Council of Elders Meeting Minutes from Tuesday May 26 th , 2015

Council of Elders Meeting Minutes from Tuesday May 26th, 2015
Present: Pete Tarantino-President, Wayne Piontek-Vice President, Mike ZieglerSecretary, Tim Allen-Elder, Jonathan Misirian – Elder and Lead Pastor, Jim
Schaefer-Elder. Chuck Lamson – Elder was excused.
President Pete Tarantino called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. Elder Tim Allen
gave a devotion from Romans 1:8 regarding our gratefulness for the work that the
Lord is doing at Southbrook Church.
1. The April Finance Report was presented by Treasurer Frank Redovich. The
Council of Elders (hereafter the Council) approved the April Report. The
motion to approve was made by Mike Ziegler and seconded by Tim Allen.
2. Staff Short Term Disability Insurance. Based upon the research provided by
Tim Allen the Council approved the additional church paid benefit of short
term disability insurance to all full time employees of Southbrook Church as
of July 1st 2015. Option A of the handout provided by Tim and prepared by
Infinity Benefit Solutions was the specific option approved. The motion to
approve was made by Tim Allen and seconded by Wayne Piontek.
3. Staff Long Term Disability Insurance. Decision tabled pending staff
4. April Elder meeting minutes. The April minutes where reviewed and
approved. The motion to approve was made by Tim Allen and seconded by
Jim Schaefer.
5. Building Expansion Team update was presented by Wayne Piontek. There
are weekly meeting scheduled with the various construction contractors
and Team members to stay abreast of developments on an ongoing basis.
There is an issue with a wetlands situation on the property that will require
additional expense for the protection of those wetlands.
6. Pastors Report.
7. Lakepointe Church. In a demonstration of support for Lakepointe Church
the Council approved a donation of $1000 from the Elders Discretionary
fund to their building fund to be used for the purchase of a church building
in Muskego. The motion to approve was made by Tim Allen and seconded
by Jim Schaefer.
8. New Elder. Chad Schepp was unanimously accepted as the new elder to
take the place of Mike Ziegler whose term expires as of June 23rd 2015. God
bless you Chad!
Tim Allen closed the meeting with a prayer. The meeting was adjourned at