Supporting Information Table S1. Occupancy model pathway descriptions, supporting evidence, and level of confidence for each process contributing to the probability of a site being within an interspecific exclusion zone (IEZ). High confidence indicates published work supports the existence of the process; Low confidence indicates the process is plausible based on published work on similar processes or repeated field observations. Path Pathway description way Evidence & reasoning Confidence References 1a IEZ requires sufficient and temporally reliable small prey items High density of birds engaged in relatively energetically-expensive territorial behaviour; must be able to meet energy requirements year-round within territory High Dow, 1977; Ford, 1979; Ford, 1981, 1983; Collins & Paton, 1989; Woinarski et al., 1989; Newton, 1992 1b IEZ must be able to be effectively and efficiently defended against competitors Competitors may deplete availability of required prey items and can be energetically costly to expunge High Taylor et al., 2008 1c Predators of nests and fledged birds reduce noisy miner (NM) productivity Sites with high predation pressure from avian, mammalian and reptilian predators may produce fewer NMs and breeding groups may be less able to persist Low Arnold, 2000a, b 1d Sites must be able to be reached by colonising NMs Some apparently suitable sites unoccupied when far from source of colonists Mod R. Major pers. comm. 2a Sites with dominant tree genera: Eucalyptus/Corymbia/Angophora and blade-like leaf shape (as opposed to needle-like or reduced leaves) preferred NMs are less likely to be present in sites where few trees have blade-like leaves; NMs forage predominantly by gleaning invertebrates from foliage and such High Catterall et al., 1997; Watson et al., 2000; Major et al., 2001a; Martin & Catterall, 2001; Hastings & Beattie, 2006; Maron, Path Pathway description way Evidence & reasoning Confidence leaves have a larger surface area. Sites dominated by eucalypts and allies more likely to be occupied References 2007 3a High-productivity sites are more likely to supply sufficient and reliable food Higher biomass of foliage-dwelling invertebrates in more-productive sites High Majer et al., 1990; Majer et al., 1992; Majer et al., 1994; Recher et al., 1996; Majer et al., 1997; Oldland et al., 2009 3b Vegetation architecture must facilitate access to food resources Dense and stiff or and feathery foliage may reduce the ability of NMs to access prey items Mod Keast, 1985; Recher et al., 1985; Ford et al., 1986; Landsberg & Cork, 1997; Woinarski et al., 1997 4a More stable climate results in higher and more reliable productivity Productivity is higher and more stable where rainfall is less variable among and within years Mod Pittock & Nix, 1986; Neave et al., 1996 4b Higher insolation increases productivity Productivity may be higher at lower latitudes with higher insolation Mod Christopherson, 1997 4c More-fertile soils result in greater productivity Higher biomass of invertebrate prey and higher abundance of NMs in sites on better/nutrient enriched soils High Matson, 1980; Recher et al., 1996; Keith, 1997; Keatley & Hudson, 2006; Oldland et al., 2009 4d Larger trees are more productive NM abundance and invertebrate biomass positively associated with large trees High Ashton, 1975; Goldingay, 1990; House, 1997; Wilson & Bennett, 1999; Kath et al., 2009 5a Larger trees tend to have denser Understorey density declines and canopy canopies and reduce understorey density density increases as density of large trees increases High Specht & Morgan, 2006 Path Pathway description way Evidence & reasoning Confidence References 5b More-productive sites tend to have a more open, grassy understorey Grassy woodlands occur on more-fertile soils and are relatively highly productive High Lunt, 1997; McIvor & McIntyre, 2002 5c Denser understorey reduces architectural accessibility Relatively large-bodied species such as NMs may be less-able to manoeuvre in dense foliage while foraging Mod Butler & Gillings, 2004 5d Denser understorey reduces defensibility Potential competitors or predators are less Mod visible in sites with high density of vegetation Whittingham et al., 2004 6a Sites are more defensible if close to open areas, particularly if the site itself is denser One or more open areas adjacent to a High territory improve visual detectability of intruders and reduce the frequency of intruders approaching from that direction. This is likely to be of relatively greater benefit in denser vegetation (see 5d) Catterall et al., 2002; Piper & Catterall, 2003; Clarke & Oldland, 2007; Grey, 2008; Taylor et al., 2008 7a The more competitors present, the lower Sites accessed by many competitors, the defensibility of the site particularly larger-bodied species, require more effort to defend Mod McFarland, 1986b; Mac Nally & Timewell, 2005 7b Nectar availability increases the presence of competitors Abundance of highly-mobile nectarivorous bird