Veterinary practice pre-acceptance waste audit template Producers of healthcare waste, including veterinary practices, who send all or some of their waste to alternative treatment plants are required to provide their waste contractor with information on the composition of their waste. This should be done on a regular basis; audits must have been conducted within the past 18 months to be acceptable to the Environment Agency. As a producer of waste, you have a legal 'Duty of Care' to take all reasonable steps to keep waste safe. By providing the following information to your waste contractor you will help the operator of an alternative treatment plant to decide whether the plant can safely treat the waste and help yourself to meet your Duty of Care obligations. This template had been produced to assist you in providing your waste contractor with information on the composition of your waste. It should be tailored to your individual circumstances. In particular, the BVA recommends you consult Environment Agency guidance and the BVA good practice guide to handling veterinary waste, and that you talk to your waste contractor about their requirements. Date of audit Name of auditor Job title of auditor Practice name Practice address Practice phone number Practice email address Premises details Area (delete/add as appropriate) Reception/waiting room Consulting room Dispensary Preparation room Theatre Imaging room Laboratory Kennels Isolation kennels Staff room Office Containers in use Type Number Capacity Hazardous waste Waste type EWC code Disposal method Container Contents Photographic developer 09 01 01* Consult your waste contractor for details if necessary, eg incineration, autoclaving, shredding etc colour, form and size of each container and sub-container contents (including percentage of each type of waste) and chemical and/or pharmaceutical contaminants for each container Photographic fixer 09 01 04* Sharps contaminated with blood or pharmaceuticals other than cytotoxics or cytostatics 18 02 02* Infectious waste 18 02 02* Contaminated 18 02 07* with cytotoxic and cytostatic pharmaceuticals Quantity Notes Consult your waste contractor for details if necessary, eg particular hazards associated with the waste, preservation techniques used (eg freezing) that could impede treatment Non-hazardous waste Waste type EWC code Disposal method Container Contents Offensive waste 18 02 03 eg incineration, autoclaving, shredding etc colour, form and size of contents (including each container and sub- percentage of each type container of waste) and chemical and/or pharmaceutical contaminants for each container Pharmaceuticals 18 02 08 Domestic waste 20 03 01 Quantity Notes eg particular hazards associated with the waste, preservation techniques used (eg freezing) that could impede treatment