Activity: Writing the step outline Writing for the Media Assess the two

Activity: Writing the step outline
Writing for the Media
Assess the two step outlines below based on the following criteria:
Written in one or two sentences statements
Written in the present tense
Written in third person
Simple and clear description of what happens in each scene, how it builds and turns
Grabs attention and holds interest to the reader
Descriptions are vivid and clear but language is be economic and precise
Proper character introductions
No question for the reader of what is happening
No dialogue
No camera angles
Steps have to be broken in scenes
Scenes have to be numbered
Steps have to be broken when there is a change of location or time
Step Outline 1
1: John Smith, an old man in a suit is in an empty room playing a dusty piano, the only
light is coming from a single bulb swinging above him.
2: He attempts to play a song but at the key change can never hit it.
3: There are two young children playing at a desolate park, the young Boy is John when
he was 10 and the girl is called Sarah, a perky excited little girl with ponytails. The book
of Love is playing on an old radio.
4: They laugh and joke until Sarah suggest they play hide and seek. John refuses, he
says it seems scary, Sarah talks john around. He closes his eyes and she scurries off.
John counts to 20, albeit missing 13, 15 and 17, and starts looking for her. He stops by
a bush after hearing a giggle, he walks over to bush and starts to open it.
5: John Smith is back at his ripe old age of 83 and still attempting to play the song. He
gives up and picks up a half drunk bottle of whiskey.
6: John Smith is now 25 and sitting at a bar, he is watching a woman sing on the
karaoke with her friends. They continue to sing until they leave the stage to an eruption
of applause. John claps and walks over to the group of girls who have now sat down.
Step Outline 2
Tim Burr, a middle aged former voice-over artist now homeless, sits on a bench.
He has his dingy sleeping blanket on one side and coffee cup on the other side.
He wears a cardboard sign around his neck saying. Close up of sign: ‘I have the
god given gift of voice that can be shared in exchange with a penny of goodwill’ 2. EXT. BUSY STREET - NIGHT
Tim walks among the pavement at night-time looking for a place to sleep. He
bumps into a gang of teenagers who harass, beat-up and mug him.
The next morning, the owner of the house stepped outside and noticed Tim was
sleeping on his porch. He promptly shoos Tim away: “Hey you, get off my porch”
A yuppie man with a camera in hand asked Tim to say a quote after dropping
some money in the cup. Tim said a cheesy American radio style voice-over quote
and thanked him as he walked away.