Session 04 - Hamilton Trust

LKS2 Topic: The Romans in Britain Block D: Roman Entertainment
Session 4 Designing a Roman chariot
D&T: To use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional,
appealing products that are fit for purpose, aimed at particular individuals and groups; To generate,
develop, model and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated sketches, cross-sectional and
exploded diagrams, prototypes, pattern pieces and computer-aided design.
To generate a design for a Roman chariot based on research, prior knowledge and the design brief.
History: To know about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain.
To know about entertainment during the time of the Roman Empire.
Card; Paper; Wood; Straws; Cotton reels; Paper clips; Glue; Tape; Paper-clips;
Clay; Blu-tac; Plasticine; Saws; Dowel; Stapler; Design sheet; Playmobil Roman
tory/romans/leisure/ - BBC page about
chariot and horses (readily available for less than £10 online) - or suitable
Roman leisure (Roman Chester festival
available here).
Whole class: Watch again the BBC clip ‘What was the Roman Chester festival like?’ Pause the film at a shot of the chariot.
Explain again that we are going to be designing and making a chariot. What is the purpose of a chariot? Jot down the
responses of the class, e.g. fast, strong, light, carry one chariot racer, 2 wheels, be pulled by 4 horses, to look exciting,
decorative. Explain that these ideas will form their design brief. With a partner, can you put the ideas together to come up
with a design brief (one sentence).
To build a fast and strong 2-wheeled chariot pulled by 4 horses to carry one rider around a race track.
Enlarge the design sheet (session resources) and fill in the design brief part. Discuss the next part of the sheet. Explain that
you might draw 2 or 3 different designs and choose one at the end, or you might choose one design and draw it from 2 or 3
different angles. The chariot must be able to be pulled by the Playmobil horses (session resources) – or any alternative you
may have. Their design should be labelled. Which wheel/ axle design are you going to use? Which materials will you use?
(have all the available resources around the room for chn to look at and feel) – card, paper, wood, straws, cotton reels, paper
clips, glue, tape, paper-clips, clay, blu-tac, plasticine. Are all the available materials useful for this design brief? Will there be
design ideas that do not fulfil the design brief? (For example, maybe if they made a safety cage around the chariot for the
racer, it would be good. But then again, that will make it heavier and slower). Show them how to indicate the size of the
chariot. How big will it be?
Medium/ Hard
As a group, design a
In 2s or 3s, chn discuss the design of a chariot that meets the design brief. Consider the materials
chariot that meets the
needed and how they will be joined together. Individually complete a design sheet (session
design brief. Consider
resources), remembering to include the design brief decided by the class earlier.
the materials needed
and how they will be
joined together.
Teacher to support as
If you have another adult available for this session, they should spend time with small groups
discussing what would make a chariot more aerodynamic.
Ask the easy group to explain to the class what their design is. Why did you choose those materials? That
shape? Those joins? If it works, will it fulfil the design brief?
Children will
 Select from a range of materials based on their functional properties
 Generate and develop their design ideas through annotated sketches and discussions
 Use prior knowledge and research to inform the design of a chariot that is fit for purpose
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