Training and Assessment Strategy – Primary Industries

Training and Assessment Strategy
Course Duration: 2 years
Delivery Site: X High School
Names of VET Teachers: XXXX
Date of commencement: 2014
Date of conclusion: December 2015
Qualification Code and Title:
This course is from Training Package
CEO Wollongong RTO 90487
AHC20110 Certificate II in Agriculture
2 x 2 year
Qualification Packaging Rules:
2 Core units
15 Elective Units
Unit of Competency
Participate in OHS processes
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Apply chemicals under supervision
Observe and report on weather
Work effectively in the industry
Care for health and welfare of livestock
Install, maintain and repair fencing
Operate tractors
Carry out basic electric fencing operations
Handle livestock using basic techniques
Load and unload livestock
Carry out regular livestock observation
Identify and mark livestock
Assist with feeding in a production system
Prepare livestock for competition
Treat weeds
Participate in workplace communications
Pre/Corequisite Units
Training and Assessment Strategy AHC20110 Certificate II in Agriculture, Feb 2014
Target Audience
Participants in this program are all enrolled in the NSW HSC.
They include students in the 15 – 19 year age group.
Participation is inclusive and may include:
Students completing year 11 & 12 HSC units
School Based Trainees
Students who require literacy and numeracy support
Isolated and rural students and
Students from NESB
Are there School-based Trainees in the
class? ()
 NO
The students may have varied previous experiences in related workplaces and in related areas of school and other studies. They will
therefore bring a variety of background knowledge and skills to the course.
They may have chosen the course to gain:
qualifications leading to further study or employment in this industry
skills that will enhance general employment opportunities
skills as part of a life skills program (for students with special learning needs)
Students with special needs
Students with special education needs may require adjustments to learning and assessment strategies as well as additional time to
demonstrate the required level of competence. Reasonable adjustment should be based upon the individual student’s needs and abilities.
They may require extended time and additional support, both off the job and in the workplace. Reasonable adjustments to delivery and
assessment are appropriate provided they conform to the industry competency standards as expressed in the Training Package.
A copy of the training plan is held on
Are there students with special needs in
the class? ()
 NO
Specific provisions for these students include: (details to be added for individual students and space expanded as appropriate)
Consultation contributing to the development of this Training and Assessment Strategy
This Training and Assessment Strategy has been developed through effective consultation with: industry; delivering VET teachers; school VET coordinators; RTO personnel; regional
personnel; skills council benchmarks; and industry employers/enterprises across the region.
Regular liaison occurs with the work placement service provider, (insert name of provider), and the regional industry consultative group to obtain industry feedback on training, delivery
and assessment, and industry benchmarks.
Feedback is gained from participants at training and assessment validation professional learning workshops, direct from industry during students work placement, informal and formal
discussions regarding student placement, records from work placement, third party employer evidence and evaluations.
Consultation additionally occurs through industry currency visits linking VET teachers with current industry practise and benchmarks for delivery and assessment of the units of
Records of consultation and review are maintained. (insert link to these records)
CEO Wollongong RTO 90487
Training and Assessment Strategy AHC20110 Certificate II in Agriculture, Feb 2014
Training and Assessment Staff
The RTO complies with the latest National Skills Standards Council (NSSC) determination regarding the training and assessment competencies to be held by VET teachers. The RTO
verified the relevant qualifications of each of the VET teachers in its employ who will be delivering AQF qualifications. All newly trained VET teachers placed with the RTO attend an
orientation program. The RTO facilitates a range of opportunities for trained VET teachers to support the maintenance of relevant experience and currency. The Quality Management
System (QMS) contains data for each VET Teacher that includes, records of qualifications, experience and currency for both course content and training and assessment competence
relevant to the units within the qualifications being delivered. (insert link to these records)
This course may be delivered and assessed by an individual VET teacher or in a team approach based on the units of competency being delivered and assessed, and the need for coassessment, where relevant, to meet the latest requirements of the NSSC.
Training and Assessment Arrangements
This course is delivered over XXXXX years and comprises XXXXX hrs of training over that period.
This qualification can be completed through a pathway as described in this strategy or options are available for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
The course comprises face-to-face delivery and a minimum 70 hours of work placement in an industry that can provide experiences related to those included in the course structure.
Delivery and assessment arrangements in the classroom and workplace are set out in the Assessment Plan and Scope and Sequence sections of this document.
Assessment evidence gathering techniques and events include practical tasks, observation, questioning, written activities and may also involve third party reports from work placement
or work in industry. Assessment may be conducted at the delivery site, in simulated work environments, through work placement (where relevant), or through a combination of these
It may be appropriate to include other delivery options from time to time such as distance education, video conferencing, online options, field visits and partnerships with other RTOs.
Partnership arrangements are determined on an individual basis and the formal agreement for the delivery of training and assessment is then retained by the RTO.
Training and Assessment Strategy Review
When there is a change to the Training Package that impacts on this Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS), the RTO Manager will notify relevant staff and a review of the TAS will be
initiated. The Training and Assessment Strategy will also be systematically reviewed and approved to ensure that any organisational resources and industry and student needs that may
change are considered. This systematic review will be performed on an annual basis and any recommended changes will involve discussion with VET teachers, assessors, and the RTO
Management Team. A record of the relevant data, feedback or changes that contribute to the review and its approval will be maintained.
NB: The RTO complies with Australian Quality Standards Authority (ASQA) General Direction: Transition and Teach Out. When there are major changes to the Training Package the RTO
Management Team and VET trainers will review the changes made (in consultation with NSW Board of Studies) and create a plan to transition to the new training package requirements
and cater for teach-out arrangements for students where required.
