WWCC Course Syllabus Course Identifier: AGPR 110 Year/Quarter: Winter 2013 Course Title: Livestock Production Item Number: 0038 Instructor: Tyler Cox Office Phone: (509)527-4223 Office Hours: 6:30-9:30 daily Office: 1112 Tech Center Email: tyler.cox@wwcc.edu Livestock Production This is a five credit course that meets daily at 7:30 am. The class will be mostly a lecture format with some field trips and guest speakers. Text Book: Scientific Farm Animal Production, Taylor/Field, 2004 8th Edition, Prentice Hall (or the edition the provided at the bookstore) Course Description and Topics: AGPR 110 is an introduction to animal science, the production of livestock, and the basic economics of livestock production. Course topics will be: An overview of the livestock industry and products generated from the industry Market descriptors and classes Reproduction and genetics Development of species Pregnancy and lactation of different species Health and disease/conditions Beef Production Swine production Dairy Production Sheep/Goat production Economics Grading and Homework/Take Home Message: Class attendance and participation will be integral to your learning. Much of your learning will come from your classmates. I expect active participation from students. Grades will be comprised of three components; tests, “Take Home Messages,” and homework/attendance. Grading: There will be two tests, one midterm and one final. Tests will account for 70% of the final grade. “Take home messages” will account for 20% of your final grade as well as tell me how much you are at class and paying attention. General attendance, homework, and participation, especially on field trip and guest speaker days, will make up the last 10% of your grade. A 93% and up A90-92% B+ 88-89% B 83-87% B80-82% C+ 78-79% C 73-77% C70-72% D 60-70% F 60% and below Instructor reserves the right to curve grades. Notice: “Take Home Messages” and homework are due when assigned. No late submissions will be accepted. Cell phones will not be used or heard in class. Disruptions by cell phones will be dealt with by the Dean of Students. Tablets and Computers are for class related use only. Academic integrity: Academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism) will not be tolerated. Please refer to the student handbook for potential consequences. Please attend all classes, on time and prepared to listen to lectures and participate in discussion. Missing class will make getting the knowledge difficult.