites to show the class. Drop pins/label,
show pictures.
 Accompany your tour with a paragraph explaining the
significance of each place on your “Google Tour”. (50 points)
______ Create pyramid. Write an archaeologist’s report about a pyramid
you have found while excavating in Egypt.
 Show a diagram of the different corridors (page 51).
 How were pyramids built?
 What materials were used?
 Who were the pyramid builders?
 Can be done as a poster or a 3-D model. (or use Glogsterinteractive poster)
(50 points)
______ Read like a Historian – Primary Source
 Complete the Reading like a Historian readings and activity Egypt
 Read and organize your information about who built the pyramids
according to each document
 Write a paragraph addressing your final claim. You must use
evidence from at least two documents to support your claim.
(25 points)
______ Create a colorful mural of Egyptian gods (5 gods). Include
pictures and descriptions of the importance of each deity to the
Egyptian people.
(15 points)
Section 3 The Middle and New Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt – (pages
Essential Question:
Why do civilizations rise and fall?
______ Create a Queen Hatshepsut. Google Docs Presentation.
 Describe her life and accomplishments.
 Did her people accept her as pharaoh? Did her family?
 Why were her statues defaced and ruined after her death?
Include the answers to these questions in your presentation.
(50 points)
______ Create a travel brochure, using MS Publisher.
 Chose four archeological ruins or places of interest in ancient
 Create a tour guide brochure.
 Describe when they were built and by whom? Do Not Plagiarize
 Be creative, encourage people to come and visit and see these
ancient wonders of the world.
(35 points)
________ Write an Amenhotep IV front-page article for the Daily Papyrus,
an ancient Egyptian newspaper.
 Research his life
 Describe his unique appearance and life.
 How did he impact Egyptian religion?
 (Use MS Publisher to format your newspaper)
(25 points)
______ Are you a cat lover? Well it seems the ancient Egyptians were too!
Write or draw an advertisement or create a cartoon
http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/Comix/ appealing to the Ancient
Egyptians and their love of cats. The ad/cartoon must mention
information about the goddess Bastet and the Egyptian love of cats.
(20 Points)
______ Create a timeline of King Tut’s short life; include the discovery of
his tomb in your timeline. www.readwritethink.org/classroomresources/student-interactives/timeline-30007.html Add at least 3
pictures to the timeline.
(10 points)
_____ You are an ancient scribe, write a poem about the life and
accomplishments of Ramses II. Poem should have at least three verses
highlighting life and accomplishments of Ramses II.
(15 points)
Section 4 – The Kingdom of Kush (pages 68-72)
Essential Question:
Why do civilizations rise and fall?
______ Create a map of the Kingdom of Kush (page 70) Include a title,
map key and answer the two questions on page 70 map on the back of
the map. Color map.
(25 points)
______ Time Traveler Cartoon
http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/Comix/ Your time traveler returns
to Kush in 728 BC …What startles him/her is the temples and
monuments there look similar to the Ancient Egypt, have you time
traveler explain why this is so.
(25 points)
______Imitation is the best form of flattery! The Kingdom of Kush
copied many of the ways of ancient Egypt. In what ways did the city of
Meroe look like an Egyptian city? As an archaeologist write a journal
entry explaining these similarities and why Meroe resembled Egypt.
(10 points)
______ Create a Venn Diagram to show the similarities and differences
between Napata and Meroe. Your diagram needs at least 5 facts under
each heading and at least 3 similarities.
(15 points)
_____Create an advertisement that promotes the use of iron that
might have been used in ancient Kush. Be persuasive; remember to
include at least three uses of iron in the advertisement (10 points)
Add up your points below: One project is needed from every
section and your total number of points must be 100! (105
Section one points __________________
Section two points __________________
Section three points _________________
Section four points _________________