Scottish Government Justice Analytical Services Analytical Programme 2015-16 About Justice Analytical Services The overarching purpose of Justice Analytical Services is: to provide analytical insights to underpin and influence the delivery of justice and safety for the people of Scotland. We play a key role in creating, delivering and communicating the evidence base for a Safer and Stronger Scotland. We are a multi-disciplinary team and our analytical contribution comes in various forms including social research, statistics, economics, operational research and the administration that underpins analysis. We seek to promote the use of analysis to challenge and improve the policy and practice essential for achieving outcomes and to influence the policy agenda and debate. We strive to ensure that robust evidence gets to the people who need it, is accessible, easy to interpret and is widely used. We support delivery of policies that are focused on the key national outcomes: We live our lives safe from crime, disorder and danger We have strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others Our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient & responsive to people’s needs Our evidence shapes, informs and measures progress towards the vision set out in The Strategy for Justice in Scotland: a justice system that contributes positively to a flourishing Scotland, helping to create an inclusive and respectful society in which all people and communities live in safety and security, where individual and collective rights are supported, and where disputes are resolved fairly and swiftly. The Justice Strategy is explicitly based on evidence and follows an outcomesdriven and user-focused approach that has been shaped by our analysis. We have developed a Justice Dashboard to provide an overview of progress towards improving justice outcomes. The dashboard displays information on selected highlevel measures for each of the eight justice outcomes. The Justice Strategy for Scotland We seek to deploy our analytical resources in a flexible, innovative and cost-effective way to provide timely, fit-for-purpose, quality-assured analysis. Justice Analytical Services consists of two cross-professional units and a business management support team. Justice Analytical Unit The Justice Analytical Unit provides analytical advice and support in the areas of both criminal and civil justice, working with a range of key stakeholders to develop a shared understanding of available evidence and to maximise the use and impact of this evidence across the justice system. This work includes the publication of key statistical data on both criminal and civil justice issues. The current work of the Unit has a particular focus on community justice redesign, penal policy, domestic abuse, business volumes, and advising on the impact and value for money of interventions for offenders, both in prisons and in the community. The unit also provides economic support across both the Justice and Safer Communities Directorates. Safer Communities Analytical Unit The Safer Communities Analytical Unit is a multi-professional unit that provides evidence, analysis and advice to the Safer Communities Directorate. It also works closely with the a range of external stakeholders, including Police Scotland, the Scottish Police Authority, and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, to develop a shared understanding and promote use of the available evidence. Policy areas covered by the work of the unit, include policing, fire and rescue, organised crime and counter terrorism, resilience, community safety, illicit drugs use and recovery. Significant themes in the unit’s current work are: police and fire reform; and enhancing the evidence-base on drug misuse and treatment, serious and organised crime and violence. The unit also produces a range of regular statistics publications, and is responsible for the management, analysis and dissemination of the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS). Our Work in Review – Key Achievements from the 2014-15 Analytical Programme Over the past year JAS has supported key Ministerial priorities by delivering analysis and evidence into the heart of policy making and debate, improving our understanding and measurement of justice outcomes and the justice system and working with stakeholders and external experts to make significant progress in expanding and enhancing the evidence base around a number of priority issues. Selected highlights from last year’s programme include: Provided a strong analytical platform for Ministerial priorities and events Improved our understanding of justice system and justice outcomes Delivered key messages and insights into the policy process Pioneered new approaches and innovative analysis presented evidence and insights to frame, inform and challenge the female penal policy debate including the consultation on the custodial estate for women delivered and synthesised the results of 3 new studies to provide Ministers and others with a fresh and reliable account of sectarianism estimated the social and economic costs of crime and the costs of the criminal justice system in Scotland to