species, including large-bodied competitors, is positively related to nectar availability Mod Mac Nally & McGoldrick, 1997; McGoldrick & Mac Nally, 1998 7c The more competitors, the less colonizable is the site Establishment of a colony requires the exclusion of most competitors, and this is likely to be more difficult at sites with many competitors Mod Clarke, 1984; Grey et al., 1997 7d Sites far from other occupied sites are Nearby source populations increase the Mod Clarke & Schedvin, 1997 Path Pathway description way 7e Evidence & reasoning less likely to be colonised chance of colonisation of suitable sites, although NMs can move large distances Sites surrounded by large areas of unsuitable habitat are less colonisable Movement of potential colonisers may be facilitated by suitable habitat Confidence References Low Clarke & Schedvin, 1997 Table S2. Miner effect model pathway descriptions, supporting evidence, and level of confidence for each process. High confidence indicates published work supports the existence of the process; Low confidence indicates the process is plausible based on published work on similar processes or repeated field observations. Path Pathway description way Evidence and reasoning Confidence References 1a Anthropogenic and other disturbance reduces habitat structural complexity through common habitat changes (CHC) Temperate forests and woodlands have been extensively modified in the past two centuries (clearing, logging, thinning grazing, introductions, and altered fire regimes). Common habitat changes (CHC) are a more open canopy, reduced shrub layer and conversion of continuous forest to isolated trees or forest fragments High Yates & Hobbs, 1997 1b Noisy miner (NM) abundance responds positively to most CHC See IEZ model; NMs more abundant in more structurally open, grazed sites and at forest and woodland edges in fragmented landscapes High Loyn, 1987; Clarke et al., 1995; Ford et al., 1995; Green & Catterall, 1998; Sewell & Catterall, 1998; Mac Nally et al., 2000; Martin & Catterall, 2001; Catterall et al., 2002; MacDonald & Kirkpatrick, 2003; Catterall, 2004; Hastings & Beattie, 2006; Martin et al., 2006; Piper & Catterall, 2006; Hannah et al., 2007; Catterall, 2009. See also IEZ model. Path Pathway description way Evidence and reasoning Confidence References 1c Smaller nectarivores and insectivores show more negative than positive responses to CHC Many of these species forage in or near dense foliage – a source of food, nest sites and protection from predation. Various assemblage-wide studies show lower abundance (either individually or collectively), and species richness, with CHC High Loyn, 1987; Ford & Recher, 1991; Robinson, 1993; Ford et al., 1995; Catterall et al., 2002; Catterall & Woinarski, 2003; Catterall, 2009 1d Large insectivores/ vertebrate feeders show more positive than negative responses to CHC These species typically nest in taller trees and feed in more open areas; group includes several ground-foragers. They are generally more common in areas subject to CHC High Catterall et al., 2002; Woinarski & Catterall, 2004; Catterall, 2009 1e Some large nectarivores show more positive than negative responses to CHC. Open eucalypt woodlands with large trees Low are associated with more large-bodied nectarivores Loyn, 1987; Loyn et al., 2011 2a NM becomes hyper-aggressive under CHC Open canopy and reduced shrubs make it Mod easier for NMs to locate, target and attack other birds, potentially resulting in more frequent attack initiations per miner Loyn, 1985; Clarke & Oldland, 2007; Taylor et al., 2008; Oldland et al., 2009 2b NM is more aggressive when at high local abundance Co-occurrence of breeding groups provides more opportunities for cooperative attacks; individual birds may be more likely to initiate attacks when conspecifics are present Mod/Low Grey et al., 1997 2c Other birds experience more attacks in sites with high NM abundance Attack frequency increases because there are more NMs High Piper & Catterall, 2003 Path Pathway description way Evidence and reasoning Confidence High References 2d Other birds experience more attacks when NM is in hyper-aggressive mode Attack frequency increases due to altered NM behaviour 2e NM attacks cause decreased local abundance of small-bodied birds NM aggression causes reduced local High abundance or diversity of other birds (many birds move away, either on hearing the NMs or when attacked). Smaller birds show this negative response more strongly than larger birds Dow, 1977; Clarke, 1984; Loyn, 1987; Ford et al., 1995; Grey et al., 1997, 1998; Catterall et al., 2002; Piper & Catterall, 2003; Catterall, 2004; Martin et al., 2006; Maron et al., 2011; Mac Nally et al., 2012 2f Large insectivores/ vertebrate feeders are more common when NM present Some large insectivores/ vertebrate feeders, especially butcherbirds, are positively associated with NM; causal mechanisms are unclear but mutual benefit through cooperative mobbing of predators is plausible Mod Catterall, 2004; Fulton, 2008; Maron, 2009; M. Maron, unpublished data. 3a Abundant large nectarivores in flowering trees temporarily disrupt interspecific territorial defence by NMs Not systematically studied but has been frequently observed Low-Mod D. Oliver (pers obs New South Wales), A Kutt (pers obs northern Queensland), M Grey (pers obs northeast Victoria). 