Luxemburg-BTSF 2014-2016

Project title
Organisation and implementation of training activities on official supervision as regards semen, ova and
embryos under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative
Name of the Candidate
project value
carried out by
candidate (%)
Europe (Italy,
Portugal and
Detailed description of project
No of staff
Name of
Origin of
“Better Training for Safer Food" (BTSF) is an initiative of the European Commission’s Health and Consumers
Directorate-General (DG SANCO) aimed at organising a European Union (EU) training strategy in the areas of
food law, feed law, animal health and animal welfare rules, as well as plant health rules.
The project aims at providing training to mainly EU Member States’ officials under the 'Better Training for Safer
Food' initiative. The following requirements apply to this call for tender. The contractor will cover the organization
and implementation of training activities on official supervision of semen collection and storage centers and
embryo collection and production teams and trade in and imports into the Union of semen, ova and embryos.
The objectives of this training are to:
— increase understanding and knowledge of the organisation and functioning of semen collection/storagecentres
and embryos collection/production teams of different species of animals,
— present the role and scope of official inspections in that field,
— ensure a common understanding of the minimum requirements for approval and supervision of the centresand
— propose a practical approach for a sound assessment of the conditions of approval and supervision of
thecentres and teams (in regular inspections or following identification of possible animal health event),
— develop skills and disseminate best practices in official veterinary inspection in this field,
— ensure consistent and high implementation standards across the EU.
The final aim of this training is to provide a common and more harmonised understanding between the
differentMember States concerning this technical field, ensuring that a high level of animal health standard is
achievedacross the EU.
Name of partners if any
Type of services provided
The contractor will organise and implement 10 4-day training
courses covering relevant aspects applicable to controls to be
carried out to verify compliance with legislation on production,
collection, processing, storage and transportation of semen,
ova and embryos. The training is addressed to official
veterinarians from local veterinary services responsible for
official supervision of semen collection and storage centres
and of embryos collection and production teams, and to
officials from central competent veterinary authorities in charge
of this field of regulation.
Exp.1: 22 wd
Exp.2: 22 wd
Exp.3: 22 wd