help policy makers and justice partners understand the costs of decision making published robust data on a range of national indicators and justice outcomes including police recorded crime and reconviction rates reported on the 2013/14 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS), providing key insights on drugs use, partner abuse and sexual victimisation and completed fieldwork for 2014/15 survey explored current knowledge on the scale and associated harms of new psychoactive substances in Scotland with a view to improving the evidence base produced an evidence review of what works to reduce crime to support strategic thinking and highlight key messages for the Building Safer Communities programme; updated an evidence review of what works to reduce reoffending and delivered evaluations to inform community justice redesign and reducing reoffending policy developed driver diagrams for e.g. problem drug use, Reducing Reoffending, Building Safer Communities to ensure policy is focused on key priorities and actions designed and disseminated innovative evidence-based, outcomes-focussed ‘5-step approach to evaluation’ which has proved extremely popular with practitioners aiming to promote behaviour change e.g. around reducing reoffending To access our published evidence and analysis visit the Scottish Government website: To access our statistical publications visit To access our research publications visit Follow us on Twitter @SGJusticeAnalys for updates and information including photos and videos including: One in 36 homes in Scotland received a Home Fire Safety Visit in 2013-14 –#firesafety stats The number of offences involving firearms in Scotland between 1980 to March 2014 #FirearmsScotland Our Forward Work Plan – Analytical Programme Priorities for 2015-2016 The work of the division covers both an agreed forward programme of analytical priorities and routine analytical work. Analytical planning to develop a programme for 2015/16 followed a process of engagement with policy colleagues designed to closely align our analysis with key priorities and the delivery of justice outcomes. Key priorities for 2015-16 include: Improve our understanding of justice system and justice outcomes Undertake crosscutting analysis to understand and inform the bigger picture Deliver, assure and improve key data; build analytical capacity Support and deliver measurement and evaluation clearly present key messages on progress towards justice outcomes using new approaches to promote effective communication model the system-wide impacts of decisions taken by justice partners to inform future decisionmaking across the system as a whole feed in evidence to support and frame approach to justice change programmes e.g. Building Safer Communities, Reducing Reoffending gather and communicate evidence from multiple sources and perspectives to strengthen policy and shape strategy e.g. on penal policy, domestic abuse, sex work, serious and organised crime, new psychoactive substances collaborative strategic analysis with our partners to develop a better quality, consistent evidence base e.g. working with Police Scotland to analyse data on violence and sexual offences and on scale and nature of organised crime cross-cutting data analysis e.g. on long-term changes in sentencing practice deliver new evidence in priority areas e.g. drugs, sectarianism and OBFTC Act deliver analysis and improve dissemination of 2014/15 data from flagship Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, and procure future survey assure the quality of collation, collection and reporting of key national and official statistics help build analytical capacity and capability of justice partners to develop their own data first year of the programme of police and fire reform evaluation support approaches to evaluation and measurement including dissemination of the ‘what works’ evidence base and the ‘5-step approach’ to evaluation research on user experience of the tribunal system as part of wider focus on improving measurement and understanding quality of justice services for users Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) . A key area of work for Justice Analytical Services is the flagship Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS). The SCJS is a large-scale social survey which asks people about their experiences and perceptions of crime in Scotland, including crimes that haven’t been reported to, or recorded by the police. The survey is important as it not only provides a picture of crime in Scotland, but also examines trends, over time, in the number and nature of crimes in Scotland, assesses varying risks and characteristics of crime for different groups of adults in the population, and allows the exploration of sensitive issues such as partner abuse and drug use. An important role of the SCJS is to provide an alternative and complementary measure of crime to the police recorded crime statistics, which provide statistics on crimes and offences recorded and cleared up by the police in Scotland. The findings from the SCJS are used by policy makers across the public sector in Scotland to help understand the nature of crime in Scotland, target