Fall 2009

GEO 100, S’09 Informal course evaluations
Responses have been shuffled! Also, some people didn’t fill out the back side (second half) of the questionnaire!
1. Did you expect this class to be different than it actually was? How so?
No. The big tests (lab exams) were far more difficult than the rest of the class.
It was harder than I expected. I spent a lot of time studying the rocks and minerals.
Not really, it was a bit harder than I thought it would be.
I expected it to be easier because of the title intro to earth science but in fact it was very hard for me.
No, this class is what I expected. And more!
Yes. I expected it to be easier.
Nbope, you learn about rocks and how the earth works, it’s not a huge surprise.
Yes. It was different because we didn’t cover everything evenly. We spent a lot of time on specific
Yes, I thought we would have spent less time on some things. I didn’t expect to go into any sort of
depth at all, and we did, which I really liked.
Honestly, I didn’t really know what to expect but it was fun and very interesting.
Yes, I didn’t not like it in high school but it was a lot better this time. Much more interesting and covered
more topic areas.
No, it was pretty straightforward.
2. If a friend of yours is considering taking this class, what is some advice you would pass along?
Honestly, don’t take it. Its hard and seems like too much work.
Make sure you do the homework as soon as you get it, even though you have a whole week it is always
easy to forget. Keep up on the reading so you don’t fall behind. It takes forever to catch back up.
This is NOT a class that you can slack off in and succeed. You have to study a lot and pay attention.
It’s a good class and enjoyable but the tests are tricky. Don’t just expect to study the book and notes.
Be in class every day. The makeup policy is ridiculously unforgiving.
Not a hard class, just prepare yourself for the rock exam!
Sutyd the rocks and minerals as early as possible! Use the examples ones in the study room.
Don’t miss any days! Do your homework!! Study hard!
Be sure to study your rocks and minerals!
Study, study, study and always take good notes.
I would say that they would need to devote a lot of time to do well.
3. What topics did you enjoy most about this course? The least?
I liked the volcanoes the most. The stuff on weather wasn’t that interesting.
The tectonic plates were interesting. Climate change was lame.
I liked volcanoes and the oceans. Not so much the rocks and minerals.
The was the class was prepared made it enjoyable and earlier to follow along. My least favorite part
was the test, I always felt like I studied and there was always stuff on them I didn’t remember seeing in
the class or the book.
I loved learning about the minerals and not the rocks. Mostly because there were just too many rocks.
Volcanoes was a fun section. Learning all the rocks was stressful.
I liked plate tectonis a lot, but the rock exam wasn’t really organized right. It should have been
metamorphic test, igneous test…
I kinda like minerals. The last—rocks!
Everything, but not the rock identification!
Most: Tectonic plates; Least: Rocks
Plate tectonics, rock lab.
Most: Plate tectonics, igneous activity. Least: Rock studies.
4. Does this class fit in at all with your future plans/major/career path? Yes / No / Maybe If so, how?
Yes. It’s required for elementary ed. and i can use the [???] from this class to replicate in a classroom
of my own.
.Yes—I’m going into archeology.
Maybe. It’s showed me things I could possibly study more but for now I am undecided.
Maybe. Might teach earth science (elementary ed.)
5. What was most worthwhile about this class for you? (What will you remember best a year from now?)
I think I have learned a lot over the past semester.
How to study.
Abou the tectonic plate movement and how things are formed.
Everything. I enjoyed the section on volcanoes, and the moview were very informative.
Probably bits and pieces. Minerals, streams and volcanoes I think I will remember the most.
I liked the labs. They were laid-back and were an easy environment to work in.
The section on plate tectonics. I actually explained to my friend the other day that Yellowstone is a hot
Tectonic plate info.
6. What did you think of the textbook we used?
I don’t think we used it that much.
Nice format; I wish we had used it more.
It wasn’t used much, but was helpful when used.
I liked the lab manual. But with the study guides, I rarely used the textbook.
I think we could have used it a little more but I also like not having to rely on the book for my
information; it was just there in case I needed extra information for understanding. Sometimes the
study guides seemed a little less than useful.
I barely used it. Sorta waste of money.
I rarely used the book, but it had good info. The lab manual was useless.
Didn’t use it much!
Any additional comments:
- Try to be at every class.
- I liked the minerals, but 15 minutes for a presentation is a lot!