code DL 3155BIO8 Technical specifications GALVANIC SKIN RESISTANCE - didactic equipment - This board must explain the galvanic skin resistance in a human body. TECHNICAL FEATURES THEORETICAL TOPIC COVERAGE - Galvanic resistance of the skin, the function of the different skin layers, the electric characteristic of the skin, behavior of the human body at the passage of an electric current, different types of measurements, measurement of the resistance and of the potential, visual and audio signalling. Fault simulation. CIRCUIT BLOCKS - Variation of the resistance in direct current of the skin with relation to humidity, recording of the changes of the galvanic resistance of the skin due to emotional or physical stimuli, typical circuit that is used in the monitoring of the GSR. It must be possible to perform the following experiences: calibration of the voltage generator, signal amplification stage, visualization and signalling block, measurement of the galvanic resistance of the skin. The faults must be inserted by microswitches; the module must be provided with a EISA BUS 31+18 INTERFACE, connections and test points by 2mm terminals. The module must be supplied with a theoretical and practical manual. Dimensions: 297x260mm. with sw GALVANIC SKIN RESISTANCE - didactic equipment - This board must explain the galvanic skin resistance in a human body. TECHNICAL FEATURES THEORETICAL TOPIC COVERAGE - Galvanic resistance of the skin, the function of the different skin layers, the electric characteristic of the skin, behavior of the human body at the passage of an electric current, different types of measurements, measurement of the resistance and of the potential, visual and audio signalling. Fault simulation. CIRCUIT BLOCKS - Variation of the resistance in direct current of the skin with relation to humidity, recording of the changes of the galvanic resistance of the skin due to emotional or physical stimuli, typical circuit that is used in the monitoring of the GSR. It must be possible to perform the following experiences: calibration of the voltage generator, signal amplification stage, visualization and signalling block, measurement of the galvanic resistance of the skin. The faults must be inserted by software and by microswitches. The module must be provided with a EISA BUS 31+18 INTERFACE for connection to power supply and PC, with a software able to allow the study of the topics through PC with hyper textual navigation according to the HTML standard. Connections and test points by 2mm terminals. The module must be supplied with a theoretical and practical manual. Dimensions: 297x260mm.