resources and monitor the impact of initiatives to target crime JAS Analytical Programme for 2015-16 This section sets out more detail on our planned projects for the coming year and was approved by the Cabinet Secretary for Justice in June 2015. The list of projects is organised by policy areas and includes cross-cutting projects. While some of the projects are new topic areas or introduce new methodologies to existing evidence issues, others are continuations of existing programmes. We also undertake routine work in addition to this programme including answering Parliamentary Questions (PQs) and Freedom of Information requests. Cross-cutting Title Detail of Proposed Analysis Lead Person Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) - Project Management & Work Plan Deliver 2014/15 fieldwork analysis and reports to ensure continuation of SCJS series. Continuous improvement. Develop required amendments to SCJS. Improved dissemination of survey results. Review and consider publication of additional information on SCJS trends. Re-procure new survey. Questionnaire review, including consideration of fraud and cyber crime. Neil Grant SCJS - 2014/15 – Main Findings report Production and publishing of SCJS main findings 2014/15, on crime, victimisation etc. Early preparatory work to set up report templates based on previous years and plan addition and updates, including on making comparisons to Police Recorded Crime. Trish BradyCampbell SCJS - 2014/15 – Production and publishing of module report which identifies the extent of partner abuse. Partner Abuse report SCJS - 2014/15 – Production and publishing of module report looking at the extent of sexual victimisation and stalking Sexual Victimisation report among adults in Scotland. Trish BradyCampbell Trish BradyCampbell SCJS - 2014/15 – Drug Use report Production and publishing of report the extent of self-reported illicit drug use ever, in the last year and in Trish Bradythe last month and examines the experience of first drug use and drug use in the last month by adults aged Campbell 16 or over. SCJS Questionnaire Consultation Development of SCJS questionnaire (following on from 2014-15 review) through internal and external consultation. Trish BradyCampbell SCJS - 2012/13 – Microdata Release (SDC) Costs of the Criminal Justice System Publication of the SCJS 2012/13 microdata via the UK Data Service. Alex Reid Publication of updated figures on the costs of the criminal justice system in relation to i) expenditure of criminal justice agencies, ii) unit costs of case stages for courts, prosecution and legal aid, and iii) community disposals. Michael O’Neill Economic and social costs of crime Finalise initial estimates of the economic and social costs of crime, and publish figures and explanation of methodology. Michael O’Neill Criminal justice system modelling Consider the optimal strategy for future modelling of the criminal justice system, and apply in the context of work on likely future business volumes and costs. Michael O’Neill Rape in Scotland Work with Police Scotland on the analysis and reporting of data on rape. Katherine Myant Domestic abuse analysis Analysis of trends in domestic abuse and impacts on criminal justice system, and synthesis of available research evidence and coordination of an academic event on ‘what works’. Debbie Headrick Domestic abuse recorded by the police 2013-14 Annual data collection, quality assurance and publication of statistical bulletin - for 2013-14. Explore feasibility of publishing 2-years- worth of data. Alan Sloan Analysis of trends in young people offending Update previous analyses of youth offending and produce briefing paper, explore data sources and potential for data linkage. Jenny Leishman Criminal Proceedings in Scotland 2014-15 Analyse data relating to 2014-15. Seek to improve structure and commentary, identifying other improvements in data collection, processing and quality assurance where time permits. Gilly Diggins Extending provision of bail data Review the availability of data relating to bail and with a view to extending the data on the conditions attached to bail, the reasons behind bail decisions and factors in breach of bail. The project would involve establishing whether and how data on, for example, bail decisions is collected. Gilly Diggins Linking offender data from the Criminal History System (CHS) to the "spine" via the data linkage service Update methods of publication 2013-14 in Safer Communities Analytical Unit Racist incidents in Scotland 2013-14 Explore the feasibility of including offender characteristics from the CHS within the population spine potentially focusing on linking offender data with the SLS. Joint project with Administrative Data Research Centre Phillipa Haxton Consideration of the benefits of updating methods of publication of statistics relating to the seven main data collections within SCAU. Relevant factors include changes to the format/content of publications, dissemination of material via web tables, level of geographical presentation of statistics etc. David Smith Annual data collection, quality assurance and publication of statistical bulletin (Official Statistics). Potentially developed