3b Abundant large nectarivores in flowering trees cause temporary decreases in small nectarivore /insectivore abundance Size-based aggressive hierarchies often High form among honeyeaters within flowering trees, resulting in fewer smaller birds Ford, 1979; Paton, 1985; McFarland, 1986a; Armstrong, 1991; Mac Nally & Timewell, 2005 4a Nest predation by NMs reduces reproductive success of small-bodied birds Experiments with artificial nests indicate that NMs are minor egg predators Major et al (2001) (Major et al., 1996; Major et al., 1999, 2001b; Piper & Catterall, 2004) Mod Path Pathway description way Evidence and reasoning Confidence References 4b Nest predation by large insectivores/ vertebrate feeders reduces reproductive success of small-bodied birds Butcherbirds, currawongs and corvids are frequent predators of eggs and nestlings of smaller birds. Nest predation reduces seasonal reproductive output even if parents re-nest; this may contribute to overall population decline, especially in sedentary species Mod Major et al., 1996; Major et al., 1999; Fulton & Ford, 2001; Remes et al., 2012 5 all Flower visits by nectarivorous birds increase the success of eucalypt reproduction (seed set) Birds are likely pollinators of more than half of all eucalypt species. Many eucalypts depend on birds for effective outcrossing. Birds also pollinate a range of other tree/ shrub genera in forest/woodland High Ford et al., 1979; Paton & Ford, 1983; House, 1997; Paton et al., 2004; Phillips et al., 2010 5a Large nectarivores contribute to pollination of eucalypt trees Lorikeets may pollinate in spite of some Mod flower destruction. Large honeyeaters with feeding territories within single trees assist pollination but are probably inefficient outcrossers Paton & Ford, 1983; House, 1997 and references therein 5b Small nectarivores are the most effective pollinators of many eucalypt species Small honeyeaters make shorter visits to Mod more flowers in more trees, creating more opportunities for pollen transfer Paton & Ford, 1983; House, 1997 6a Insectivory by small birds reduces the abundance of predatory insects Some small insectivores are likely to consume predators and parasitoids of herbivorous insects (e.g., some Hymenoptera and Diptera) Gruner, 2004 Low-Mod Path Pathway description way Evidence and reasoning Confidence References 6b Small insectivore feeding reduces the abundance of herbivorous insects The small insectivore guild includes High many leaf-gleaners (e.g., small honeyeaters, pardalotes, silvereyes) which consume insect herbivores (Homoptera, Lepidoptera, small Coleoptera, and other taxa). Experimental exclosure supports population limitation by birds Clark, 1964; Otvos, 1979; Ford, 1983; Loyn et al., 1983; Woinarski, 1985; Wyndham & Cannon, 1985; Ford, 1989; Kirk et al., 1996; Recher et al., 1996; Woinarski et al., 1997; Clarke & Schedvin, 1999; Greenberg et al., 2000; Christie & Hochuli, 2005; Van Bael & Brawn, 2005; Van Bael et al., 2008; Morrison & Lindell, 2012 6c Predatory invertebrates reduce abundance of herbivorous insects Insect predators and parasitoids are known to limit abundance of insect herbivores in many ecosystems de Bach, 1974; Rogers & Hubbard, 1974; Frazer & Gilbert, 1976; Hassell & May, 1986; New, 1991 6d Feeding by large numbers of herbivorous insects leads to tree decline or death Associations between extremely high High density of herbivorous insects, defoliation, and “dieback” (partial tree crown death) have been observed at a variety of eucalypt forest/ woodland sites. Repeated outbreak cycles can lead to tree death High Day, 1981; Landsberg & Wylie, 1983; Heatwole & Lowman, 1986; Landsberg et al., 1990; Landsberg, 1993; Landsberg & Cork, 1997 Path Pathway description way Evidence and reasoning Confidence References 7a The supply of seed influences trees’ reproductive output Recruitment of young trees depends in part on the volume of seed rain, which in turn depends on pollination success. Successful reproduction and high survival of mature trees maintain the typical floristics and structure of eucalypt forest/ woodland Low Andersen, 1988 7b Severe herbivory and associated tree crown dieback can cause tree death Excessive herbivore-induced defoliation leads to partial tree crown death. Trees recover by re-sprouting, but repeated defoliation cycles exhaust energy reserves, leading to death High Landsberg, 1988, 1990a, b, c; Ohmart & Edwards, 1991; Lowman & Heatwole, 1993; Farrow & Floyd, 1995; Marsh & Adams, 1995; Stone & Bacon, 1995; Collett, 2001 8 Lowered forest/ woodland “condition” create positive feedback, causing increased CHC (and vice versa) The