Northeast Study Guide - Madison County Schools

Study Guide: The Northeast Region
Test will be on Friday October 2nd.
Key Concepts:
 Glaciers shaped the Northeast by scraping away fertile soil,
forming basins that later filled with water to become lakes. In the
northern coastal areas, glaciers scraped away the topsoil. This left
behind poor, rocky soil.
 In 1500 only Native Americans lived in the Northeast
because European settlers had not yet arrived.
How might a harbor and port be related? A harbor is a protected area of water where
ships can dock safely. As a result, many ports might be in harbors.
Cause and effect of the American Revolution: Cause--colonists were angry because Britain
taxed them without allowing them representation. Effect—the United States became an
independent nation.
Changes during the Industrial Revolution-machines powered by steam engines replaced
water powered machines, electric power plants provided electricity form homes and
factories, electricity led to the spread of new inventions such as the telephone and light
During the 1800s and early 1900s Northeastern cities grew crowded because millions of
immigrants arrived in the United States. Many immigrants stayed in the Northeast to work
in factories.
Key Terms/Concepts to Know:
Mountains-physical feature found in the Northeast
Glaciers-huge, slow moving masses of ice
Granite-product from Northeast quarries
Iroquois-group that formed the first confederation in North America
1600s-England started eight colonies in the Northeast
Thomas Edison-opened the world’s first electric power plant during the Industrial Revolution
Main reason immigrants came to the Northeast is to make a better life.
New York City, New York-Northeast city that had the largest immigration center in the United
States during the early 1900s
Example of a primary source-photograph
Henry Hudson-English explorer of the Northeast coast
George Washington-leader of the American Army during the American Revolution
Deganawida-came up with a plan for peace for the Iroquois
Katherine Lee Bates-author of “America the Beautiful”