Name_____________________ Period_________ Atmosphere, Air Pressure, Heat Transfer, Weather Instruments, and Local/Global Winds Study Guide 1. 2. The _atmosphere_ is a whole layer of air that surrounds the Earth. It supports life and protects it. List the 5 layers of the atmosphere in order. List the layers of the atmosphere. ___Exosphere 9. Explain the difference between a high pressure system and a low pressure system. Make sure to include what type of weather each brings and how that happens. High Pressure Areas of high pressure are formed where air is sinking back down, and so pushing down harder. ___Thermosphere __Mesosphere __Stratosphere What type of weather does it bring? Dry/Sunny/Clear Skies Low Pressure When air rises, it leaves behind an area of lower pressure, because the upward- moving air is not pressing down so hard on the surface. What type of weather does it bring? Wet/Cloudy __Troposphere 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Which layer of the atmosphere do we live in? Troposphere Which layer contains the ozone layer? Stratosphere This is the layer of the atmosphere that is very cold because there is almost no atmosphere to absorb the Sun’s heat energy Mesosphere __Nitrogen_ and ___oxygen__ are the two main gases found in our atmosphere. Air pressure is the force of molecules pushing on an object. As altitude increases, air pressure __decreases_. Why? 10-13: Fill in the blank. Nimbus Cirrus 10. __Cumulous__ means “heap,” and describes a puffy cloud 11. __Nimbus___ means “rain,” and describes a cloud with lots of water in it 12. __Cirus__ means “curl of hair,” and describes a wispy cloud 13. ___Stratus__ means “layer,” and describes a sheet-like cloud 14.)When thinking about the 15.)Explain what happened with balloon in a bottle lab, explain the marshmallow in a vacuum what happened to each balloon, lab. Why did the result occur? and why it happened. Be sure to Use the term “air pressure” in use the term “air pressure” in your explanation. your explanation. Draw and label your illustration to add to your thinking. Answers Vary Answers Vary Cumulus Stratus Answers Vary 16-18 Fill in the blank using the following words: Conduction, Convection, and Radiation. 16. __Radiation_ is the transfer of heat energy by electromagnetic waves. 17. ____Convection____ is the transfer of heat in liquids and gases. 18. __Convection______ is the transfer of heat from one substance to another by direct contact. 19. Write a real-world example of each type of heat transfer: Conduction Convection Radiation A metal spoon gets hot in a pot of boiling water. Cool air sinks to the ground on a warm night Toes are warmed in front of a space heater. You get a nasty sunburn after swimming too long. 20. Match each weather instrument with its definition. ___E__ barometer __A___ thermometer a. b. ___F__ anemometer c. ___D__ compass d. ___B__ weather satellite ___C__ wind vane e. f. ___H__ sling psychrometer g. __G___ rain gauge h. Measures temperature. Photographs and tracks large scale movements on Earth Has an arrow that points in the direction that the wind is blowing Finds direction by way of a needle that always points north Measures air pressure Measures the speed or force of the wind Collects and measures precipitation Uses the evaporation to measure relative humidity 21. What are the 2 major types of winds? ___local___ and ___global_____ 22. ___Jet streams___ are very strong winds that effect flying speeds of jets when flying against some of these areas in the upper troposphere. 23. How does the wind blow in a land breeze?____from land to sea____ How does the wind blow in a sea breeze? ____from sea to land________________ From land to sea or sea to land? 24-30: Air Masses and Fronts: Write the correct letter in the blank provided. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. A ______A______ front produces heavy rains and violent thunderstorms. After a _____B_____ front, the sky becomes clear. A _______D_________ front is created when a cold air mass and warm air mass collide and do not mix. This collision could cause constant snow or rain for days. What kind of air mass is found near the equator and is accompanied by warm air? _______G______ What kind of air mass is found far from the equator and is accompanied by cool air? _________F________ 29. A _____H_______ air mass is found over water and is accompanied by moist air. 30. A ______C_______l air mass is found over land and is accompanied by dry air. A. Cold B. Warm C. Continental D. Stationary F. Polar G. Tropical H. Maritime