causal pathways in 1-7 above create a positive feedback cycle of forest decline, accompanied by a reduction in bird diversity, especially of small-bodied species. Ultimately a hard-to-reverse transition to a different ecosystem state may be expected. Its probability of occurrence would vary in space and time as other contingencies influence the operation of each pathway Mod Landsberg & Wylie, 1983; Landsberg, 1988; Jurskis & Turner, 2002 Path Pathway description way 9 Other environmental stressors associated with human effect feed into the cycle Evidence and reasoning Other human effects resulting from clearing eucalypt forest and woodland may also cause decreased tree survival and reproduction, leading to complementary positive feedback cycles (e.g., those involving increased soil salinity) Confidence References Old et al., 1981; Wylie & Landsberg, 1987; Landsberg, 1988; Hobbs & Hopkins, 1990; Landsberg, 1990a, b, c; Old, 2000 References S1. Full references for Supporting Information Tables S1 and S2. Andersen, A.A. (1988) Insect seed predators may cause far greater losses than they appear to. Oikos, 52, 337-340. Armstrong, D.P. 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We defined the reporting rate as the probability of observing a noisy miner at a specific site in a single survey in a given year: π¦ππ ~π΅πππππππ(πππ , πππ ), where yij is the number of surveys at site i in year j that recorded noisy miner as present, nij is the total number of surveys, and pij is the reporting rate. We used a hierarchical Bayesian model to estimate temporal trends in reporting rates while accounting for landscape context and other spatial variation. Our measure of landscape context was the distance from the survey point to the nearest habitat edge (DISTEDGE), where habitat was defined as native vegetation (forest or woodland) as mapped in the National Vegetation Information System (ESCAVI 2003). Survey locations falling outside of mapped native vegetation were assigned a zero DISTEDGE value. The model included ‘random slope’ parameters, allowing for variation in temporal trends (and effects of DISTEDGE) among bioregions. The model also included interactions between time (YEAR) and DISTEDGE, to determine whether temporal trends were dependent on landscape context. The full model was: π¦ππ ~π΅πππππππ(πππ , πππ ); πππππ‘(πππ ) = πΌ0 + (π½π(π) + πΏπ(π) . π·πΌπππΈπ·πΊπΈπ ) × ππΈπ΄π π + πΎπ(π) × π·πΌπππΈπ·πΊπΈπ + πππ ; 1 1 1 ); πΏπ ~π(β, ππππ‘ ); πΎπ ~π(Γ, ππππ π‘ ); π½π ~π(Β, ππ‘ππππ πππ = πππππππ(π) + π π’π. πππππππ (π) + π π’π. πππ. ππππ (π) + π ππ‘ππ + π¦ππππ + π ππ‘π. π¦πππππ ; Here, πΌ0 is the overall intercept, π½π is the temporal trend for bioregion r (r(i) indicates the bioregion that site i falls within), πΎπ is the regionspecific effect of DISTEDGE (landscape context), and πΏπ is the region-specific interaction between YEAR and DISTEDGE. Thus, (π½π(π) + πΏπ(π) . π·πΌπππΈπ·πΊπΈπ ) yields a point-specific trend, which is a function of the bioregion trend π½π and site-specific landscape context. The regionspecific coefficients were modelled hierarchically, with exchangeable normal prior distributions and group means (Β, β, Γ) assigned independent normal prior distributions, N(0,1000). The model included spatial and temporal random intercepts, with nested spatial effects corresponding to region, subregion and site. Subregion-level random effects were partitioned into separate random (π π’π. πππππππ ) and spatially structured (π π’π. πππ. ππππ ) components. The spatially structured components were modelled using conditional autoregressive prior distributions (Besagand and Kooperberg 1995). All other spatial random effects, including the site × year components, were assigned exchangeable normal prior distributions, N(0, ο³2); ο³ ~ Uniform(0,10). The year random effects were modelled with a first-order autoregressive model (Fahrmeir and Lang 2001). Models were fitted by Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) using WinBUGS software (Lunn et al. 2000). Posterior distributions were estimated using 3 concurrent MCMC chains of 100 000 iterations each, following 50 000 iteration ‘burn-in’ periods, with every 15th iteration retained to reduce autocorrelation. Chain history plots and Gelman-Brooks-Ruben statistics confirmed adequate MCMC mixing and convergence. References Besag, J. & Kooperberg, C.L. (1995) On conditional and intrinsic autoregressions. Biometrika, 82, 733-746. Executive Steering Committee for Australian Vegetation Information (ESCAVI) (2003) Australian Vegetation Attribute Manual: National Vegetation Information System, Version 6.0. Department of the Environment and Heritage, Canberra. Fahrmeir, L. & Lang, S. (2001) Bayesian inference for generalized additive mixed models based on Markov random field priors. Applied Statistics, 50, 201-220. Lunn, D. J., Thomas, A., Best, N, & Spiegelhalter, D. (2000) WinBUGS—A Bayesian modelling framework: concepts, structure, and extensibility. Statistical Computing 10, 325–337