FELLOWSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT ON WOMEN PEACE AND SECURITY IN NORTHEAST INDIA Theprimarygoalof thefellowshipistoundertakeresearch andanalysisin Northeast India on thecomparativeroleofwomeninconflictandpostconflictsituations,factfindinginthefield,publisharticles/reports,photoandvideodocumentationorengageinsocialaction.Thefell owshipswillbeawardedtowomenjournalists,photoandvideojournalists,grassrootswomenleaders,andacademicstoaddvaluetot heon-goingpeacebuildingprocessand generate a bodyof knowledgearoundtheroleof womeninpeaceinitiativesinconflictriddenorconflictzones of Northeast India. A basic context is to ensure application of UnitedNationsSecurityCouncilResolution1325 (UNSCR 1325) and Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) inNortheastIndia. EligibilityCriteria: 1. 2. 3. The fellowship targetsearlyto mid-level women/youth journalists, scholars and leaderswithminimumqualificationofagraduateand1yearsofprofessionalexperiencefromtheNortheastIndiaespeciallyM anipur. Journalists, filmmakersworkingforanymainstreammedia-print,broadcast,orweb/online-will beconsidered. Journalistsworkinginnon-Englishmediaarewelcometoapply,proficiencyinEnglishisdesirable ThemeoftheFellowship:Thethemeforthisfellowshipprogramis “Women Peace and Security in Northeast India.” Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Anactionplanoraframeworkforthefellowshipperiod (1 year) MonthlyProgressReports and FellowshipCompletionReport Publishonearticle/featurestoryeverymonth Submitaudio, visualand research documentationregularly To support ongoing activities on the project “Empowering Women for Peace and Development in South Asia: Focus in Northeast India” Numberand Duration ofFellowships:Currently,theprogramlookstoengage4 fellows inNortheastIndia; Duration of the fellowship is 1 year. Applications should be sent to sujatacafi@gmail.com and cafi.communique@gmail.com on or before 20 Feb 2015 and with the following details: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A cover letter with updated curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages) An action plan or a framework on concise description of your intended project (maximum 2 pages) based on the theme A short project timeline including associated travel/research and publication/ broadcast of stories (should not exceed 12 months). Two recent articles on armed conflict in Northeast India and their impact on women (including title, date of publication/broadcast, web link to the stories) Two references with their contact details SelectionProcess:AllapplicationswillbereviewedbyaselectioncommitteeofCAFI.Onlysuccessfulapplicantswillbenotifiedviaem ail. For more information, please contact:Control Arms Foundation of India, B 5 / 146, First Floor, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi - 110 029, India ,Website: www.cafi-online.org , Phone: +91-11-46018541 , Fax +91-11-26166234.