into Hate Crime publication and publishing 2 years-worth of data Alan Sloan Recorded Crime in Scotland 2014-15 Publication on police recorded crime in Scotland. Annual publication which provides a measure of the volume of crime with which the police are faced. David Smith Homicide in Scotland 2014-15 Annual data collection, quality assurance and production of a statistical bulletin. Alasdair Greig Hate crime - data collection and publication Scoping out the setting up of a new data collection on hate crime, quality assurance and publication of a Alan Sloan statistical bulletin. Would involve detailed discussions with a range of stakeholders including PSoS, SPA and COPFS as well as internal SG colleagues. Recorded Crimes and Offences involving Firearms 2013-14 Annual data collection, quality assurance and publication of statistical bulletin. Alasdair Greig Scottish Crime Recording Board Chairing the Scottish Crime Recording Board. David Smith / Euan Dick Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research Financial support for SCCJR and staff input on business planning, monitoring, ticketing system, and management meetings. Debbie Headrick Communications project A strategy to improve our communication of evidence analysis to external and internal audiences. Last year we introduced a number of new communication methods, tools and channels to the Division (e.g. infographics, social media). This year, the main priority is to further embed these and to encourage those within the Division to start using them and improving communication of analysis. A second priority is to improve skills around developing narratives or stories around analysis. Katherine Myant IT infrastructure Current focus on re-engineering prison statistical system, with plan to appraising/re-engineering criminal proceedings statistical system. Longer term aspiration to enhance access to and use of justice data through improved IT infrastructure and support. Elizabeth Fraser Admin data peer collaboration network Chairing peer collaboration network to improve quality and transparency of admin data based statistics. Elizabeth Fraser JAS monthly brief Monthly synthesis of topical justice information Alan Fleming Justice dashboard Maintaining justice dashboard Alan Fleming Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation - development of a crime domain Request individual level crime data (for selected crime codes) from Police Scotland. Develop data sharing agreement. Working with OCSP, quality assure data submitted by Police Scotland. David Smith Civil Law and Legal System Title Detail of Proposed Analysis Lead Person Civil Law Statistics in Scotland bulletin 2013-14 To publish an improved bulletin on civil issues across Scotland. Alasdair Anthony Civil Justice Statistics 2014 onwards Establish a way forward for the production and publishing of civil justice statistics Alasdair Anthony Civil stats: Data development and improvement project Family Justice Strategy evidence base Improvement, development and extension of data and statistics on civil law court cases. Includes assessment of data on children, ancillary craves and length of time taken for cases. Alasdair Anthony Review evidence base for Family Justice Strategy. Debbie Headrick Divorce and dissolution statistics publication Production and publication of divorce and dissolution statistics. Implementation of changes following same-sex marriage Act. Eddie Chan Court Reform Bill: measuring success Development and sign off of indicators; development of measures for success; baseline data review; recommendations; design and implementation of pilots. Debbie Headrick Taylor Bill Advice on Taylor Bill Debbie Headrick User experience of tribunals To commission a mixed-methods study of users' views of the tribunals system. Debbie Headrick Costs of Administrative Justice To assist Audit Scotland in developing costing methodology and case study for helping Local Authorities cost administrative justice activates in order to help them understand and reduce costs across the whole system including that to the justice system itself. Michael O’Neill Community Justice Title Detail of Proposed Analysis Lead Person SPS performance management support Refinement of logic models based on the new vision of SPS, which could be used to develop a more meaningful performance management system. Includes logic modelling of "purposeful activity" and helping to develop prisons surveys. Catherine Bisset Reducing Reoffending Programme 2 (RRP2) funding RRP2 - Support for Throughcare and Services project Assisting with revising formula for distributing CJA funds including providing the necessary statistics. Michael O’Neill Support Ministerial group and any follow-up work Catherine Bisset RRP2 - Performance Management Analytical support for the Performance Management project within RRP2. To include logic modelling, development of outcome framework, metrics, and governance issues. Peter Conlong RRP2 - Women offenders Participation in project board and any associated work, and input to future custodial estate for women. Catherine Bisset Reducing Reoffending Change Fund Analytical Support Reconviction Rate Statistics, 2013-14 cohort Ongoing support including management of years 2-3 evaluation, plus support to develop and implement a monitoring framework. 