Multicountry 2014-2016 Organisation and

Name of the Candidate
Project title
EAHC/2013/BTSF/19: Organisation and implementation of training activities on official supervision as regards semen, ova and embryos under
the Better Training for Safer Food initiative
Overall project
value (EURO)
Proportion carried
out by candidate
No of staff
Name of client
Origin of
Name of partners if any
Detailed description of project
Type of services provided, including, if applicable, the services and corresponding amounts indicated in the Contract
Notice's selection criteria, the name of the staff provided and by which member of the consortium, the duration of their
assignment on the project and type of contract (freelance, permanent, etc.)
The contractor will organise and implement 10 4-day training courses covering relevant aspects
applicable tocontrols to be carried out to verify compliance with legislation on production, collection, processing, storageand transportation of semen, ova and embryos. The training is addressed to official veterinarians from localveterinary services responsible for official supervision
of semen collection and storage centres and of embryoscollection and production teams, and to
officials from central competent veterinary authorities in charge of thisfield of regulation.
The courses will be held in 3 or more distinct locations, to be chosen by the contractor, geographically equallydistributed among the different EU Member States. As the matters covered
will need practical demonstration,the location should be close to holdings/structures that can
grant the availability of such practical training.
The objectives of this training are to:
— increase understanding and knowledge of the organisation and functioning of semen collection/storagecentres and embryos collection/production teams of different species of animals,
— present the role and scope of official inspections in that field,
— ensure a common understanding of the minimum requirements for approval and supervision
of the centresand teams,
— propose a practical approach for a sound assessment of the conditions of approval and supervision of thecentres and teams (in regular inspections or following identification of possible
animal health event),
— develop skills and disseminate best practices in official veterinary inspection in this field,
— ensure consistent and high implementation standards across the EU.
The final aim of this training is to provide a common and more harmonised understanding between the differentMember States concerning this technical field, ensuring that a high level of
animal health standard is achievedacross the EU.
Furthermore, the training should increase the efficacy of veterinary services in protecting the EU
territory againstthe occurrence of animal diseases through the trade in or imports into the EU of
germinal products.
The training content will guarantee that the courses will achieve the objectives of the project and it shall include the tasks to be
performed including the organisation of the work to be carried out.
Training format, including the timing and the content of the training sessions is designed by the Contractor in order to fully reach
the objectives indicated below. The trainings consist of a balanced mix of theoretical and practical trainings with emphasis on
the practical exercises, using also case-studies if appropriate. Discussion sessions is organised for exchange of views and feedback from participants.
The Contractor also include interactive learning tools such as play roles, quizzes, group computer research, etc., to ensure a
complete and better understanding on the covered field by the trainees. In addition, the Contractor include education tools such
as videos or use of network platforms, databases into the training courses in order to increase the understanding of the given
subjects and to make the training interactive and interesting for the participants.