CEO Wollongong RTO 90487
Training and Assessment Strategy AHC20110 Certificate II in Agriculture, Feb 2014
Information is provided in Board of Studies (BOS) course descriptors prior to enrolment and via the RTO (insert name of document, e.g. Learner Guide) prior to the commencement of
All students who complete these qualifications are provided with advice on employment and training options through the course VET teacher or career specialists.
Mandatory work placement provides real work experiences for the student to determine possible future pathways. Students may pursue higher qualifications through other training
providers or obtain apprenticeships or traineeships through employment.
The xxxxx industries qualifications are flexible to meet a range of jobs and to support a wide range of career pathways. They allow for various entry options, including direct entry at all
qualification levels, and credit transfer between qualifications.
If a qualification is only partly achieved, a Statement of Attainment is issued for successful achievement of single or multiple units of competency. At a later date, a person can undertake
further skill development or training and be assessed against additional competencies until they have achieved all of the competencies required for the full qualification.
Certificates and transcripts are issued on behalf of the RTO by the NSW Board of Studies.
Students can exit at any point and receive a Statement of Attainment for the competencies achieved. (insert implications for the HSC pattern of study, e.g. year 11 receive a ROSA)
Qualification pathway information is (insert specific information here or alternatively leave the reference to the Australian Apprenticeships Training Information Service
CEO Wollongong RTO 90487
Training and Assessment Strategy AHC20110 Certificate II in Agriculture, Feb 2014
Apply chemicals under supervision
Observe and report on weather
Work effectively in the industry
Care for health and welfare of livestock
Install, maintain and repair fencing
Operate tractors
Carry out basic electric fencing operations
Handle livestock using basic techniques
Load and unload livestock
Carry out regular livestock observation
Identify and mark livestock
Assist with feeding in a production system
Prepare livestock for competition
Treat weeds
Participate in workplace communications
CEO Wollongong RTO 90487
Other include the Assessment
event title/ number if
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Third party report
Participate in OHS processes
Role play, oral presentation
Written assignment, Test, Quiz
Units of competency
Oral questioning
Competency codes
Product assessment
Evidence gathering techniques
Observation of practical work
Assessment Plan
Training and Assessment Strategy AHC20110 Certificate II in Agriculture, Feb 2014
Infrastructure, Resources and Equipment
VET teachers and/or students have access to a range of approved resources:
 Staff to assist learners with special needs and RTO support personnel.
 Practice opportunities and assessment opportunities in the workplace.
 Code and title of qualification which provides qualification packaging rules and individual unit of competency detail
 Workcover Authority NSW
 Industry Curriculum Implementation Guides (ICIG) that provides information on resource requirements. Site resource
requirements are as listed in the ICIG checklist.
 NSW Board of Studies syllabus documents and support package which provides information on resources and support for students with special learning needs
 The RTO provides training and assessment materials and tools, version controlled documentation; and links to relevant websites.
 Insert website address for Training package ‘owner’ www.xxxxxxxx
 VET teachers to insert any specific delivery site resources, equipment and/or links they have access to such as ICIG’s., validated training resources, etc.
 If VET teachers use off site resources, they must also provide evidence of an agreement with the resource provider and provide a copy of this agreement to the RTO.
Assessment Validation Process
A systematic approach is taken towards assessment validation. Validation of assessment occurs according to the established Assessment Validation Procedure that references the
Validation Schedule and validation meeting recording tools. Stakeholders in the assessment validation process include RTO management staff, supervisors, VET teachers and, where
possible, industry representatives.
These stakeholders initially discuss and reach agreement about the validity, reliability, fairness and flexibility of the assessment process and assessment tools/instruments; and
subsequently meet, post-assessment, to validate the assessment evidence and the judgements made on the evidence to ensure it is valid, authentic, current and sufficient.
Agreed outcomes from these validation meetings are used to continuously improve all aspects of assessment. Records of validation activities are maintained.
Validation strategies include:
Network validation meetings where common tasks, tools and benchmarks are developed
Validation workshops with a range of stakeholders
In school staff meetings across industry areas
Partnerships with other trainers, mentors and/or industry experts for delivery and assessment
Analysing and comparing work samples to support consistent VET teacher judgement
VET teachers returning to industry to observe and update knowledge of industry standards
Competitions such as WorldSkills
Supervising and assessing students in the workplace where applicable, and acting on employer feedback
CEO Wollongong RTO 90487
Training and Assessment Strategy AHC20110 Certificate II in Agriculture, Feb 2014
SCOPE AND SEQUENCE – AHC20110 Certificate II in Agriculture
Year 11
AHCOHS201A Participate in OHS
AHCWRK204A Work effectively in the
AHCLSK204A Carry out regular
livestock observation
AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals
under supervision
AHCLSK205A Handle livestock using
basic techniques
AHCWRK205A Participate in
workplace communications
AHCLSK202A Care for health and
welfare of livestock
AHCPMG201A Treat weeds
AHCLSK207A Load and unload
AHCLSK206A Identify and mark
AHCWRK201A Observe and report
on weather
AHCLSK316A Prepare livestock for
AHCLSK201A Assist with feeding in a
production system
Year 12
AHCINF202A Install, maintain and
repair fencing
AHCMOM202A Operate tractors
AHCINF201A Carry out basic electric
fencing operations
AHCWRK209A Participate in
environmentally sustainable work
CEO Wollongong RTO 90487
Training and Assessment Strategy AHC20110 Certificate II in Agriculture, Feb 2014