2015-16, oversight of a contractor in the Robertson Trust to continue the evaluation. Produce statistical publication of reconvictions of offenders discharged from custody or given noncustodial sentences in 2013-14, Scotland Sacha Rawlence Development of Review of potential methodology to allow robust comparisons of reconviction outcomes for different reconviction rate matching groups of offenders (e.g. matched pairs, propensity score matching etc), and testing of methodology in the methodology context of community sentences vs short prison sentences. Andrew Morgan Andrew Morgan Criminal Justice Social Work Statistics, 2014-15 The publication of Criminal Justice Social Work Statistics at a national level derived from Local Authority Social Work management information systems Alan Fleming Review of criminal justice social work statistics Dependent on progress in policy area, review throughcare data. Also review CPO and DTTO collections in time for 2014-15 data collection. Alan Fleming Improvement project on use of remand and short sentences Community Justice division is developing a range of potential options to reduce the number of prison receptions. This will require further analysis of the impact of various options such as increasing the presumption against short sentences, extending the use of electronic monitoring, increasing the use of supervised bail, etc. Peter Conlong Research on unit costs of CJSW services Commissioning and management of external work on the unit costs of delivering community justice disposals/services. Michael O’Neill Evaluation strategy for community justice interventions To provide leadership and support on evaluation strategies for CJ interventions, including drawing up guidance, providing ad hoc support, clarifying issues around statistical significance and control groups, and to ensure a clear line of sight to performance management frameworks. Catherine Bisset Evaluation of Caledonian System Design, commissioning and management of an evaluation of the Caledonian system, to inform reaccreditation decision. Sacha Rawlence Community Women’s Justice Services Evaluation Design, commissioning and management of evaluation. Tamsyn Wilson Redesign of the prison statistical system Redesign of Scottish Government prison statistical system to ensure it runs on modified IT platform. Elizabeth Fraser Prison statistics and projections 2012-13 Annual update of prison statistics and 10 year population projections. Elizabeth Fraser Prison statistics 2013-14 Loading and cleaning 2013-14 data. Finish user guide. Elizabeth Fraser SG Criminal Proceedings Database - Postcode Outcode Analysis 2013-14 First part of post code now included in Criminal Proceedings data feed. To carry out analysis of the quality of the information with a view to recommending how the information could possibly feed into the Statistics site as well as be used in other areas of JAS. Gilly Diggins Data linkage remand and sentencing outcomes An update of the original pilot project using more recent data, which will include near complete S numbers from the prisons data Elizabeth Fraser Reconvictions analysis Review Group An initial review of the reconvictions analysis programmes has raised a number of questions about the detail of the methodology. The aim of this group will be to explore these issues in more detail to ensure that the analysis fully reflects the current Justice system and user needs Andrew Morgan LS-CMI and convictions data Linking data from risk assessment tool to convictions data and conducting factor analysis on results in order to identify the factors related to offending Phillipa Haxton Barriers to compliance evidence review PhD intern to conduct review of evidence in this area. Tamsyn Wilson Logic modelling support Internal support to other analysts, and external support to third sector organisations. Capacity-building for self-evaluation. Catherine Bisset Electronic monitoring Project management of SCCJR work on tagging. Catherine Bisset Reconviction rates for CPOs Linking unit level CPO data to reconvictions data to produce analysis for CPO requirements/order completions etc Andrew Morgan Problem-solving courts Analysis and monitoring to support the development of problem-solving courts Tamsyn Wilson Fiscal work orders: evaluation Scope JAS input to an evaluation - cover intended outputs/outcomes. Sacha Rawlence Criminal Justice Title Detail of Proposed Analysis Lead Person Business Volumes and Criminal Justice Management Information System Monitor business volumes, respond to Audit Scotland report and other requests, and manage the data collection and validation of monthly data from CJOs, loading on to the CJBMIS site. Review calculation of 26 week indicator with COPFS. Update code used to export COPFS data from SG extract, communicate to stakeholders on update, review CJBMIS upload codes Jenny Leishman Justice Digital Strategy Attendance at workshops and inputting of evidence to each workstream, esp "analytics" workstream Peter Conlong Evaluation of HMIP prison monitors Process evaluation of new arrangements, following consultation in 2014. Timescales are likely to cover an LM workshop in June, and then commissioned evaluation for a year from September. Sacha Rawlence Carloway - evidence and procedure review Review of possible options Debbie Headrick Criminal Law and Licensing Title Detail of Proposed Analysis Lead Person Liquor licensing statistics 2014-15 Publication of statistics collected from local licensing boards on number of businesses licensed to sell alcohol. Alan Fleming Criminal Proceedings Additional Datasets 201415 Review and recommend further developments for the additional datasets which are produced along with the Criminal Proceedings statistical tables. Specifically around datasets for age breakdowns and further tables on offences. To scope feasibility of publishing multi-dimensional tables related to Criminal Proceedings data for publication on the Scottish Government website in the future. Interrogate the Criminal Proceedings database to extract numbers of extended sentences (and potentially other sentence types) and mainstream this within the main CP analysis. Gilly Diggins Special measures for victims and witnesses Identifying "success" for special measures; advice on monitoring systems Debbie Headrick Research into prostitution Commission research via SCCJR and external contractor on evidence base on the potential impacts of criminalising the purchase of sex. Debbie Headrick Inclusion of new sentence types in Criminal Proceedings Gilly Diggins Defence, Security and Cyber Resilience & Resilience Title Detail of Proposed Analysis Lead Person Public Attitudes to Cybercrime Potential development of questions on an omnibus survey on public attitudes to cybercrime Kirsty Bosley Resilience - Risk methodology This potential analysis will look at the existing impact boundaries in National Risk Assessment Guidance, review them in the light of differences in Scotland to consider the need for any new Scottish specific boundaries. Kirsty Bosley Resilience - evidence base and guidance SCORDS have a requirement to develop ways that they can learn lessons from past national emergencies. JAS can advise Resilience whether it would be beneficial to produce a small number of case studies for various resilience audiences and generate a structured methodology for resilience colleagues to derive their own learning. Kirsty Bosley Fire and Rescue Services Title Detail of Proposed Analysis Fire Data Collection and SG have planned a managed handover of the FRS statistics publication to SFRS. The Performance Requirements Post Reform Committee of the Fire Board will take on a remit for to oversee fire related data and performance and JAS will be on that group. This project will oversee the implementation of these activities Lead Person Kirsty Bosley Fire and Rescue Service Statistics Scotland 2014-15 (formerly Fire Statistics Scotland) This is the Scottish Statistical Bulletin that contains Fire and Rescue Services incident data for financial year Kirsty Bosley 2013-14. Work closely with the Scottish Fire and Rescue service on the production of these statistics. Police and Fire Reform Evaluation Consortium led by Scottish Institute of Policing Research have been commissioned to conduct an evaluation of police and fire reform. The contract runs for four years from Feb 2015 to Feb 2019. Katherine Myant Police Title Detail of Proposed Analysis Lead Person Police Officer Quarterly Strength Quarterly stats bulletin used to monitor 2007 and 2011 manifesto commitment. Alex Reid Missing Persons Support consultation on draft missing persons strategy. Trish BradyCampbell Recorded Crime User Consultation Consult with users of the suite of recorded crime publications to: understand who the users are, what their requirements for data are and how they would benefit from any new suggested structure/content; guiding future strategy for how, what and when we publish, identify any improvements to the process. Keith Paterson Police and Fire Reform Evaluation Consortium led by Scottish Institute of Policing Research have been commissioned to conduct an evaluation of police and fire reform. The contract runs for four years from Feb 2015 to Feb 2019. Katherine Myant Serious organised crime: Understanding community harm A qualitative, ethnographic study of the operations of organised crime in one or more communities to establish its scale and nature and its harms. This may follow on from a nationally-based omnibus survey of public perceptions of organised crime. Ben Cavanagh Proceeds of crime process mapping Process mapping of proceeds of crime processes, report writing and presentation at meetings. Brendan Nisbet Organised crime evidence summary A summary of the evidence of organised crime scale and nature, its impact and how it may be reduced. This is to support the organised crime strategy 2015. Brendan Nisbet Organised crime understanding SOC legislative clauses Research with stakeholders - could be externally contracted Ben Cavanagh Organised crime Performance measurement improvement Meetings and follow up work with academics and policy team to advise on proposals for future performance measurement of organised crime including recorded crime, victimisation surveys. Ben Cavanagh Title Detail of Proposed Analysis Lead Person Firearm certificates 201415 Annual data collection, quality assurance and publication of statistical bulletin Alasdair Greig Prevalence estimates of problem drug use for 2012/13 To work with ISD and academic experts to revise (using new data from Glasgow) estimates of the prevalence of problem drug use in Scotland in 2012/13. Fiona Fraser Religiously aggravated offending: Analysis of charges under Section 74 Analysis of Section 74 data held by COPFS including data on characteristics of accused and victim, religion targeted, location of incident and the outcome of the charges. Neil Davidson Offensive Behaviour at Football - Analysis of charges under Section 1 of OBFTC Act Analysis of the COPFS data on Section 1 charges. To include analysis of characteristics or accused and victim, nature and location of offensive behaviour and outcome of charge. Neil Davidson Safer Communities Offensive Behaviour at Football - Evaluation of Part 1 of OBFTC Act Continuing project management of the OBFTC evaluation, being undertaken by Stirling Uni. Will be completed in Summer 2015. Ben Cavanagh Threatening Communications: Evaluation of Part 6 of OBFTC Act Research on New Psychoactive Substances Continuing the delivery of the evaluation of part 6 of the OBFTC Act. Will be completed in Summer 2015. Ben Cavanagh To establish the prevalence of use, patterns of use and motivations for use of NPS amongst vulnerable sub groups across Scotland. Isla Wallace Provide quality assurance and contribute to briefing and handling for routine ISD publications on drug use Update analytical briefing note on drugs Provide quality assurance and contribute to the briefing and handling for routine publications, ensuring that the key messages are brought to the attention of policy colleagues and Ministers to inform policy making going forward. Fiona Fraser Update the analytical briefing note on drugs in line with new information published since the last update. Fran Warren Development of a Scottish Drugs Research Agenda To assist with setting up and running an event to establish a drug misuse research agenda for Scotland. Agenda to be launched at ISAM conference in Autumn. Fiona Fraser Report of National Drug Related Deaths Database Provide support to ISD and policy colleagues with quality assuring the NDRDD report and contributing to briefing. Going forward, take part in review of annual NDRDD report to ensure content relevant and best use of ISD resources. Fiona Fraser Scottish Drug Misuse Database reports Work with ISD to ensure that the quality of the data in the SDMD is as good as possible and to improve the structure and content of the SDMD reports. New SDMD dashboard planned for June 2015 - work with ISD to review and consider handling. Fiona Fraser Sectarianism: Up-date of evidence summary on sectarianism in Scotland To update the literature review 'Empirical Evidence on Sectarianism in Scotland', including new analysis from the 2011 Census data. Linzie Liddell Drug seizures 2013-14 Continuation of recent data collection to meet statutory data requirements. Alasdair Greig Assessment of ADP performance measurement frameworks Review 15 of the 30 ADP annual reports to assess the quality of their performance measurement frameworks. Health ASD assessing the other 15. Fiona Fraser / Fran Warren Evidence review: Fear of Crime A review of existing data and research on fear of crime, its causes and effects and how it can be adequately measured. This is to provide context to existing work on reducing crime and why crime has fallen. Neil Davidson SALSUS 2015 To provide analytical support for SALSUS 2015, commenting on draft questionnaires, reports, etc. Fiona Fraser Building Safer Communities Work on aim for the building safer communities programme and will support development of a breakdown of measures to show progress towards that aim. We will work within the Performance theme of the programme to determine what is being measured and delivered at local levels in the project areas, and to establish how JAS can best support neighbourhood profiling and evaluation of activities. Kirsty Bosley Violence evidence review. Updating a previously done evidence review to provide a summary of what evidence exists on the prevalence and nature of different types of violence in Scotland. This will support policy work, and support engagement and funding of other organisations and projects Linzie Liddell Work to establish the best means of deriving prevalence estimates of Problem Drug Use in Scotland There is debate around the best way to estimate the prevalence of problem drug use in Scotland. The work would involve establishing a technical group to discuss and explore the various issues prior to specifying the work for the next round of estimates, due for 2015/16. Fiona Fraser Research on drug misuse and older people Research to find out about the experience of older people misusing drugs in Scotland, what are their needs and how suited are current services to meeting them. Fran Warren Driver diagram and performance framework for problem drug use Work with DPU and stakeholders to develop a driver diagram on problem drug use, and a performance measurement framework to monitor progress towards achieving outcomes over the next few years. May involve chairing an evidence sub group to provide the data required by the Executive Group. Fiona Fraser UKSA Re-assessment of Recorded Crime Completion of the re-assessment of recorded crime. David Smith Analytical Support to the National Naloxone Advisory Group (NNAG) Assist the NNAG with interpreting the statistics required to monitor the success of the programme and to set targets for ADPs. Fiona Fraser / Fran Warren Homicide in Scotland Work with Police Scotland to producing a report on homicide in Scotland in 2014/15 which combines analysis conducted by Police Scotland with context provided by JAS around trends. Katherine Myant Develop and agree a definition of New Psychoactive Substances Improve data sharing and capture on NPS To work with DPU and stakeholders to agree a definition of NPS. Isla Wallace Work with key stakeholders to improve data capture and sharing around NPS. Isla Wallace What works in drug use education? Research is required to identify what works in terms of drug use education. Fiona Fraser Assess the performance framework element of the ADP 3 year plans To assess the performance framework element of 15 of the ADP plans due to be submitted in June. Health Analytical Services to assess the other 15. Fiona Fraser / Fran Warren Improvement practitioner programme Take part in an improvement project to increase the opportunity for people in recovery to access sustained employment. Fiona Fraser Series of briefing papers on topics related to violence Short briefing papers on a number of topics including: potentially to include - what works to reduce crime; location of violence; knife crime profiles and likely interventions to tackle change in profile; alcohol and crime Ben Cavanagh / Linzie Liddell What works to reduce prejudice? PhD internship. 'Review of international evidence of prejudice reduction programmes. Linzie Liddell Static demonstrations understanding their risks and policing needs Potential exploratory research on static demonstrations. This might have a possible link to international evidence about what other EU countries do to handle static demonstrations. Neil Davidson ANNEX – ORGANISATION CHART FOR JULY 2015 JUSTICE ANALYTICAL SERVICES External number is 0131 -244 (ext no) Nicola Edge Head of Justice ASD Ext 44501 Business Support Team B2 - Elaine Brown, Business Manager 40882 B1(TRS) – Willie Hunter, Administration 40874 A3 - Emma Petrie, PA 47100 Safer Communities Analytical Unit C2 - Euan Dick Ext 47408 Head of Safer Communities Justice Analytical Unit C2 - Peter Conlong, Ext 47542 Senior Economist Safer Communities Analytical Unit Community Safety, Knives/violence, Reducing Crime, Drugs/Alcohol, Fire/Resilience, Crime Stats, Sectarianism, Police Organisation, Organised Crime, Defence Research, SCJS C2 Sandy Stewart, Senior Statistician C1 Kirsty Bosley, Analyst &OR C1 Fiona Fraser, Researcher C1 Ben Cavanagh, Researcher C1 David Smith, Statistician C1 Neil Grant, Statistician C1 Katherine Myant, Researcher B3 Linzie Liddell, Researcher B3 Fran Warren, Researcher B3 Alan Sloan, Statistician BFS Trish Brady Campbell, Researcher BFS Brendan Nisbet, Researcher B3 Isla Wallace, Senior Research Officer B2 Neil Davidson, Researcher B2 Alastair Greig, Statistician B1 Alex Reid, Statistician B1 Keith Paterson, Statistician Police Scotland data Fire and Resilience Drugs and Safer Communities Community Safety Crime Statistics Police Reform Police & Fire Reform Safer Communities/Organised Crime Drugs and Safer Communities Crime Statistics Scottish Crime and Justice Survey Police Drugs Misuse Analysis Safer Communities Scottish Crime and Justice Survey Police Strength and Performance Crime Statistics 42825 47447 41626 41602 42402 46176 44085 44729 42541 45459 46598 43512 44648 44949 43707 43649 45241 Justice Analytical Unit MJW, Criminal Proceedings, Victims & Witnesses, Civil Stats, Civil Research/Access to Justice, Reassuring the Public, SCCJR-lead, Reoffending/RRP II, Sex Offending, Offender Management, Sentencing Policy, Reconviction Analysis, CJSW, Prison Population, Law Reform C1 Phillipa Haxton, Statistician C1 Debbie Headrick, Researcher C1 Catherine Bisset, Researcher C1 Elizabeth Fraser, Statistician C1 Michael O’Neill, Economist Criminal Justice Analysis Civil Justice Offender Management & Rehabilitation Prisons Analysis Economic Analysis C1 Jenny Leishman, Statistician Youth Justice B3 Alan Fleming, Statistician Community Sentencing B3 Tamsyn Wilson, Researcher Reducing Reoffending B3 Gilly Diggins, Statistician Criminal Justice Analysis B3 Alasdair Anthony, Statistician Civil Justice /Access to Justice B3 Sacha Rawlence, Researcher Sentencing B2 Eddie Chan, Statistician Civil Justice/Access to Justice B2 Eileen Rospendowski, Data manager Prisons Data B2 Andrew Morgan, Statistician Reconviction Analysis B2 Peter Malek Statistical Administrator A4 Liz Martin, Statistics Support Officer A4 Adele Walls Statistics Support Officer 41673 44737 42983 45908 45913 44297 47768 43842 44905 44373 43675 44931 40085 42595 42927 42931 45428